This temptation is also to find out what Kaido means. After all, Rukia is the woman of the other party. Once something happens, it is inevitable that the other party will not go mad and tear the Jingling Court directly.

"What does he mean? I don't know!" In response, Uzhihualie smiled and said lightly.

"Haha...that's it!" Hearing this, Jingle Chunshui laughed dryly and said nothing.

"It's just a pity for the child Rukia!" On the side, wearing black-rimmed glasses, his face was extremely soft, like a good old man, Aizen sighed helplessly at this time.

"Yeah!" Ukitake Shirou nodded silently, looking at Rukia with a look of pity.

Uzhihualie glanced at Aizen with a smile, and his face was meaningful.

"Liberate Bipolar!"

At this moment, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai smashed his cane heavily, making a dull sound on the ground, and then he said slowly in a low voice.

"Yes, Captain Yamamoto!"

At this time, the ghosts who had been waiting on the side responded, and then several people quickly stepped forward, separated from the bipolar, and began to release the power of the bipolar.

Soon, with everyone's actions, the bipolar in the seal began to slowly break out, and the terrifying power that was extremely hot began to infiltrate, and it was extremely hot, which was extremely shocking.


"What a terrible temperature!"

"It's almost as good as the captain's Shijie!"

In the shocked eyes of many captains, a terrifying flame spread out from the bipolar, dyeing the entire space into a crimson color, and the raging flames formed a terrifying sea of ​​fire. Liu's first solution.


A high-pitched and sharp cry sounded, and the sound shook all directions. In the eyes of many captains, a huge flaming bird emerged from the fire, and its whole body was composed of terrifying flames, like a phoenix.

"This is……"

"The true face of bipolar?"

"This terrifying power, it is said that the power of the bipolar is equivalent to the sum of the power of a million Zanpakutō, is it really that kind of power?"

Looking at the flaming bird that took shape, everyone was a little shocked.

A full one million Zanpakutō, even if it is just the most common Zanpakutō, superimposed the power enough to easily smash any strong person, and the power of bipolar can be seen from it.

Of course, this means that full liberation can only be achieved. Like the original work, it was blocked by Kurosaki Ichigo with a knife, just because the bipolar did not release real power.

Otherwise, no matter how powerful Kurosaki Ichigo is, he will be wiped out.

"The execution begins!"

Looking at the bipolar that had been liberated, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai smashed his cane heavily and said in a deep voice.

The voice fell, Bipolar screamed, opened a pair of flaming flame wings, and a sharp beak aimed at Rukia, who was hanging on Bipolar Hill, and the terrifying temperature evaporated the surrounding spirits. Son, let the atmosphere keep twisting up.

"Hehe...are you going to kill me!"

Rukia looked at Bipolar fearlessly and said with a smile, there was no fear or confusion in her eyes, only clarity and determination.

"bring it on!"

As she said this, she raised her chest fearlessly, without the slightest fear.


As if feeling Rukia's provocation, Bipolar made a terrifying tweet, and under the shocked eyes of many captains, rushed towards Rukia.

"Is it over!"

Seeing this scene, the hearts of many captains suddenly sank, and they felt a little bad. Byakuya Kuchiki looked at all this with indifference, and a pair of slender hands clenched tightly, almost 853 was about to bleed.

Uzhihualie restrained his smile and looked at this scene seriously, while Hu Toru Yongyin and the other women covered their eyes, and their hearts were full of unbearable.

"Ha ha……"

The few people who were secretly peeping looked at this scene with a smile on the corners of their mouths.

boom! ! !

The soaring flame erupted, and in an instant, all the spirits in the sky at a distance of dozens of meters were evaporated, and the entire sky was filled with terrifying temperature, as if being inside a volcano.


At this moment, Bipolar let out a violent scream, as if he had sensed great pain, and as if he had encountered a terrifying natural enemy, the entire huge body was trembling.

"what happened?!!"

"What happened to the bipolar?!!"

"It seems... trembling!"

Seeing this scene, most of the people present, including Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, widened their eyes and couldn't believe it.

Only the corner of Lan Ran's mouth drew a playful smile, and whispered softly, "He's here!"

"Don't move, Little Firebird!"

At this moment, an indifferent voice spread throughout the entire Bipolar Hill, and a speechless and depressing atmosphere enveloped the entire venue.


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