Kaido shook his head, looked at Aizen and Ichibei, the head of the army, and said indifferently.

"This time, I won't be merciful anymore. The god of death has ruled the Soul Soul Realm for so long, and it's time to give way!"

This sentence, Kaido said to the people in the whole soul world. Under the power of Kaido, this sentence spread throughout the whole soul world, including the souls of the Soul Street far away from Jingling Court. You can hear this majestic voice.

Like a supreme king, he calmly announced his will.

click... click...

As if in response to Kaido's words, the sky behind Kaido suddenly sounded a crisp cracking sound, a terrible crack split the blue sky, and then in the eyes of everyone's astonishment, a pair of big hands grabbed at the two cracks. , and then tore it heavily.

boom! !

The crisp voice sounded, and a terrifying crack ripped apart the sky, from top to bottom, was torn out a wide and deep passage, and countless powerful powers emanated from it, which made people jump.

"what is this?!"

In the horrified eyes of Aizen and the head of the army, a powerful spiritual pressure surged out, sweeping the entire Jingling Court in an instant, making them feel suffocated. .

Chapter [-]: Terrible Faceless Legion, Desperate Captains

Boom, boom, boom...

A terrifying vibration came from the passage, and every time it sounded, it seemed to hit the hearts of everyone, making them tremble.

Then, under the horrified eyes of everyone, an incomparably huge body walked out of it. The huge body that was almost hundreds of meters made everyone's hair go numb, and the might exuded from the whole body made even the veteran captain tremble.

The coming person has an incomparably strong body, a tall and terrifying body, and exudes a violent and oppressive Reiatsu. It is the tenth blade among the ten blades—Yami!

"King, is this the corpse soul world!"

Looking at this completely different environment from the virtual circle, Yami said, his voice was like thunder, which was shocking.


Looking at the giant who came out, Aizen's face suddenly turned black, and it was hard to see the extreme, and two cold words were spit out of his mouth.

The earlier virtual circle was his territory, and even the Ten Blades was created by him himself, but he didn't expect it to be taken away by Kaido. Now, in front of him, his former subordinate actually called his enemy king. It made Aizen feel sick, and felt extremely unhappy in her heart.

"Yo, isn't this 16-sama Aizen-sama?"

Hearing Aizen's voice, Yami looked around and saw Aizen who was standing in the air with a gloomy face, and immediately laughed loudly without any respect.

Hearing this, Aizen's eyes became more and more indifferent, and the whole body exuded a cold breath. Even if the spiritual pressure could not be sensed, everyone could still sense the extremely oppressive atmosphere of the atmosphere.

"Yami, get out of the way!"

At this moment, an extremely arrogant voice came out, and then one after another silhouettes exuding a powerful breath flew out, standing scattered in the air, there were more than [-] people in the forest, there were men and women, but there were no exceptions. They all exude a strong aura, and none of them are weaker than veteran captains like Jingle Chunshui.

"Hey!!! A lot of strong people!"

"He...are they all people in the virtual circle?"

"What a powerful spiritual pressure!"

Looking at the thirty or so people who appeared, the gods of death standing on the other side were horrified, their faces filled with shock.

In their perception, everyone who appeared had a Reiatsu that surpassed the captain's level, and everyone exuded a terrifying power like a sea.

It was Kuchiki Byakuya and other captains with extremely solemn expressions on their faces. Even with their strength, they felt a little unmatched in the face of anyone inside, which made them extremely shocked.

When did so many powerhouses appear in the virtual circle?

It's just that they didn't wait for them to be shocked for a long time. The dense and powerful spiritual pressure surged out of the passage, as if to see their horrified eyes, the crowd like a tide rushed out of the passage, almost It is an infinite number, and in just a short time, it occupies half of the sky.


This time it wasn't just Kuchiki Byakuya and other captains, even Aizen and others had their scalps numb.

Because what appeared in front of them at this moment was a powerhouse with tens of thousands of spiritual pressures comparable to the vice-captain.

There are tens of thousands of vice-captain-level powerhouses. No matter who comes, this lineup will be shocked, and even the hair will go numb.

Such a large number of powerhouses, even if they just launch an attack, are enough to wipe out the huge Jingling Court directly, and can smash all the captain-level powerhouses.

"Broken, this group are all broken faces!!" Looking at the group of people in white clothes and with white bone masks on their faces, Aizen instantly understood their identities in her heart, and her heart was full of incredulity, and she couldn't help but move towards Kaido. Asked, "Why, you can create such a huge number of broken faces!"

"Why!! Kaido!!!"

At this time, Aizen roared almost irrationally, his face was filled with a thick inconceivable color, and he didn't even have the honorific title for Kaido at the beginning.

Broken Face Legion, Aizen had also envisioned this idea at the beginning, and wanted to create an incomparably large number of broken faces to sweep across the entire Soul Soul Realm.

However, it is a pity that the huge time and failure rate made him reluctantly give up and instead seek an elite strategy, which is why there are not many broken faces.

What Ling Aizen didn't expect was that the broken face army he had not completed was completed by Kaido, and even the current Aizen was extremely jealous of the army of tens of thousands.

Of course, if Aizen knew that there were still millions of broken faces that didn't come, I'd be scared to turn around and leave.

Millions of vice-captain-level powerhouses unite, and that power can destroy everything, even today's Aizen cannot resist.

"I am the king of the virtual circle!"

In the face of Aizen's questioning, Kaido's face was calm and indifferent. Just a simple sentence said everything, and then without waiting for Aizen to reply, Kaido waved his hand.



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