——The power of the giant is equivalent to hell itself. The power generated by each punch is almost equivalent to the attack of hell itself. Although it is not as terrifying as the mass of the whole hell, it is also extremely amazing.

This is also the reason why the will of hell can fight with Kaido, and no matter how much the giant is hit, he can recover by transferring the injury to hell.

Of course, this also has a limit. Every time the injury is transferred, it is equivalent to causing damage to hell. If the limit is exceeded, the entire hell may collapse.

After all, Kaido's attack can shake the world, and it is not so easy to bear.

"It's really hard to beat!"

Looking at the giant recovering from his injuries, Kaido grinned. "But, how many times can you hold on!!?"


As soon as he finished speaking, a terrifying golden beam of light slammed into it in an instant. The speed was extremely fast. It seemed to transcend time and space and hit Kaido directly. The whole person was completely submerged.


Hell's Will roared, the body strode forward, and the huge mountain-like arm was directly raised and slammed. It can be seen that the substantial atmosphere formed a terrible fist pressure.

The entire space was directly imprisoned by invisible pressure, and terrifying power swept in.

This punch brings together the power of the entire hell, this punch is enough to shatter the entire continent——

It was a killing blow.

Boom! !

Like a muffled thunder, the dull sound shook ten directions, rumbled in the entire space, and the endless wind roared out, sweeping half of the hell in an instant.

At this moment, I don't know how many culprits were affected, their bodies were torn into countless pieces, and I don't know how many buildings were smashed.

If this punch appeared in the outside world, it would be enough to directly penetrate the entire Asian continent, causing a devastating disaster.

However, even such a terrifying punch, even a sure-kill punch that contained the power of the entire hell, was still taken by a small palm.

".々The strength is not bad!" Kaido, who showed his body in the infinite heat and was completely unscathed, raised his hand to resist the fist of Hell's Will, and commented indifferently.

"It's just that, at this level, it's still a long way off!"

The voice fell, and Kaido's body began to swell up——

literal meaning.

It's not an adjective, but it's really expanding, like it's gigantic, Kaido's body is rapidly increasing, and his body is gradually becoming stronger and stronger, and the terrifying muscles like a knot taut his clothes, A pair of ferocious horns began to appear on Kaido's head, the long silver hair also turned into fluffy black hair, and the scarlet eyes flashed with horror and violence.

——It’s not so much that it is huge, it is better to say that this is Kaido’s real body, and it is only at this moment that he shows his true form.

This is a terrifying demon god, with a body of almost ten feet, ferocious eyes, and extremely strong arms. Even though his size is far less than that of a giant formed by the will of hell, his imposing manner is It is overwhelmingly powerful, and just standing there makes people tremble like despair.

Seeing Kaido like this, a hint of surprise appeared on Hell Will's face.

"Are you surprised?!" Kaido tilted his head and said lightly, his majestic voice was like a muffled thunder, shaking people's hearts.

"This is my original posture, and it is the posture that I show [-]% of my strength!"

Kaido's eyes shone with terrifying red light, and his voice roared like thunder.

"See the despair!"

After that, Kaido flew out the huge body of a giant hundreds of meters.


ps: There are two updates today, and it will take about a week or so to recover! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-]: Crushing and Devouring!

Boom! !

The earth-shattering roar sounded, and the huge giant hundreds of meters was thrown away thousands of meters away.

"Long-lost comfort!"

Looking at the will of hell falling into the distance, Kaido did not choose to pursue the victory, but moved his powerful body, feeling the terrifying power in his body that could shatter the world.

"Power has become stronger!"

In just an instant, Kaido grasped everything about himself and understood the limit of his power.

Move continents, shake planets.

This is the unrivaled physical strength, pure to the extreme, just throwing a fist can blow everything up.

"One breath, crush you!"

Kaido raised his head, a pair of big scarlet eyes spanned a distance of tens of thousands of meters, staring at the giant falling into the depths of hell, flashing a thick color of tyranny, stemming from the killing and destruction of blood, let He had an urge to tear him apart.


A huge explosion exploded, shaking the world within tens of thousands of meters. Kaido turned into a meteor at this time, whistling the atmosphere and rushing towards Hell's Will, and behind him, the white clouds formed a long cloud, which was far beyond. effects of the speed of sound.

At this time, Kaido chased after him at an extremely astonishing speed. In just half a second, at 920 hours, he crossed a distance of tens of thousands of meters.

In the depths of hell, strange lotus-shaped buildings stand between the seas, looking quite in condition.

This is the junction with the deepest point of hell. Under the ocean, is the deepest point of hell. There is the grave of the blamer, and it is also the site of some powerful blamers. They hide here, escaping the pursuit of the guardians of hell.


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