boom! ! !

Along with the terrifying momentum, the dark golden phantom flash burst out, drowned the hand of hell, directly shattered the gate of hell, and blasted into the boundless hell.


ps: My cousin's store has just opened in the past two days, and I was brought in to help look after my daughter. By the way, the three-dimensional child is really annoying. (ノ=Д=)ノ┻━┻.

Chapter [-] Destroy the Guardians of Hell with one blow!

Boom! !

The terrifying fluctuations swept all directions, and in the horrified eyes of everyone, the entire gate of hell was directly smashed, revealing a huge red vortex, and the terrifying breath spread out, making people tremble.


The terrifying suction force keeps surging out of the hole, like a scarlet black hole that can swallow everything, swallowing everything in the world.


Even the descendants of Arisawa Ryuki and others were affected, and the terrible suction made them discolored and resisted with difficulty.

"The gate of hell... was blasted to pieces!"

Rukia stared at the scarlet vortex in a stunned manner, feeling her scalp tingling. As a god of death, she naturally knew the serious consequences of the broken gate of hell.

The door connecting the world and hell is smashed to "two sixty zeros", which will undoubtedly make the power of hell appear in the world. At that time, not only the empty town, but the whole world may be swallowed by hell and reduced to a piece of Destruction Land.

The consequences can be said to be extremely serious.

"What's going on in that cave?!" Kurosaki Ichigo inserted the Zanpakutō directly on the ground, resisting the suction, while looking at the scarlet cave in horror, feeling a burst of terror.

"Oh, it's really domineering, if this goes on, the entire Kongza Town will be swallowed up!"

Standing in front of the cave, Kaido couldn't help sighing as he felt the power of hell released.

Of course, even an overbearing power like hell could not affect Kaido in the slightest. The terrifying suction not only had no effect on it, but also couldn't even lift Kaido's clothes.

"But, the present world is my territory, you can't let it be swallowed by you!" Kaido said, his fingers swiped in the air, and an invisible barrier appeared in an instant, sealing the surrounding space and blocking the power of the entrance to hell. .

"Long Gui, you all go back first!"

After saying a word to Arisawa Ryuki and the others who were looking here, Kaido dodged directly into the entrance of hell and disappeared in front of everyone.


"elder brother!"

Seeing this, You Ze Longgui and the other women couldn't help exclaiming, and a look of worry appeared on their pretty faces.

Although they knew Kaido's strength, they still instinctively worried about Kaido.

"Don't worry, Lord Kaido will be fine!" A crisp voice came from the side, and Rukia walked over with a calm expression, looking at the girls and explained lightly.

"Hell is terrible, but for Lord Kaido, it's nothing!"

Hearing this, Arisawa Ryuki and the others widened their eyes and looked at Rukia in surprise.


"Master Kaido?"

"Who are you!!"

Almost in unison, the three women spoke one after another, staring at Rukia, full of vigilance and vigilance.

For this girl who suddenly appeared, the three girls raised a strong sense of vigilance. Although Rukia's appearance is not top-notch, her figure is not comparable to Inoue Orihime, and she is even petite, with almost nothing attractive.

But the three girls still have a strong sense of vigilance in their hearts - petite body, serious and cute face, every part is in line with Kaido's cuteness - as Kaido's students, they know what type of Kaido likes woman.

Although it is known as full control, there is no doubt that petite girls make him more like——

That is, lolicon!

"Rukia, she is a god of death, and she is also the woman of Lord Kaido!" Facing the question of the three girls, Rukia replied calmly, with a faint smile on her face.

Great enemy!

Looking at Rukia, this thought arose in the hearts of the three girls at the same time. Although they would not do stupid things like infighting, the occasional little competition was unavoidable.

The terrifying aura gradually rose up in the eyes of several women, and even the other two Kurosaki Ichigo were affected, and they couldn't help shivering.


Just as the girls were fighting, Kaido passed through the entrance of hell and set foot on the place of the dead - hell.

"This is hell?"

Kaido stood in the air and looked around. There were countless giant pillars all over the line of sight. They spread all over the ground, forming footholds. From a distance, there was no edge at all, and it was extremely spectacular.

The sky is dim red, and the light is not as dark as imagined. It is not like the legendary hell at all, and there are no evil spirits, torture tools, swords, mountains and seas of fire and the like.

Of course, Kaido, who knows the original book, naturally knows that hell looks so simple.

"Is it to blame?"

Kaido saw the humans standing in countless pillars at a glance, and there was a hint of understanding in his eyes.  …

The culprits are the souls of those who committed great sins in their lifetime who are dragged into hell after death and suffer boundless pain. Here, they will be constantly swallowed up by the guardians of hell, wandering between life and death until the soul Completely collapsed, completely turned to dust.

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