Knowing Kuchiki Byakuya's character, they naturally know that Kuchiki Byakuya's pride will never let Kuchiki Rukia act.

After all, that tarnished the honor of the Kuchiki family and was absolutely not allowed, but what they didn't expect was that Kuchiki Byakuya really dared to shoot.

"Rukia committed a big crime, tarnished the glory of the Kuchiki family, and must be punished!"

He said so, his tone full of firmness and coldness.

"it is good!"

When Kuchiki Rukia was about to be arrested and sentenced to bipolar punishment, the entire Jingling Court suddenly caused an uproar.


The four hundred and twentieth chapters of the two attacked

Night falls, and the waning moon is in the sky.

Somewhere in Kakuza Town, a rich white light shone, illuminating the dark street, and a retro portal appeared in the light and opened silently.

"This is the present world?!"

Two slender figures stepped out of the portal and stood on the ground. One of them had a red ponytail and tattoos on his face. The young man who looked like a bad boy said, looking around the surrounding environment with curiosity.

It was the first time he came to the world, so he was naturally a little curious.

"Is Rukia in this city?"

This red-haired delinquent young man was obviously Renji Asanjing, and the indifferent young man beside him was still Kuchiki Byakuya.

"I sensed her spiritual pressure, let's go!"

Kuchiki Byakuya didn't reply, but closed his eyes indifferently, sensing the city's spiritual pressure fluctuations, then he opened his eyes, said calmly, and immediately disappeared in place.

"Ah? Yes, Captain!"

A Sanjing Renji, who was looking around, was taken aback for a moment, and she couldn't react, and then quickly responded, catching up quickly.

At this time, the Kurosaki house on the other side. 16

"Where did that fellow Kurosaki Ichigo go?!" Sitting cross-legged on the roof of Kurosaki's house, Rukia Kuchiki frowned and said angrily.

Today, after being separated from Ryuki Arisawa and others, when Rukia came to Kurosaki's house again, she didn't see Ichigo Kurosaki, and she couldn't even sense his spiritual pressure, which made Rukia feel uneasy. .

The cold moonlight fell from the sky, shining on Rukia's body. The white clothes reflected the soft light in the moonlight, like a goddess of the world, with a dreamlike feeling.

"There is an ominous foreboding!"

Rukia frowned and couldn't help sighing. The unease that came from the bottom of her heart made Rukia a little irritable, especially since there was no news from Kaido until now, it made her extremely worried.

Even though she knew Kaido's strength did not need her to worry, Rukia was still a little uneasy.


At this moment, Rukia's face changed, her eyes widened and she looked in another direction, full of shock.

"These two spiritual pressures... eldest brother and Renji?"

Although the fluctuation of Reiatsu was not obvious, it was impossible for Rukia to not feel the presence of a captain and a vice-captain.

"How did they come to this world? Is it because of me?"

With a murmur in her mouth, Rukia frowned tightly, almost twisting together.

In addition to performing some specific tasks, it is only possible because of her that a strong person with more than two vice-captains can appear in this world.

After all, imparting the power of the god of death to human beings is a big sin in the soul world, and it is entirely possible that a captain will be dispatched to hunt her down.

"Go and have a look!" Rukia stood up, with a solemn look on her delicate face, and then disappeared in place.

"Are the people from the Soul Society here!"

Just as Rukia dodged away, on the sofa in the living room, Masaki Kurosaki raised his head, looked in Rukia's direction, and said in a low voice.

With her strength, it is impossible not to discover Rukia's existence, and the reason why she didn't say it was only because Kaido specially explained it.


The wind was blowing, and in the dark sky, two figures stepped on the void and rushed towards the Kurosaki house at high speed.

'Rukia...why do you do this, why do you want to give power to a human! ' Galloping in the air, Asanjing Renji gritted his teeth, with a bit of grimness and pain on his face.

He knew that if Rukia was brought back to the Soul Realm, there would only be a dead end for her. Facing the behemoth of Jingling Court, even if Rukia was not weak, it would be useless.

As for him, in the face of this situation, he can only watch the person he likes being sent to the execution platform, but he has no strength or courage to resist.

'It really sucks! '

Asanjing Renji said bitterly in her heart.He thought of Kaido. Compared to him who was powerless to resist Jingling Court, that desperately strong monster might be Rukia's best choice.


Just when Asanjing Renji was thinking, Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came from the side, which made Asanjing Renji look shocked, and then stopped, before he could speak, Kuchiki Byakuya's voice came. Come.


The familiar name made Asanjing Renji's eyes widen, and she looked over with a complicated expression. She saw Rukia, a petite body in white clothes, standing in front of them. Big eyes stared straight at them.

"It's you, Rukia!"

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