"Lonely slashing the shield!"

On the other side, Orihime Inoue didn't stop either, her slender arm stroked her hair and shouted softly, and then a stream of light burst out at an astonishing speed, swiftly slashing through the emptiness, directly slicing it in half, Like an indestructible blade, it is extremely sharp.

In the case of the two joining hands, in just a few seconds, the only dozens of ghosts left were all killed and turned into spirits and dissipated.

This scene saw Kurosaki Ichigo and the two stunned, making them helpless and almost desperate, the virtual group was destroyed like this?

It makes them feel a little unreal.

"This time, you have no help!"

Looking at Da Xu, who looked like a stunned young man, You Ze Longgui said with a contemptuous smile on the corner of his mouth.

"A mere group of ants, how dare you..." Clenching his fists tightly, Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, gritted his teeth, glared at You Ze Longgui and other women, gnashing his teeth.

".々 Despise me!!"

As soon as he finished speaking, before he could move, Youze Longgui's figure disappeared in place like lightning, and then appeared beside him, and a ferocious fist slammed in like lightning.

"It's just contempt for you, so what!"

The fist with terrifying power slammed directly on his abdomen, so that he didn't even have a reaction, and was instantly smashed to the ground, like a cannonball, madly falling to the ground.

"It's not over yet!"

Stepping on the void, Youze Longgui stared coldly at Daxu who fell to the ground, took a deep breath, slightly arched his body, clenched his right fist tightly, and then slammed down with a heavy punch.

boom! ! !

A shock wave visible to the naked eye instantly penetrated down, splitting the atmosphere in an instant, and blasting down the young-looking Daxu.

"Cough cough..."

In the deep pit, clutching the hole in his abdomen, Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, vomited blood, struggled with some difficulty, and wanted to stand up. Although he had a humanoid body, he was only at the level of Kirian. Couldn't stop Aizawa Longgui's serious punch.

At this time, Aizawa Longgui, if it exploded in an all-round way, it would be enough to match the Achukas-level broken face, equivalent to the vice-captain level of the Death God, even if it was just a random punch, it would be able to easily kill Kilian in seconds.

"not good!!"

Immediately, Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, changed his face greatly, seeing the terrifying shock wave falling from the sky, he couldn't help but feel a deep chill in his heart, but he was no longer able to escape.

boom! ! !

Along with the earth-shattering roar, the dust in the sky instantly rose into the sky, filling the surrounding space, making it difficult to see the scene inside.

Disappeared together, as well as the big virtual spiritual pressure.

"Easy solution!"

Feeling the disappearance of Reiatsu, Arisawa Ryuki couldn't help but evoke a beautiful smile, looking extremely beautiful.


ps: Today my cousin's food stall is open, and he has been helping him with childcare. It's really troublesome! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-] The Gate of Hell

"Is this solved?"

Kurosaki Ichigo stared blankly at Daxu who was blasted into the ground, and couldn't help but speak.

"The strength gap is too big, it's not a level at all!" Ishida Yulong couldn't help but sigh, with a lonely look on his face.

This time, the gamble between him and Kurosaki Ichigo could no longer be decided.

It can even be said that this time he lost, if not for the presence of Ze Longgui and others, this time he would have caused a terrible disaster, and I don't know how many people might be swallowed up by Xu.

Therefore, after the female generals such as Arisawa Ryuki and other female generals solved the virtual group, although Ishida Yulong was shocked and jealous, he was more relieved.

"Ichigo Kurosaki, I lost this time!"

Ishida Yulong stood up, the original white robe was stained with stains, and the white face was also a little dirty, and the whole person looked quite embarrassed.

However, even though he looks quite embarrassed, Ishida Yulong's aura has not diminished in the slightest, and he is still as indifferent and cold as before.

However, when he said these words, Ishida Yulong had a rare expression of guilt and regret, which made Kurosaki Ichigo a little moved.

"No, I didn't win this time either!" Kurosaki Ichigo turned his face away and said a little embarrassedly.

"It's just that 860 was lucky to survive because of the blessings of others!"

Speaking of which, Ichigo Kurosaki had a somewhat lonely expression on his face. Even if he was as carefree as Ichigo Kurosaki, seeing several classmates possessing power beyond him still felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, and even had a feeling a little jealous

——This is not surprising, not everyone can be like a saint and don’t care about everything.

Even if Kurosaki Ichigo is the protagonist, with a sunny disposition and kind nature, a trace of jealousy will inevitably arise.

"The strength is stronger than imagined!"

On the tree not far away, Rukia, who was watching everything the whole way, quickly made a judgment, with a strong shock in her heart.

"Comparable to the vice-captain level!"

Originally, Rukia thought that the growth rate of Kurosaki Ichigo was already very fast, but she did not expect that as Kurosaki Ichigo's classmates, the growth rate of Arisawa Ryuki and others was even more exaggerated.

Rukia is not a half-hearted person like Ishida Yulong, she is very clear that Yu Zelonggui and the others were just ordinary people three days ago, and they did not have any extraordinary power.

However, in just three days, several people soared from an ordinary person to a vice-captain. Such an amazing growth rate made her think of Kaido.

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