"Yes! Lord Kaido!"

Sakuya said respectfully.


Soul World, Repentance Palace. (bddf)

In the quiet prison, Rukia was dressed in white, with a soft beauty that was different from the past. Her slender hands were in shackles, and she knelt on the floor with a calm face, her eyes staring at the moon that came in from the window. thinking about something.

In the battle against Byakuya Kuchiki in the present world, although Rukia fought with all her strength and showed a terrifying strength that is not weaker than the ordinary captain, she was defeated by Byakuya Kuchiki.

Not only because Kuchiki Byakuya's strength can be regarded as a mid-level among many captains, surpassing the average captain, but also because Kuchiki Byakuya has no restrictions.

Although generally speaking, if the vice-captain and above go to the world, the Reiatsu needs to be limited to one-fifth of the level, so as not to cause too much damage to the world.

However, in consideration of Rukia's identity, the central forty-sixth room did not limit Byakuya Kuchiki's strength for the sake of safety.Therefore, under Kuchiki Byakuya's sworn solution, Rukia was defeated.

This is not surprising, after all, Rukia has not yet mastered the solution, and the combat experience is far less powerful than Kuchiki Byakuya.

"Da da da……"

While Rukia was contemplating, the sound of crisp footsteps came from outside the prison, which caught Rukia's attention.


she asked, her cold voice echoing around her.

Because she was ordered to be executed by the forty-sixth room of the central government, other than Hana Lie Uno and others, those friends who had gotten along well in the past never came to visit her once after she was arrested and returned.

Although it may be because of avoiding suspicion or because of fear of being implicated, there is no doubt that their actions have made Rukia blacklist them.


A familiar voice came, and what caught Rukia's eyes was the familiar face of Asanei Renji.

"Renji? Why are you here!" Rukia's face showed a look of surprise when she saw the person who came, as if she didn't expect Asanjing Renji to come here.

"Before your execution, let's see you!" Looking at Rukia, Asanjing Renji said with a complicated expression.

"Execution?" Rukia had a strange look on her face, looked at Renji Asanjing, and smiled lightly.

"With him around, the so-called execution is just a joke!"

"The world of corpses will also pay for it!"

She said this, with an unprecedented firmness on her face, firmly believing that Kaido would come to save her.

Smash the so-called executions under the highly anticipated circumstances.


Chapter [-]: A Sanjing Renji who is dying

"Do you still think he will appear?" Hearing this, Renji Asanjing frowned, looking at Rukia coldly, mocking mercilessly


"It's been ten days, and it's been ten days since you were caught in the Soul Soul Realm. Even if you're going to be executed tomorrow, that person still hasn't appeared~."

Asanjing Renji said angrily, her voice was full of anger, angering her for being obsessed with ignorance.

"Didn't you see it? That person has given up on you."

From Asanei Renji's point of view, Kaido was afraid of the hidden power in the central forty-six room and had given up on Rukia.

Yes, just after the news of Rukia's execution was released, it caused an uproar in Jingling Court, causing countless gods of death to resist. In their opinion, trying to fight against the terrifying Kaido is undoubtedly asking for his own death. Road, they simply can not accept.

Therefore, in order to appease the restless gods of death, the Central Forty-sixth Room released the news that they had mastered the secret weapon against Kaido and had absolute certainty to kill each other, which barely suppressed the restless gods of death.

After all, after ruling the Jingling Court for nearly a thousand years, the Central Forty-sixth Room still has a very terrifying prestige, and it is still possible to convince a group of ignorant gods of death.

"The forty-sixth room in the central office has already mastered the secret weapon to deal with that person. It is impossible for the person you expected to appear." Asanei Renji said coldly, as if attacking Kaido, and the words were full of words. made a mockery.

The fire of jealousy that was overflowing in his heart was burning heavily, causing A Sanjing Renji's face to show a ferocious look.

He was jealous, jealous of Kaido's easy access to Rukia's heart, jealous of Kaido who still convinced Rukia even at this time.

In the same way, he hated, hated Rukia, hated that she fell in love with a stranger in just a few years.

"Secret weapon?" Rukia raised her head and looked at Renji Asanjing with a ferocious face in surprise. She, who had always been insensitive to this friend in front of her, finally sensed it.

"That's really stupid, Renji Asanjing!" Looking at him, Rukia sarcastically ruthlessly said, with a sneer on her face.

"You don't know him, and you don't know me!"

"Secret weapon? Hehe!"

After mercilessly mocking Asanjing Renji, Rukia slowly closed her eyes and said in a flat tone.

"Asanjing Renji, I just treat you as my friend, and I have never had any other feelings. Please don't do anything that you regret."

After speaking, Rukia ignored Asanjing Renji, and sat there on her knees as always, bathed in the cold moonlight, ignoring Asanjing Renji who was standing in the prison.


Hearing this, Renji Asanjing clenched her fists, her face became extremely ferocious, and her eyes gleaming fiercely when she looked at Rukia.

"Since I can't get your heart, I want to get your people too!"

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