Even if that person had an extraordinary relationship with his mother, there would be no hesitation.

"Ichigo Kurosaki!"

At this moment, a playful voice came, making Kurosaki Ichigo stagnate, then turned his head to look in the direction of the voice.

"It's you!"

I saw that in the alley not far ahead, Urahara Kisuke, wearing a dark green coat and a green striped hat, was leaning there, swinging a folding fan in his hand, staring at him.

"Long time no see! You seem to be confused!" Shaking the folding fan, Urahara Kisuke's eyes were meaningful and full of deep light.

"Let me tell you the answer!"

"What do you mean!"

Hearing this, Ichigo Kurosaki was shocked and looked at the man in front of him with vigilance. Even if he was suspicious of Kaido, it did not mean that Ichigo Kurosaki would believe Urahara Kisuke. Quite apprehensive.

"Vigilance is good!" A quiet voice came from his ear, and a folding fan pressed against Kurosaki Ichigo's waist, causing his body to froze. He couldn't help but widen his eyes, his expression full of horror.


Kurosaki Ichigo widened his eyes and looked forward in amazement. There, Urahara Kisuke, who was supposed to be leaning on, disappeared for some time, and quietly appeared behind him.

Such a speed was completely beyond Kurosaki Ichigo's imagination, making him unable to react at all.

'Such strength is too exaggerated! '

Kurosaki Ichigo broke down in a cold sweat, but he couldn't help but sigh in relief, and the whole person was not so nervous.

With such a terrifying strength, it would not be too easy to take his life, even if the other party is willing, he is already dead by now!

"Got it, Ichigo Kurosaki!" Kisuke Urahara's voice came in his ears, with an inexplicable magic power, making Ichigo Kurosaki's heart tremble.

"If I want to harm you, you can't resist at all, so you don't have to be so vigilant!" Putting down the folding fan, Urahara Kisuke walked over to Kurosaki Ichigo and said indifferently.

"If you want to know about your father, just come with me!" After that, Urahara Kisuke walked forward without looking back, leaving behind Kurosaki Ichigo who looked hesitant.

"Come on!"

Gritting his teeth, Ichigo Kurosaki chose to follow. Although the other party was mysterious and his purpose made him vigilant, Ichigo Kurosaki chose to follow.

After walking through the streets and through the many alleys, what appeared in front of Kurosaki Ichigo was a dilapidated grocery store.

The store displayed some old products, which looked like low-quality groceries. The whole grocery store was also full of dust and spider silk, as if it had not been cleaned for a long time.

Ichigo Kurosaki frowned upon seeing this messy shop, and felt a little unhappy in his heart-although Ichigo Kurosaki did not have a habit of cleanliness, he still had an instinctive rejection of the messy environment.

But soon, Kurosaki Ichigo didn't feel disgusted, but his eyes widened, looking at the figure walking out of the grocery store in astonishment, his face was full of shock.


Yes, the figure walking out of the grocery store was Ichigo Kurosaki's missing father, who had been in a vegetative state for more than five years.

Even after six years, Kurosaki Ichigo knew exactly what Kurosaki Isshin looked like, so he asked in disbelief for the first time.

"I'll leave it to you here!" Shaking the folding fan lightly, Urahara Kisuke smiled and walked slowly to another place, leaving the seat to Kurosaki Ichigo and the others.

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"Dad, are you saying that Kaido caused all this?!" At the door of the grocery store, Ichigo Kurosaki shouted in disbelief, his face full of anger.

Just now, Kurosaki Ichigo told Kurosaki Ichigo everything and let him know the truth - no doubt, this made Kurosaki Ichigo extremely angry.

"It's all that bastard Kaido!" Kurosaki Ichigo clenched his fists, his face filled with suppressed anger, hating Kaido extremely.

If Urahara Kisuke's words just made him suspicious, then the man in front of him, his father, would definitely not be able to deceive him.

It was the man who tore down his family and took away his mother.


"Although I hate that man very much, I wish he died sooner, but I have to admit that the strength of that monster is indeed unmatched." Hearing Ichigo Kurosaki's words, Kurosaki couldn't help sighing, the corners of his mouth sighed. Extremely bitter.

As a former captain-level death god, Kurosaki Isshin's strength, even if placed in the thirteenth, after excluding the strength of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, can be said to be one of the best existences, and naturally has the corresponding eyesight and analytical ability.

Naturally know how terrifying and desperate Kaido's power is, a real monster, an unmatched natural disaster.

"Therefore, Ichigo, we need your strength!" Having said that, Kurosaki Yixin grabbed Kurosaki Ichigo's shoulders with both hands, and said with a serious face.

"Power?! Let me deal with that monster?"

Kurosaki Ichigo couldn't help but widened his eyes and said in an unbelievable tone.

Even if he didn't know the specific strength of the opponent, but just raised his hand from the opponent and smashed the door, naturally he had great hostility towards Kaido.

"Yes, Ichigo, you have a very terrifying power in your body, as long as you can wake it up, otherwise, the other party will become extremely terrifying."

Kurosaki Isshin's face was serious and heavy, looking at Kurosaki Ichigo with anticipation in his eyes.

"No Moon!"

"This is the bloom of your full potential and your true strength!"

"Ichigo, when you can truly awaken Wuyue, you will be qualified to fight against that monster.


Chapter [-] Arrest Rukia!

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