Ps: Chapter 426 was accidentally copied by me again, and now the editor has been notified to change it back, I'm really sorry, sorry (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-] The true power of bipolar!

The indifferent voice spread all over the place, suppressing the noisy discussion.

This voice, even if the other party has not appeared, but everyone present has recognized the other party's identity.

- Kaido!

The monster that looked down on the entire Soul Soul Realm and defeated and crushed them twice, the other party really appeared.

Thinking of this, everyone's eyes widened, staring at the direction of the bipolar, trying to see through it.


The bipolar was screaming constantly, the huge and beautiful figure was shaking, the powerful and terrifying power was completely suppressed, the flaming pupils flickered with humanized panic, and the power that used to be arrogant was now in front of the person who came. It's as small and ridiculous as ants.

"Master Kaido!"

Rukia groaned with joy, a mist of water floated in her pretty eyes, and she looked at Kaido in confusion. At this time, she had been rescued by Kaido from Bipolar Hill and was held in his arms.

"never mind!"

Staring at Rukia with dark golden eyes, Kaido smiled lightly, and put his right foot on Bipolar's head, as if stepping on a wild dog, not caring at all.

"Yeah!" Rukia nodded, her heart filled with deep joy, she buried her head in Kaido's arms, and she was extremely excited.


At this moment, Bipolar's scream came, and the huge body began to tremble, resisting Kaido's power.


Kaido's eyes narrowed, and he looked down at Bipolar, which was burning with terrifying flames, and said coldly.

"Bipolar? Rumor has it that the combined power of a million Zanpakutō? Interesting!"

"Let me see your power!"

After that, Kaido lifted his foot, and with the terrifying power, directly blasted him out.


Bipolar screamed, the huge body was blasted hundreds of meters away, and a lot of flame feathers were blasted out of the forehead, turning into flames in the air and disappearing.

"Sure enough, it's him!"


"He really came to save Rukia!"

As Bipolar was blasted away, Kaido's figure was also revealed, and he was caught in the eyes of many captains, and he couldn't help showing a look of surprise.

"It's here!"

Uzhihualie showed a smile, full of gentleness and sincerity, and the girls such as Toru Yuyin on the side were even more excited.


Staring at Kaido, who was holding Rukia in a princess hug, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai clenched his crutches tightly, and even his skinny palms had bursts of blue veins, but he still didn't pay any attention, but stared intently. Kaido is extremely dignified in his heart.

'It's still here! '

Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai sighed in his heart, he had already expected this scene, and he was not too surprised.

As early as the Central Forty-sixth Room issued that kind of stupid order, Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai prepared a full-scale war with Kaido, and even prepared the consequences of Jingling Court being completely destroyed.

"You finally came!"

Compared with the shocked crowd, Lan Ran stared at Kaido with excitement, a pair of black eyes had turned purple at this moment, as if it contained two dark stars, with terrifying power.


Aizen's tone has long lost its respectful tone. In the six years of integrating Bengyu, Aizen has already broken through more than one dimension, which is even higher than the strongest period of the original book. big dimension.

Even Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, who liberated the swastika, might not be the opponent of Aizen at this time.


Kaido has no way of knowing what everyone is thinking. After all, he is not an omniscient and almighty god, so he cannot detect everyone's thoughts, but those eyes with intense fighting and killing intent are still clearly perceived by him. , Kaido was even able to tell their identities.

This is not surprising, after all, with Kaido's power, if it can't achieve this level, it is really strange.

However, Kaido didn't care about this. At this time, he had already focused his attention on the bipolar in front of him.

"Unleash all power! Bipolar!"

Kaido stared at Bipolar and said in a deep tone, his dark golden eyes exuding a terrifying sense of oppression.

"I don't believe that you only have this power! I can feel that you have more power in your body!"

"Come on, free yourself, and let me see how powerful the existence of a million Zanpakutō is!"

After finishing speaking, Kaido stared at it with scorching eyes, and the power emanating from his body became more and more terrifying, completely suppressing Bipolar, and forcing it to show all its power!


Hearing this, the bipolar roared in anger, and the terrifying flames entwined all over the body suddenly soared by an unknown number of times, far exceeding the previous terrifying power that erupted from it, forming a sea of ​​​​fire, like a sun.

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