Soul World, Jingling Court, forty-six rooms in the center.

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stood in the center of the venue with a serious face, surrounded by many seats in a circle, forming a large conference room.

There were forty-six figures sitting on the seats, males and females, all middle-aged and even old people without exception, with cold eyes flashing in their eyes.

The forty-six sages in the center were formed by the nobles of the corpse and soul world. They formed the central forty-six rooms and had the highest rights in the corpse and soul world. Even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai could not disobey the orders they gave.

"The third seat of the thirteenth division, Kuchiki Rukia, even dared to impart the power of death to ordinary humans, this is a serious crime, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, I will order you to send the captain to arrest him and give him a bipolar punishment. !" The sage sitting in the center of the room knocked on the table and ordered to Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai in a deep voice.

"Katsuki Rukia "Nine Sanqi"? Bipolar Punishment!!?" Hearing this, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who was standing in the center of the venue, suddenly widened his eyes, his palms holding the crutches suddenly tightened, and his face became serious Incomparable.

"Do you know who Kuchiki Rukia belongs to? Once you do it, it will cause that person's anger!"

"Who of you can bear the consequences?"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's voice was full of seriousness and anger. No one knew the power of that monster better than him. After fighting twice before and after, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai already knew that there was no power in Jingling Court that could resist the opponent.

Once the anger of the other party is aroused, Jingling Court will only be destroyed.

Therefore, even the serious and old-fashioned Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai wants to block the decision of the central forty-sixth room for the first time.

"Don't worry, we have already thought of the consequences."

In the face of Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai's questioning, the leading sage said indifferently, his expression did not fluctuate at all, as if he was not worried about the monster that nearly destroyed the Jingling Court twice.

"And also prepared the corresponding trump card, if the other party really appears, I will also be sure to contend!" He said like this, with a confident look.

"Stupid, what trump card can fight against that monster!? Do you want to destroy Jingling Court?!!" In response, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai directly scolded.

Even in the central forty-six room, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has no intention of being afraid.

"Hmph, Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai, this is an order from me and the forty-sixth room of the Central Committee, don't you want to disobey!?" Hearing Yamamoto Yuanliuzhai's anger, the leading sage suddenly became angry.

Although the sages around did not speak, their dissatisfied eyes clearly expressed their meaning, which made Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai extremely angry, but helpless.

The power of the Central Forty-six Chambers is too great. It is organized by the entire noble class of Jingling Court and has absolute control over the entire Jingling Court. Under this network of power, even the four nobles can only There was silence, even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai couldn't defy it.

Just like now, even if Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai has the terrifying strength to destroy the Soul World and overturn the entire Jingling Court, he is still helpless.

After all, with an old-fashioned personality, it is impossible for him to disobey the orders of the Central Forty-sixth Room.

"You will regret it!"

In the end, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai left these words coldly, turned and walked out of the dimly lit conference room.

"Hehe, everything is ready!"

Not long after Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai left, a voice with a faint smile suddenly sounded, echoing throughout the conference room, but all the sages were expressionless, as if they didn't hear it at all, which made people feel a little creepy.


First team, captain meeting room.

"The above is all the situation, do you understand!"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai stood in the first place and said to the assembled captains with a serious face.


However, there was no sound in the entire conference room, an extremely solemn atmosphere filled the room, and everyone's faces were full of stunned expressions, full of incredible colors.

Whether it was the unbelievable Kyoraku Chunsui and the others, or Kuchiki Byakuya who rarely showed surprise, or the meaningful Aizen and the fanatical Zaragi Kenpachi, everyone was speechless.

"Mr. Yuanliuzhai, is this true? The forty-sixth room in the central office really issued such an order?" After a long time, Shirou Ukitake broke the silence and stood up first, asking excitedly.

"In this case, how will Jinglingting face that person?"

"If you are a little careless, the entire Jingling Court may be destroyed by that person! Why give such an order!"

Shirou Ukitake's appearance was very excited, and it could even be regarded as questioning Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, but the captains present did not feel wrong...  

After all, the opponents this time are no better than others, even if they have experienced a hundred battles, facing the monster, they are also cowardly for a while, and they have no courage to fight at all.

Even the arrogant Zaraki Kenpachi didn't speak out immediately, even he knew how much courage and strength it would take to fight against that monster.

"Yes, old man Shan, this is not a trivial matter. Even if the Central Forty-sixth Office issued such an order, it can be forcibly rejected!" At this time, Jingle Chunshui also said, his expression was not in the usual tone. when.

"It's useless, the Central Forty-sixth Office has issued a death order, and the task must be completed." Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai shook his head, ruthlessly breaking everyone's illusions.

"With all due respect, this is a death sentence!" Nie Yuli said mercilessly, with a strong mocking look on his face, "It's simply stupid."

This sentence is mocking the Central Forty-six Room and Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

"It's settled like this, who are you going?"

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai was silent for a while, and instead of scolding Nie Yuli, he said these words lightly.


Hearing this, many captains were silent for a while. Under such circumstances, they did not dare to take action. If they accidentally caused Kaido's anger, it would really be shattered.

"I'll go!"

At this time, Kuchiki Byakuya stood up and said with a blank expression, his tone was extremely indifferent.

2.1 'Byakuya Kuchiki! '

Seeing Kuchiki Byakuya standing up, everyone couldn't help but narrow their eyes, but there was no big surprise in their hearts, instead they showed such an expression as expected.

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