Asanjing Renji said slowly and firmly, his tone was full of ruthlessness and determination, and after being ruthlessly rejected by Rukia, it seemed that he had released the beast in his heart.

"What did you say?" Rukia opened her eyes and looked at Renji Asanjing with a grim face, and said coldly.

"I said, even if I can't get your heart, I'll get your body." Asanjing Renji said with a smile, and then he slowly pulled out the Zanpakutō around his waist, about to cut open the prison. iron fence.

"You're crazy!" Rukia said in discoloration, knowing that she has bound her spiritual power, and now she is weaker than an ordinary god of death. Facing the deputy captain-level strength of Renji Asanjing, there is no resistance at all. force.

"I'm crazy? Maybe!" Asanjing Rinji replied indifferently, holding the Zanpakutō in his hand, and staring at Rukia's petite body unscrupulously.

Even if there is no spring light, not even a trace of skin is exposed, but there is still a burst of lust in Asanjing Renji's heart.

There is no doubt that Asanjing Renji likes Rukia. This feeling has existed since the first time the two met, and it has been so many decades until now, so that even Rukia is extremely barren. He still seems to have a great deal of charisma.

"Hmph, I misread you." Rukia snorted coldly, her eyes revealing a hint of resentment. She never thought that at this time, her best friend had also betrayed her, and she had to deal with it. By doing such a thing, she is undoubtedly blasphemy.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·??????

"Perhaps, this is my nature!" Asanjing Renji said calmly, and he won't regret it until now.

Immediately, he grabbed the Zanpakutō in his hand and was about to cut open the iron fence.

"Who gave you the courage?"

However, just as he was about to slash down with the knife, an indifferent voice recalled in the surrounding space, causing Asanjing Renji's body to stiffen directly, and a terrifying chill surged into his heart.

"Stupid and humble ants, trying to get your dirty hands to touch things that shouldn't be touched, you should be damned!"

The indifferent voice said slowly, and then a majestic and terrifying pressure surged from the endless void, filling the entire space, filled with suffocating pressure.



Asanjing Renji didn't have time to exclaim, and the terrifying pressure surged in an instant, like an aircraft carrier battleship, it ran over his body in an instant, directly shattering all the bones of his whole body, turning it into a waste.

The unparalleled pain caused Asanjing Renji's eyes to widen, and the dense bloodshot eyes filled his eyes, almost out of his eyes, and a speechless scream came from his mouth, but unfortunately, a mysterious force imprisoned him. He, let him not even scream.

"I won't let you die so easily. I just created the eighteen layers of hell, and the first guest has not visited yet, so you can be one." The indifferent voice said slowly, and then invisible power poured out. , opened a portal behind Asanjing Renji and engulfed it directly.

"Rest assured, for your punishment, you will be tortured in the eighteenth hell forever, until the end of time, the day the world is shattered."

At the moment when Asanjing Renji was about to be completely engulfed, the voice said calmly, making his eyes flash with a thick color of despair.

He already knew the identity of the person who came, or Jingling Court didn't know his identity without the god of death.

King of the Void Circle - Kaido!

Possessing the power to make the whole world tremble, it is the so-called Jingling Court, the so-called thirteenth guarding team, both trembled under it twice.

This man has the most terrifying power in the world.


Chapter [-]: The Terrifying Broken Army

Rukia looked indifferently at Renji Asane, who was engulfed by the gate of hell, without the slightest change in her expression.

As early as when Asanjing Renji showed her desire to her, she sentenced him to death in her heart. At this time, seeing the other party fall into the boundless hell, she would not have any fluctuations, but had a faint pleasure.

Perhaps, following Kaido's side has gradually made her lose her once kind heart and become selfish and indifferent.

This change is not good or bad, but it will undoubtedly make it easier for her to adapt to this cruel world.

"Rukia!" The ethereal voice came, causing Rukia's body to tremble with excitement, she said with a trembling voice. "Master Kaido!"

The petite body trembled with excitement, a blush appeared on the slightly pale face, and the whole person was extremely excited.

"You'll be fine!"

"Six Five Three" Rukia showed a bright smile, and her cute and pretty face was filled with joy.

It is sincere, unreserved, without a trace of false innocence, just like the most beautiful scenery in the world, it is dazzlingly beautiful.

This scene stunned Kaido, who was watching here from a distant world. Even from the other side, he could feel Rukia's fiery love for him.

"Sorry, I wronged you this time."

Kaido's voice sighed slightly, with a hint of guilt, and the gaze that looked at Rukia in the distance softened.

"No, no grievances!" Hearing this, Rukia shook her head, with a beautiful smile on the corner of her mouth, and said, "I believe you will definitely come to save me!"

Even when she was in danger, she was as confident as ever that Kaido would come to save her, never doubting it.

"...Tomorrow, in front of the many gods of death in Jingling Court, I will let them know what will happen to the woman who touches me.

fruit. After being silent for a while, Kaido said slowly, his voice extremely solemn.

"wait for me!"

Leaving the last sentence, Kaido's voice slowly disappeared, leaving Rukia alone in this lonely prison.

"Well, I believe you!"

Rukia laughed, a bright smile on her face.


"Heroes are sad at Beauty Pass!!" Kaido raised his head and sighed slightly as he looked at the moon hanging in the sky.

Even he, a man who was selfish, ruthless, and held a great indifference to everything outside, was still slightly shaken in front of Rukia's fiery love.

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