Daxu, even the most inferior Kilian, is not an existence he can contend against.

Click, click—

As if to bring a shocking effect, the crisp cracking sound continued to sound, and the deep crack gradually expanded. Then, in the solemn eyes of Kurosaki Ichigo and the two, a tall and thin figure slowly emerged from the crack. get out.

"This is Da Xu?!"

Contrary to Kurosaki Ichigo's expectations, Daxu's body size is not large. Compared with a group of low-level delusions, the Daxu in front of him is closer to an ordinary person, with a pale face wearing a half-grim mask, and the corner of his mouth is wearing a mask. With a malicious smile, he is not very big, only about [-] meters in size, like an ordinary teenager.

However, Ichigo Kurosaki would not underestimate the other party because of this. Just the Reiatsu that he exudes far surpasses all the virtuals that Ichigo Kurosaki has seen before, only the one that Rukia first encountered. Daxu can compare.


When Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, appeared, the people around him knelt down on one knee, with extremely respectful expressions, showing their surrender.

After Kaido changed the phantom to 13, the higher-level phantoms have a strong deterrent effect on the lower-level phantoms. If they are powerful enough, they can even be unconditionally lower-level phantoms.

Just like a pyramid-like hierarchy, Kaido is at the top, and under this are the ten blade, Vastord, Achukas and other great virtuals in order.

"This world, I really miss it, I'm back again!"

Daxu, who just appeared, did not immediately attack Kurosaki Ichigo and others, but looked at the boundless city below, opened his hands and closed his eyes slightly, and sighed, his tone was full of nostalgia.

"It's just that I didn't expect that when I first came to life, I met two little bugs. My luck is really good!" After sighing, Da Xu turned his attention to Kurosaki Ichigo Ryo. Human beings are full of cruelty.

Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong, who were watched by Daxu, suddenly felt a chill in their bodies, and felt a cold chill in their hearts, and the whole person was a little chilled.

"Just get rid of you guys!"

There was a cruel smile on the corner of his mouth, and Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, opened his mouth, and a scarlet virtual flash began to condense, surrounded by tiny red lightning intertwined, which was shocking.

- Flicker!

"Killian? It's a little troublesome!"

Rukia, who had been on the sidelines the whole time, could not help frowning at this moment, and whispered to herself, although the mere Kilian-level Daxu was nothing to her, it was a bit difficult to do when she considered that she could not be exposed. .



Looking at the condensed virtual flash, Kurosaki Ichigo and the two couldn't help but break out in a cold sweat, and they couldn't help but despair in their hearts.

boom! ! !

In the desperate eyes of the two, the condensed and formed phantom flashes burst out in an instant, forming a red trajectory, and it rolled towards the two of them mightily.

"Not good!" Seeing this scene, Rukia was startled, and when she moved, she would dodge out to save people.

At this time, Rukia can't care much, even if it is to expose her own situation.


At this moment, Rukia stopped and looked to the other side in surprise, where several not weak Reiatsu suddenly appeared and charged towards this side at an extremely fast speed.

boom -

With the roar of the sky, a figure in black armor rushed towards here at a high speed. With every step in the air, there was a burst of thunder, like a black lightning, and its momentum was extremely shocking.


In less than half a second, the black figure crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, and immediately rushed in front of Kurosaki Ichigo and the others. In the shocking eyes of the two, the black figure indifferently looked at the bomber. Xu flash, the right hand with the glove slaps forward heavily.

Then, in the terrifying eyes of the two, Xu Flash was shot directly and flew out, like a broken line, flying towards the other side.


"It's too exaggerated!"

Seeing this astonishing scene, the two took a deep breath and their expressions were extremely shocked.

Although the two did not have an accurate concept of how strong Daxu was, just from the red light beam, they could feel how terrifying it was.

But he didn't expect that the person who suddenly appeared in front of him would be able to shoot the virtual flash directly with one palm.

This extraordinary scene made both of them feel a little lost.

"Who is it?!"

Rukia frowned and looked at the person who came with a puzzled look on her face.

Although Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuryu Ishida's performance was astonishing, but in Rukia's point of view, it was nothing, not to mention that the other party's spiritual pressure was only close to the vice-captain level at best. Nothing at all.

What really puzzled Rukia was the identity of the other party. It was not easy to have such power.

"Yo, Ichigo Kurosaki, you are really embarrassed now!" At this moment, a hearty voice came from the mouth of the figure in black armor, causing Ichigo Kurosaki's pupils to shrink heavily, and a stunned look appeared on his face again. .

Because this voice is very familiar to him, if there is no accident, it will only be that person.

But will it really be that person?

—— Soon, Kurosaki Ichigo’s doubts were resolved.

In the sight of Kurosaki Ichigo, the figure in black armor slowly lifted the black mask, revealing a heroic and beautiful face.

——It is Ryuzawa Arisawa!


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