Hearing Kaido's order, Zero with long silver hair walked out, and replied with a cold face, the power emanating from her body almost exceeded the limit of the captain's level, and it was even close to the blue dye that did not integrate the collapse jade. .

"Lead the Broken Face Legion to suppress all the resistance forces in the Soul Society. After I get rid of them, I want to see the surrendered Soul Society!" Kaido put down Rukia with both hands, ignoring her stunned expression. , the words commanded zero majestically.

"Yes, King!"

757zero bowed and said, even if she is Kaido's woman and has a supreme status, she is only a subordinate at this time.

Obedience to orders is everything.

"The army obeys orders!"

Pulling out the long sword at his waist, Zero threw his white cloak and commanded the face-breaking army majestically.

"My king has an order to suppress all resistance in the Soul Society!"


Tens of thousands of people responded in unison, and the huge sound shook the entire sky, which was extremely shocking.

Immediately under the leadership of zero, including Ten Blades, Whitebeard and others, they all headed towards Jingling Court and Liuhun Street.

The overwhelming number of people saw Kuchiki Byakuya and the other captains numb their scalps and feel hopeless.

These terrifying forces, with their strength, are basically a man's arm to block the car. At the same time, they are also extremely resentful of the central room forty-six. If it wasn't for their orders, Jingling Court would not need to face a terrifying monster like Kaido.

However, it was too late. Facing Kaido's face-breaking army, the so-called Guardian Thirteen were just the weeds on the ground, which could be swept away easily.

"It's the two of you next!" Kaido withdrew his gaze and looked at Aizen with ugly faces, his tone indifferent.

"I hope you can play with me for a while now!"


Chapter [-]: A sword splits out of the canyon

Kaido's understatement made Aizen and Ichibei's faces darkened, and their hearts were full of anger.

In order to be able to fight against Kaido, one of them merged with Bengyu for a few years, and the other took the power of the Spirit King just to become stronger. As a result, when they came to Kaido's mouth, they were just able to play with him for a while?

Even if they knew that Kaido's strength was terrifying, they couldn't bear it.

"Even if it's you, you can't despise me!" Slowly pulling out the huge brush Zanpakutō on the back, the soldier's main guard, Ibei, stared at Kaido and said in a strong tone.

"Ichibei of the main army...I felt the breath of King Ling and King Yue of the two houses on your body, you devoured them?" Kaido stared at him and asked in a somewhat surprised tone.

"Yes, they have become my power!"

The head of the army, a soldier, said indifferently, his expression did not fluctuate in the slightest, as if the other party was not a subordinate who had been with him for thousands of years, but a stranger, so cold and cold.

Even Aizen, who was on the side, looked at him with a dreadful look.


Hearing this, Kaido raised the corners of his mouth and looked at Ichibei, the head of the army, with a playful expression. Even he did not expect that the head of the army, Ichibei, would be so ruthless.

If it was him, he couldn't be so ruthless.

"But this place is not a good place, let's change it to a place where we can perform to the fullest!" Kaido said lightly, raised his hand, stretched out his five slender fingers, and a power that changed the world surged out. Before the two of them could react, they moved them away.

The world turned upside down, the galaxy turned upside down.

In the eyes of Aizen and Ichibei, the main body of the army, they only felt that their figure was empty, the whole world was blurred, and all the scenes in front of them were skipping quickly, like a speeding up movie.

When they returned to their senses, they were shocked to find that a vast wasteland had appeared at this time. Looking around, the whole land was vast and boundless, and it was impossible to see the edge at a glance.

This is an uninhabited wasteland far away from Jingling Court, occupying [-]% of the area of ​​Soul Soul Realm, and usually no one comes here.

It can be said to be a good place to fight. For the powerhouses like them who can destroy the sky and the earth at every turn, tearing the earth and destroying the mountains with a single blow, Jingling Court simply cannot let go.

Without two or three efforts, the entire Jingling Court will be destroyed, with absolutely no exceptions.

Under the azure blue sky, Kaido stepped on the void, looked down at the two people with horrified faces, and said indifferently, "Then, let me see your achievements over the past few years"! "

After speaking, Kaido folded his hands together, and then stretched out to both sides, forming an extremely gorgeous long sword that seemed to contain everything in the three thousand worlds.

"Be careful!"

As soon as the words fell, Kaido's figure had disappeared in place, and it was even more shocking than teleportation, so fast that he couldn't react at all.

"not good!"

Seeing Kaido disappear, Aizen and Ichibei, the main soldier, shrank their pupils, and a look of shock appeared on their faces. Even with their current strength, they couldn't catch Kaido's trace.

"it's here!"

A calm voice came from the side, and before the two could react, a dazzling sword light shone, like a sword from the sky, swept across in an instant.

boom! ! !

As if the sky was falling apart, a dazzling sword light swept across, and the devastating sword energy pushed across three thousand miles. Thousands of meters of earth were swept away in an instant, and the earth cracked and cracked countless stones, which turned into ashes in the air.

In the blink of an eye, the surrounding tens of thousands of meters of land was swept away, and millions of stones flew in the air, smashed into powder by the materialized sword energy, and scattered in the air, forming a gray fog. haze.

On the ground ahead, a terrifying canyon appeared, spanning tens of thousands of meters, bottomless, and swept out by a sword.

"Hidden away?" Kaido raised his eyebrows slightly in the smoke and dust in the sky, revealing a look of surprise.

"Don't underestimate people!"

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