"Hmph, just a bunch of trash that lost themselves!"

Just one glance, Kaido lost interest in it. After countless deaths, these culprits have lost their ego, completely turned into walking dead, and basically become waste.

"Ow ooh..."

At this moment, bursts of terrifying roars came, and in the subconsciously fearful expressions of countless guilty people, huge monsters emerged from the ground, like virtual monsters, with a huge body of dozens of meters, like a building Building like.

The ferocious body stood up from the ground and grabbed towards Kaido. The terrifying eyes were terrifying and frightening.

"The keeper of hell?"

Seeing this, Kaido was not surprised at all, but looked down at them condescendingly.

"A mere group of ants-like beings, if this is used to test me, it would be too underestimated!" Looking up at the boundless sky, Kaido seemed to be asking about a certain existence, his tone was very indifferent.


As if sensing Kaido's contempt, many monsters let out bursts of roars, and the monstrous ones jumped up one after another, rushing towards Kaido who was in the air at 4.2. The huge body was full of visual impact.


Looking at the monster rushing towards his face, Kaido said coldly, his white hands clasped together, a terrifying force gathered between his hands, concentrated, and in just a short moment of time, a terrifying fluctuation was emitted, like a rocket that was about to explode. Like a hydrogen bomb, it made people feel a chill from the bottom of their hearts.

"The stars are collapsing!"

Like a star explosion, endless light and heat enveloped the entire world, and spread out at a speed that exceeded a hundred times the speed of sound, and spread to a range of tens of thousands of meters in just half a second.

Countless hell watchers didn't even have a chance to howl, they were evaporated by the heat and light in the blink of an eye, completely disappeared into this world, and the whole world fell into absolute destruction.


Chapter [-] The Will of Hell!


In the endless destruction, there was a faint humming sound, full of pain.

When everything was over, what appeared was a vacuum, a terrifying heat wave filled the entire space, and all objects within a radius of nearly [-] meters, whether it was a culprit, a keeper of hell, or a column-shaped building, were all destroyed. evaporated.

Even, the entire boundless sky is covered with countless terrifying cracks, like a mirror that is about to shatter, the endless wind of ape-hot is whistling, and the whole world has been affected, and terrifying cracks have appeared. .

This is a terrible blow that can destroy a country and evaporate the entire Japanese archipelago. Its power is so great that it even affects the stability of hell itself.

"How about this blow?"

Doing all this lightly, Kaido stepped into the void, looked at the boundless world, and asked with a light smile.


Kaido is not asking about a certain person, or a certain strong person, but the existence of "Hell" itself.

Yes, as the hell that imprisoned the soul of evil, it has an invisible will and controls the entire hell. The so-called hell watchers are their servants.

If an ordinary person is a god of death, even a 17th-level powerhouse like Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai will still be unable to discover the will of hell. This is not the reason for strength, but the gap between life levels and personalities.

Only when the level of life transcends to another level and becomes a world destroyer who walks the world can he perceive the existence of this invisible will.

For Kaido, the existence of the will of hell cannot be concealed at all. The moment he stepped into hell, Kaido sensed the peeping from the will of hell, and the incomparably thick maliciousness made Kaido quite interested.

That's why Kaido directly destroyed all the guardians of hell, shattering the space of [-] meters with one blow, and almost blowing up the entire hell directly.

As the willpower of hell, the will of hell has also suffered terrible damage after being severely hit by hell, and even shaken to the root.


There was silence all around, and Kaido's words did not get any response. This is a matter of course. Although hell has a will, it does not give birth to a personality, and it cannot directly communicate with living beings, which has great restrictions.

However, Kaido felt an unusual atmosphere in this wordless silence. The whole world was in a terrifying depression. A will full of 'anger' was manifested in this world, and the terrifying power also appeared in this world. Then it appeared--

This is the 'rage' of hell!

Facing Kaido's terrifying blow that shook the entire hell, even the will of hell without a personality produced an emotion called 'anger'.

As a result, the terrifying power began to gather, this is the power of the whole hell, and it began to take shape slowly between heaven and earth.

"Oh?" Kaido screamed in surprise, his dark golden eyes lit up involuntarily, with a strong interest, in front of Kaido's line of sight, a huge giant began to take shape, the height alone is enough to be hundreds of thousands. The meter is huge, with golden light shining all over his body, like a giant of light, exuding a terrifying breath.

At the same time, Kaido also felt the rejection from the surrounding atmosphere, which was the rejection of hell itself.

"Interesting, the power of hell itself?!"

Kaido's eyes shone brightly, the corners of his mouth raised a happy arc, and the whole person began to get excited.

"This is against the world!"

In Kaido's waiting, the huge figure finally condensed out——

This is a monster with a size of hundreds of meters. Its body is covered with ferocious bone spurs. It has a terrifying mask on its face, and its hands are also covered with bone spurs, as if it can destroy everything, exuding a terrible sense of oppression.

The will of hell, manifest!


The terrifying roar shook the entire hell, and this terrifying roar could be heard anywhere, even in the deepest part of the ground.

This is an existence that is completely different from the previous Hell Watchers, even if it is just a roar, it exudes a power that shakes people's hearts.

The giant's will condensed by the power of the world itself is so powerful that it is the most powerful enemy Kaido has ever seen.

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