This extraordinary scene made both of them feel a little lost.

"Who is it?!"

Rukia frowned and looked at the person who came with a puzzled look on her face.

Although Ichigo Kurosaki and Yuryu Ishida's performance was astonishing, but in Rukia's point of view, it was nothing, not to mention that the other party's spiritual pressure was only close to the vice-captain level at best. Nothing at all.

What really puzzled Rukia was the identity of the other party. It was not easy to have such power.

"Yo, Ichigo Kurosaki, you are really embarrassed now!" At this moment, a hearty voice came from the mouth of the figure in black armor, causing Ichigo Kurosaki's pupils to shrink heavily, and a stunned look appeared on his face again. .

Because this voice is very familiar to him, if there is no accident, it will only be that person.

But will it really be that person?

—— Soon, Kurosaki Ichigo’s doubts were resolved.

In the sight of Kurosaki Ichigo, the figure in black armor slowly lifted the black mask, revealing a heroic and beautiful face.

——It is Ryuzawa Arisawa!


ps: There is a third update in the evening, let's see if we can break out tomorrow!

By the way, children are really annoying. I have to help my cousin to take care of the children for the past two days, and I will be annoying! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-] Easily solved! (third more)

" Zelonggui?!!"

Looking at the pretty face with a sweet smile in front of him, Ichigo Kurosaki couldn't help but widen his eyes with a look of consternation on his face.


Even Ishida Yulong's eyes widened, his expression full of incredible color.

They never thought that the virtual flash that knocked Daxu up would be their classmate, the karate girl in memory.

"Hmph, are you surprised?" Seeing the surprised appearance of the two of them, Yu Ze Longgui's mouth curled into a happy smile, and he was quite proud.

As long ago as Arisawa Ryuki saw the power of Kurosaki Ichigo, he envied him very much. At this time, Arisawa Ryuki, who also mastered the power, naturally had some thoughts of showing off.

"However, I don't have time to explain it to you now, let's deal with the monster in front of me first!" With a sloppy smile, Yuzawa Longgui turned his head and looked at Da Xu, who looked like a young man standing in the sky, and the corner of his mouth raised a stern look. war intent.

"Resolve me!?" The youthful Daxu stared coldly at Yuzawa Longgui, his terrifying eyes with a strong killing intent, "You are so proud of me just by knocking out my Xushan. ?"

Sen's incomparably cold words are like a cold current in the extreme north, with a chill that seems to be able to freeze people's hearts, making people dread.

Of course, this is nothing to Arizawa Ryuki. After Kaido's devil training for a month, Arizawa Ryuki at this time can still keep his face even if he faces the Vastord-level Dao.

The mere size of Kirian's level is not enough to make her fear and fear.

"Kill her!"

Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, had a cold face, then waved his hand and ordered.


As the boy's order fell, all over the sky, hundreds of virtuals let out a roar, and then rushed towards Arisawa Ryugui overwhelmingly. numb.

"Humph, stupid!"

Seeing this, Ryuzawa Arizawa didn't take it seriously, instead he sneered with a mocking look on his face, which made Kurosaki Ichigo and others quite shocked.

Immediately, they understood why this was. They saw a terrible explosion suddenly exploded in the center of the virtual group that had been overwhelming, and the incomparably flaming thunder and light bombs appeared densely, madly shooting the virtual group, only less than After a while, nearly half of the virtuals were directly killed.

Seeing this scene, everyone's eyes widened and they were extremely shocked.

"What's the matter? 々"!"

Even Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, widened his eyes, and his expression was full of inconceivable.

"Oh, it's our turn to appear next!"

At this time, a crisp voice came from the side, with the delicate atmosphere of a young girl, which made people feel heartbroken.

Immediately, everyone saw two streamers in the sky not far away, and they came to everyone in an instant, showing a gorgeous figure.

"This craftsman Chizuru?!!"

"Orihime Inoue?!!"

After seeing the figures of the two, Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yuryu invariably widened their eyes with expressions of shock.

Today, the two of them can be said to be shocked by the succession of events, first the sudden appearance of the phantom group and the terrifying great phantom, and then the mysterious appearance of Arisawa Ryuki and Inoue Orihime.

These kinds of things almost made the two of them suffer a violent impact, and their hearts were full of incredible.

They never imagined that their classmates who were supposed to be ordinary people actually possessed the same power as them, and even the seemingly weak Orihime Inoue had the same powerful power.

"Hey hey...Look at my magic combo!"

Seeing everyone's astonishment, the craftsman Qianhe smiled as if he was cute, and then waved a gorgeous magic wand in his right hand, blasting out dozens of flaming lightnings, blasting towards the remaining virtual group like a torrent.


Just before he had time to let out a wailing sound, one by one was smashed into pieces by the rapid lightning, and he was wiped out without even the strength to resist.

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