"..." Inoue Orihime was silent, but turned her head slightly, her delicate and pretty face was a little unbearable, although she knew that the big guilt deserved it, but when she really saw the horrific appearance of the opponent, she Still unbearable.

This is not the Virgin, just seeing the tragic end of the weaker side, and a little unbearable.

"Hmph, although I don't know what that skeleton portal is, but that guy is finished!" Aizawa Longgui crossed his arms, looking at Da Xu who had been dragged into the gate, and said in a leisurely tone.

Even if You Ze Longgui didn't know what the appearance of the Skeleton Portal represented, she knew that once she was pulled in by that big hand, her life would be completely over.


In the time between the few people talking, the big virtual has been pulled into the portal by the big hand, and the chains wrapped around both sides of the portal made a clattering sound, and as the portal gradually closed, it began to wrap around the portal.

'Got to go! '

Seeing this scene, Yu Ze Longgui and the others suddenly condensed their eyes, and their expressions relaxed slightly.

Even if they knew that the strange portal should not do anything to them, just looking at them still made them feel fearful. At this time, they were naturally relieved when they saw that the portal began to close.

"The gate of hell, can you please wait a moment!"

At this moment, an ethereal and indifferent voice came, and in the stunned eyes of everyone, a figure suddenly appeared in front of the portal - as if it had been there all the time - so fast that it was impossible to see how the other party appeared there. There.

"Master Kaido?!"

When the figure appeared, Arizawa Longgui and the others suddenly exclaimed, their eyes widened, full of shock.


Kurosaki Ichigo quietly clenched the Zanpakutō, his body suddenly tense, and he felt a terrible pressure.

Even without the exclamations of Ze Longgui and others, Kurosaki Ichigo could guess the identity of the figure, although looking back, only a slender back and long silver hair could be seen.

But it was this almost iconic long silver hair that allowed Kurosaki Ichigo to accurately recognize the identity of the other party.

After all, there is absolutely no second person in Kakuza Town who can have that long and beautiful silver hair.

"Sure enough!"

Looking at Kaido's figure, Ichigo Kurosaki sighed slightly, and his suspicions about Kaido became heavier and heavier.

Without the presence of Urahara Kisuke, Kurosaki Ichigo would not have doubted Kaido at all, but since meeting with Urahara Kisuke once, Kaido's every move has made Kurosaki Ichigo more suspicious.

"Master Kaido?!"

Compared to Kurosaki's suspicion and fear, Ishida Yuryu was simply shocked.

He never imagined that Kaido also has mysterious powers and looks extremely powerful.


Kaido was naturally unaware of everyone's speculation. At this time, he was facing the gate of hell, his dark golden eyes were watching with interest, and his golden pupils flashed a ray of light from time to time.

"Can you let me go to hell!"

Kaido said in a leisurely tone, as if talking to an old friend, full of leisure and indifference.


For Kaido's words, the gate of hell seemed to be provoked. The chain that had been re-wound made a loud noise, and a terrifying scarlet light filled the entire portal, exuding a terrifying aura.

"Huh, I'm angry!"

Upon seeing this, Kaido was not surprised, but instead showed a look of interest, without the slightest fear.

· · · Flowers 0

"Kaido-sensei seems to have angered the other party!"

Kaido doesn't care, it doesn't mean other people don't care, Arisawa Ryuki and the others stared at the door emitting light in horror, and they all felt a terrifying shudder.


A terrifying roar came from the gate of hell, as if a terrifying beast was roaring, and it was astonishing.


The originally closed door rumbled open again, and a large, hideous hand slowly stretched out and grabbed towards Kaido.

- The hand of hell!

With the power to punish any undead, once caught by it, it will be pulled into the endless hell, suffering endless pain forever, and can never be freed until it completely perishes.


"Just an arm, you want to grab me too?" Kaido tilted his head slightly, a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, as if he was smiling, but the dark golden eyes did not show the slightest smile, but exuded a trace of rust. There is a coldness that makes people tremble.


However, the hand of hell didn't care, and grabbed Kaido directly, pulling him directly into hell. Even if Kaido was not a soul at this time, the gate of hell could still feel the strong feeling from Kaido. Absolutely "sin".

Coupled with Kaido's provocation, the Gate of Hell is a rare first shot at the living.

"Teacher, be careful!"

Seeing that their palms were grabbed towards Kaido, Yuzawa Longgui and several women exclaimed, with worried expressions on their faces.

Even if he has confidence in Kaido, but seeing that palm grabbing towards Kaido, a touch of worry cannot be avoided.


In this regard, Kaido just commented indifferently, and then raised his finger, a dark golden flicker instantly condensed, extremely concentrated, exuding an extremely terrifying aura, the surrounding space even began to distort, extremely amazing.

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