Asanjing Renji looked at Rukia's pretty face with a complicated expression, and couldn't help saying.

"Big brother, Renji, how did you come to this world?"

With her hands on her back, Rukia asked softly without changing her expression.

Even if she vaguely guessed their purpose, Rukia did not ask directly, but said as usual.

"Kuchiki Rukia, you violated the rules of the Soul Society and imparted the power of death to ordinary people without authorization. The Central Forty-sixth Room ordered me to wait for you to arrest you!" Kuchiki Byakuya asked about Rukia's question. His face was as cold as ice, and his tone was extremely cold, as if there was no trace of emotion.

"And punished with bipolar!"

Kuchiki Byakuya's indifferent words made Rukia's body shake, and her face was a bit complicated and bitter, "You... as expected, you came here for this reason!"

"It's just that Central Forty-six Room or Jingling Court, do you have the strength and courage to bear the consequences?"

"Can you withstand that man's anger?"

Rukia's eyes became sharp, her eyes were extremely sharp, she looked directly at Byakuya Kuchiki and said with a sonorous voice.

Even if I respect Kuchiki Byakuya, it doesn't mean that Rukia is someone who just sits still.

"...Rukia, the Central Room 843 has already issued a death order, and you must take [-] back!" Hearing Rukia say this, Asanjing Renji's face darkened, and then he said with a painful expression.

"Heh... It seems that the Central Forty-sixth Room has already prepared the consequences of the destruction of the Jingling Court!" Hearing this, Rukia couldn't help mocking.

As Kaido's woman, Rukia knows how domineering the other party is. Once he is informed of this situation, I am afraid that the entire Soul Society will be overturned.

That man is so domineering and powerful.

"Don't worry, the central forty-sixth room has the trump card against that person!" Kuchiki Byakuya said indifferently, and then slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō around his waist and pointed at Rukia.

"Rukia, I know that you are very strong and have reached the level of a general captain, but this time you have tarnished the honor of the Kuchiki family and must be punished!"

"Let's scatter, Senbon Sakura!"

In the shocked eyes of Rukia and Asanei Renji, the cherry blossoms scattered all over the sky, charging towards Rukia with a terrifying edge.


Ps: Hey!

The recent update is extremely unstable, this is my fault, I haven't dared to read book reviews recently, and I don't know if anyone is biting me! (sadly)

But it will be fine tomorrow. Tomorrow my cousin's child will be sent back to his hometown, and I will follow along. Once sent back, I will be able to update normally.

It is expected that the update will be resumed the day after tomorrow, and it will be updated three or four times a day! .

Chapter [-]: The Return of Kaido!


The originally dim red sky was now covered by terrifying darkness, and layers of dark clouds covered the entire sky, like endless mountain peaks, with a terrifying sense of oppression.

Boom! ! !

The terrifying blood-colored thunder flashed across the sky, making a terrifying sound that shook the sky and the earth, densely packed and extremely terrifying.

clack clack...

The sound of dense cracks resounded everywhere, and in the vast ground, one after another terrifying cracks burst out, shattering the original whole earth and turning it into huge floating land blocks.

The terrifying pitch-black wind howled between the heavens and the earth, blowing the giant buildings into pieces, and the whole hell seemed to be in ruin, like the end of the day.


The low-pitched roaring and roaring continued, and the huge guardians of hell, like ants in the wind, were easily torn apart in the terrifying gale, countless culprits were also smashed by terrifying power, and their souls were completely shattered. .

Located in the deepest part of hell, Kaido's incomparably huge body stepped on the will of hell, and the terrifying darkness drowned the body of the will of hell, devouring his power, like a bottomless black hole.

After ten days of devouring, it was obvious to the naked eye that the incomparably huge body had been reduced to less than one-tenth, and its strength had been exhausted to the extreme, and it was no longer able to resist Kaido.

"This world has entered into destruction!"

The ferocious red eyes stared indifferently at the collapsed world, Kaido said with an expressionless face, a terrifying and incomparable sense of oppression emanating from him, as if facing the unparalleled demon god, making people fear and awe.

The body of the will of hell is condensed from the power of the entire hell. At this time, Kaido is devouring the existence of the other party, which is to seize the original power of the entire hell, which is undoubtedly destroying the foundation of hell.

If it wasn't for the will of hell being suppressed by Kaido and unable to resist, he would have been desperately fighting with Kaido at this time.

Kaido's power to devour the origin of hell will undoubtedly bring the entire hell to destruction.

- This is destroying the world!

"Don't break, don't stand, break and then stand~'!"

Looking at the collapsed world with cold eyes, Kaido spit out a word coldly, and then ignored it, but the power of devouring was so great that in just a few seconds, the body of Hell Will was completely devoured.


Kaido raised his head to the sky and let out a terrifying roar, and unparalleled terrifying fluctuations radiated out, which was much stronger than before. Obviously, the power that devoured the will of hell gave Kaido a lot of benefits.

boom! ! !

At the moment when the will of hell disappeared completely, a terrifying vibration resounded through hell, and the dense terrifying cracks quickly filled the whole world, like a mirror that was about to shatter, almost collapsing.

The earth collapsed, the sky split open, chaotic and terrible forces raged in the world, and the world was completely destroyed.

It doesn't take a moment or three, the entire hell will be completely destroyed, forming a terrifying chaotic zone, and no one can get close.

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