"Lord Commander!!"

Witnessing all this, Rukia's eyes widened, and her pretty face was full of astonishment, as if she couldn't react.

All the amazing things that happened in just half a minute made her unable to turn around for a while.

Only Kaido looked at all this indifferently, and did not intervene, as if he had expected it.

"In this case, the only eye-catching guy has disappeared!" The tall and tall soldier, Ichibei, stood in the air, his face was indifferent, his voice was full of indifference, and it was extremely chilling "Seven Seven Three".

"Mr. Yuanliuzhai!!!"

Shiro Ukitake exclaimed, and hurriedly rushed towards the pothole, trying to rescue Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai.

"You bastard!"

"Death to me!!"

Jingle Chunshui and Komamura Zuojin's eyes were even more red, and they released the Zanpakutō directly, and slashed towards Ichibei, the main army of the army.

"I was swept away by anger, can't you see the difference in strength?" Looking at the two people who rushed up with cold eyes, a soldier in the main army, with a mocking face, put the Zanpakutō behind him, and then a pair of sturdy hands stretched out in an instant. Going out, he grabbed Jingle Chunshui with one hand and Komamura Zuo Array with the other, staring at the discolored two, he said coldly, "Even your captain is far from my opponent, it's just the two of you. Will the ants dare to attack me?"

"Totally stupid!"

After speaking, Ichibei, the head of the army, grabbed the two and collided directly, and the terrifying force almost shattered their bones.


The terrifying force swept in, and the two suddenly spit out blood, and their faces were extremely painful.

boom! !

Immediately, a soldier in the main army raised his hand and slammed it out, like a giant Titan's blow to the sky.

In just an instant, the two captain-level powerhouses were instantly killed.

The dignified captain-level powerhouse was defeated like an ant in the hands of a soldier in the main army. Such a terrifying strength made everyone shudder.


Zengmu Jianpachi lifted the blindfold directly, and the terrifying golden spiritual pressure surged out from the body, forming a terrifying golden wave. The whole person stepped on the violent footsteps, holding the knife in both hands, and slashed towards the soldier's main body, a soldier.

It was just the power of swinging the knife, and there was a terrible roar around, as if the atmosphere was separated, and the golden slash cut through the atmosphere, split the space, and slashed towards the soldier's main department, a soldier.

boom! ! !

The soldier's head guard's expression remained the same, but he still raised his hand and blocked the terrifying slash.


Zaragi Kenpachi's eyes widened slightly, and a look of astonishment appeared on his face.

"Zeraki Kenpachi!" The head guard of the army looked at him, and said indifferently, "You have unfathomable strength, if you can fully liberate it, you can even cause me a little trouble!"

"However, it's a pity!" Speaking of this, Ichibei, the head of the army, showed a color of pity in his eyes.

"Self-limited strength, calculated by Yamamoto Yuanyuzhai, and he is not willing to liberate Zanpakutō!"

"You are too weak now!"

After he finished speaking, a soldier from the head of the army slammed out a palm, directly slamming into Kenpachi's chest, the terrifying palm force directly penetrated his chest, and a hole was blasted out.

"Zeraki Kenpachi, just die like this!"

"Little Sword!!!" In the sound of Baqianliu's incomparably anxious exclamation, Zenggi Jianpachi fell weakly to the ground, and his chest was blasted through, and he was on the verge of death in an instant.

If he didn't have the terrible survival power like a beast, I'm afraid he would die in the first time. Even so, he wouldn't be able to live for long.

"Gulu! That person, his strength is too terrifying!"

"It's just a moment's effort, not only the captain, but even the captain of the Jing band was easily defeated!"

Difficulty swallowing saliva, the vice-captains were drenched in cold sweat, with a thick look of horror on their faces.

"As expected of you, it will be solved in an instant!"

Looking at this amazing scene, Aizen said with a smile, with an unpredictable expression on his face...  

"Just, why don't you stop this?"

"Master Kaido!"

Saying that, Aizen turned to look at Kaido who was standing in the air, with a look of inquiry in his eyes.

"Why should I stop the infighting of a group of ants?" Kaido said lightly, his dark golden eyes looking down at the two of them, his tone indifferent.

"It's rare that you have performed a good show for me, and I have to watch it anyway!"

Ants?good show?

Hearing this, Lan Ran's face froze slightly, and a trace of intense anger flashed in his purple eyes.

"You are so confident! Lord Kaido!"

Aizen held the Zanpakutō in his hand, and said coldly, "It's just that I'm not what I used to be now."

"It's not what it used to be? Did the power of Bengyu make you so inflated? Aizen!" Kaido looked at Aizen in surprise, and said in a strange tone.

"How naive!"

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