After all, in Rukia's heart, only Kaido has the ability to make a few ordinary people make earth-shaking changes.

"Hmmm... a mere big bug, it's easy to solve!" The craftsman Qianhe held the skirt in both hands and turned around lightly, with a smug smile on his face, as if the big bug was She killed herself.

"No, it's not over yet!"

However, compared to the proud master craftsman Chizuru, Arisawa Ryuki, who was slowly falling from the sky, had a solemn face and looked at the place filled with thick smoke with some seriousness.

"Huh? It's not over yet?"

Hearing Ryuzawa Arisawa's words, the craftsman Chizuru widened his eyes and asked subconsciously.

It was Kurosaki Ichigo and Ishida Yulong who looked over in surprise, with a deep look of surprise on their faces.

"This breath..."

Rukia's face was sullen, her eyes fixed on the place filled with smoke and dust, and she felt an aura of depression and despair. Just by feeling it, her body trembled involuntarily, as if she was facing a natural enemy.

"Hell?!" Rukia muttered to herself in confusion.


Boom! ! !

As if responding to Rukia's words, terrifying vibrations continued to oscillate, and a looming portal began to rise, and then the dust that had filled the ground was blown away by the breeze, revealing the prototype of the portal.


"Then... what is that!!?"

When he saw the shape of the portal, Rao Yuze Longgui and the others had powerful strength, and he involuntarily took a breath of cold air, and his body swelled (bhff) with a chill.

——This is a dark red portal. The dazzling red seems to be poured from blood, and it is full of a thick bloody smell. Just looking at it, it makes one's scalp tingle; on both sides of the portal, there are A terrifying skeleton body, that hideous bone body, and a hollow head all exude terrifying power.

--Door of hell.

This is the gateway to hell. Only those who have committed horrific and grievous sins in life will appear after death. The purpose is to drag them down to hell and suffer eternal torment.

And the reason why the gate of hell appeared this time is naturally because "hell" perceives the existence of sinful people, so it will appear.

"Sure enough, it is the gate of hell!"

When she really saw the shape of the portal, Rukia lowered her eyes, showing the expression she expected.

As a god of death, and a god of death with powerful strength and status, Rukia naturally knew the existence of the gate of hell.

"Is the appearance of the gate of hell because of that big virtual?" Rukia said to herself.

The only person who can make the sinful person appear at the gate of hell, the only person who may meet the conditions is the Daxu in the form of a teenager.

"That's right!" An indifferent voice sounded beside Rukia, the familiar voice and breath made Rukia's figure soften instantly, and a happy expression appeared on her face.

"Master Kaido!"

Rukia turned her head and saw Kaido appearing beside her, with a slender body standing on a tree, dark golden eyes staring at the gate of hell with interest, with a noble aura all over her body, Every move has a feeling of surrender.


At this time, a shrill scream came, which immediately attracted everyone's attention, and then everyone's faces were horrified.

Then I saw that the incomparably ferocious gate of hell opened quietly, stretched out a terrifying big hand, grabbed the young man with a broken body, but still had a little breath, and made him send out a terrifying miserable expression. cry.


Da Xu, who looked like a teenager, let out a mournful wailing sound. Although he didn't know what hell was like, he instinctively felt the horror in it. At this time, he couldn't help struggling, trying to break free from the big hand.

"It's useless!" Seeing this, Rukia shook her head with a pitying expression on her face.

Not to mention that the other party has lost all his strength at this time and is almost completely disabled. Even if the other party is still at its peak, there is no possibility of resisting the arrest of the gate of hell.

"Hell? I'm interested!"

At this moment, Kaido said suddenly, and then in Rukia's horrified eyes, he rushed towards the gate of hell that had already pulled Daxu into the portal.

It looked like he was going to hell.


Chapter [-] Blast the gates of hell!

"How is this going?!!"

"What is that portal?!"

"It's terrible!"

Looking at Daxu, who was screaming and screaming, everyone couldn't help shivering, and there was a strong sense of fear in their hearts about that portal, and there was a vague sense of awe.

Especially when I saw that big ferocious hand, I couldn't help feeling chills, as if I had encountered a natural enemy, I couldn't help but have the thought of fear.

"What kind of weird thing is this _ ah!"

Rao is the powerful and somewhat swollen Aizawa Longgui, but he also stopped at this time, looking at the gate of hell with a fearful expression, and muttering softly in his mouth.

Although she didn't know what it was, the unease in her heart made her stop, and she didn't dare to do anything lightly.

Even if she knew that this unknown portal was terrifying, it would not be Kaido's opponent, but Aizawa Ryuki didn't want to trouble Kaido too much.

"Hey... What the hell is that? Just looking at it makes me feel extremely cold." On the other side, the craftsman Chizuru couldn't help rubbing his shoulders with both hands, showing a disgusted expression on his face.

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