——Because this is the world itself, if you are an enemy of it, it is equivalent to facing the "world"!

boom! !

The huge will of hell was directly slammed, and the monstrous coercion enveloped the entire space, and the boundless pressure came, and the atmosphere within the radius of [-] meters was directly pierced.

This blow, even the veteran captain has no ability to resist, will be directly crushed into pieces, even unable to escape, its destructive power is huge, enough to smash tens of thousands of meters of land and shatter a city with one blow The terrible consequences were enough to spread to half the continent.


However, in the face of this terrifying punch, Kaido also smiled indifferently, without using any force, he also raised his fist and slammed forward——

In the field of power, Kaido is not afraid of any existence.

boom! ! !

The terrifying collision exploded in an instant. Two disproportionate fists, one big and one small, collided together, and the substantial force instantly swept across the atmosphere for tens of thousands of meters, forming a shock wave visible to the naked eye.

woohoo hoo-

The terrifying gust of wind whistled, and the violent gust swept the whole world. If all the surrounding pillar-shaped buildings had not been destroyed, I am afraid that many of them would be torn apart by the gust of wind.


The will of hell screamed, and the huge body was blasted back several steps. The huge body was like a mountain moving. What was even more shocking was that even with such a huge body, in Kaido's confrontation, 000 fell into absolute disadvantage.

"You can't!"

Kaido shook his head with a look of disdain on his face. The next second he stepped out one step at a time. The whole person instantly surpassed a hundred times the speed of sound. fall.

boom! !

This kick fell like a giant axe to the sky, and the terrifying "force" turned into a substantive shock wave, which slammed directly to the top of Hell's Will.


Feeling the terrifying threat, Hell's Will roared, golden brilliance surged, and then his hands resisted upwards, forming a golden barrier that blocked the shock wave.


The terrifying explosion broke out, the golden barrier shattered instantly, and countless golden fragments flew horizontally, and then the terrifying shock wave directly slammed down the arms of Hell Will, and the huge force even bent the giant's body, causing it to emit There was a roar.

However, even so, the huge body was still intact. This body formed by the power of the entire hell not only had the power to shake mountains and rivers, but also was extremely terrifying in terms of hardness.

Even Kaido's kick is extremely domineering and can easily smash the mountains, but he can't shake the opponent's body.

"Haha... Interesting!"

Seeing this, Kaido laughed, with a rare expression of interest on his face.


Chapter [-] Kaido's true attitude!

How strong is Kaido?

Regardless of ability, spiritual power, or just the physical body, Kaido has reached an extremely terrifying degree of exaggeration.

The terrifying power allows Kaido to easily destroy mountains just by throwing his fists at will, and he can crack the earth and change the terrain with just a single step.If you run seriously, its speed can easily exceed hundreds of times the speed of sound, and it can reach hundreds of times astonishingly under full force.

The mere earth, for today's Kaido, only needs a jump to directly cross.

The so-called superpower, for Kaido, is only to the extent that it can be destroyed by serious fisting. The so-called continent, Kaido can directly tear it apart by stepping on his feet, and when Kaido goes all out, he can even use Pure power moves the entire continent, and if it is reckless, the planet can be destroyed in about half an hour.

This is the pure physical ability, and it is constantly increasing every day, as if it is never-ending, a desperate power.

Possessing such terrifying power, even the giant formed by the will of hell has the power to shake mountains and rivers, and under the power of Kaido, he is losing ground.

boom! !

Kaido raised his leg and swept out in an instant, kicking directly on the giant's right arm, and the terrifying power that could tear the boundless earth surging out, accompanied by a loud noise, slammed the giant's body backwards continuously.

The terrifying gust of wind kept howling, with the terrifying power that could easily tear apart a mountain and blow a city away, turning the surrounding area within [-] meters into an absolute forbidden area for death.

Even the will of hell, under Kaido's power, was at a disadvantage.


The will of hell let out a roar that shook the sky, the huge arms spread out, as if calling for wind and rain, endless blood-colored thunder appeared in the sky, densely intertwined in the air, and the terrifying roar shook the world.


The will of hell slammed his fists heavily, and the blood-colored thunder in the sky rushed out, with the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, slamming towards Kaido.

Thousands of blood-colored thunders erupted in unison, and the terrifying power was enough to instantly destroy a city and wipe out any armed forces in the world.

"Ridiculous 〃'!" Kaido's eyes flashed, reflecting the dense lightning, a disdainful smile twitched at the corner of his mouth, and then he clenched his fist and waved it out.

--boom! !

Like a punch that opened up the world, the terrifying force shattered the atmosphere, sending out a giant shock wave, directly destroying all the thunder in the sky, and slammed the will of hell without changing its momentum.

With the terrifying roar, a terrifying crack appeared in the indestructible body of Hell Will, which was directly smashed by Kaido's punch.

Tear! !

The sky in the distance directly tore a terrible gap, filled with a faint mist, and at the same time, the scars on Hell's Will also disappeared, like super-speed regeneration.

Seeing this, Kaido didn't care. After a period of collision, this situation has occurred many times, and Kaido has long understood the nature of giants. As the power that condenses the entire hell, the giant itself is A being connected to hell.

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