The icy cold wind suddenly rose, and the crystal light shone, forming the figure of Aizen, and then a Zanpakutō slashed horizontally, and the speed was extremely fast.

"Naive!" Said plainly, Kaido did not change his face, raised his sword to meet him.

boom! ! !

The terrifying sound of the collision sounded. It was not the sound of swords clashing at all. It was more like a huge explosion. The surrounding earth collapsed in an instant, forming a huge pit with a length of hundreds of meters.


A powerful force struck, causing Aizen to fly upside down, her body could not help shining with crystal light, and a pair of butterfly wings shone brightly, barely stopping the decline, standing in the distance, looking at Kaido solemnly.

"Huo, the strength is not bad!"

Kaido looked surprised, raised his hand and waved, a strong hurricane swept out, blowing away the smoke and dust that filled the entire earth, revealing the surrounding scene.

I saw that the originally vast and boundless earth had collapsed into a terrifying tiankeng, like a falling meteorite.

It was just two attacks that changed the shape of the entire earth. It is conceivable that if Jingling Court wielded this sword, the entire Jingling Court would be swept away and nothing would exist.

".ˇThis is what you looked like when you merged with Bengyu? Your strength is okay!" Looking at his expression changed greatly, a pair of purple butterfly wings grew out of his back, and the whole person was like a butterfly demon-like blue dye, Kaido said lightly.

"Hey, the power is so strong!" With a slightly grim expression, Aizen looked at Kaido solemnly, the arm fused with the Zanpakutō trembled slightly, unable to withstand Kaido's power.

In the collision with Kaido just now, Aizen was at an absolute disadvantage. Even if it was just a casual sword, it still made him feel like he was shaking the planet, and the entire right hand was almost abolished.

Fortunately, Aizen can now regenerate at a high speed. No matter how serious the injury is, he can recover quickly, so Aizen doesn't have much (do Zhao) worries.

not to mention--

Aizen touched the Bengyu in his chest, which was constantly emitting a radiant brilliance, and clearly felt that the power was stronger than before, and the power was constantly pouring out, and he was no longer so jealous of Kaido's power.

Just one fight has accelerated the power of Bengyu and increased the speed of evolution. Aizen believes that he will continue to accelerate evolution in the next battle until he breaks through a higher dimension and perfectly integrates with Bengyu. together.

At that time, even Kaido may not be his opponent.

"Hmph, Lord Kaido, your power is as terrifying and violent as ever!" Aizen showed a calm smile as always, staring at Kaido.

"But ah, I'm not bad!"

As soon as the voice fell, Aizen's wings spread, and the crystal light shone, and the whole person disappeared directly in place like a teleportation.


Chapter Four Hundred and Thirty Seven Divine Soldiers Banned from Ten Directions


In the next instant, Aizen appeared behind Kaido, the Zanpakutō in his hand tore open the atmosphere, and slashed horizontally towards Kaido.

The atmosphere formed a sharp hurricane, tearing apart the surrounding earth, showing terrifying power.


Kaido was silent, and he also swung his sword and slashed over. A fierce collision sounded in an instant, fierce sparks flew out, terrifying power pushed across, and the surrounding earth shattered instantly.

Countless stones flew out, forming a terrifying annular canyon, which was terrifying.

bang bang bang...

In the smoke and dust in the sky, Aizen's figure shone, and an excited smile appeared on the corner of his mouth. The Zanpakutō in his hand collided with Kaido frantically, and every collision shattered a large area of ​​the earth, and pieces of stones flew.

Like two gods fighting each other, every collision can cause earth-shattering changes, affecting hundreds of thousands of meters of land.

In just a moment of effort, the two collided dozens of times, and each blow lifted dozens or hundreds of meters of land, changing the terrain of tens of thousands of meters of land.

boom! ! !

It was another terrifying collision. This time, it directly tore apart thousands of meters of land. The terrifying force could tear apart almost everything, which was unbelievable.


 613 Aizen snorted, and the entire figure was blasted out directly, and the figure flew across the sky, madly crashing into the distant earth, smashing a gully.

Looking from here, Aizen's figure is extremely embarrassed.

"What an exaggerated power!"

The corners of Lan Ran's mouth bleed, and she stood up a little embarrassed. The right hand that was fused with the Zanpakutō had been completely scrapped. It could be seen that the hideous bone slag had collapsed into flesh and blood, and the entire arm looked bloody and bloody. cold.

In the collision with Kaido, even though Bengyu's power continued to increase Aizen's power and help him recover from his injuries, so that he could collide with Kaido for a long time, but still under this blow, he directly scrapped his right hand. .


Bengyu trembled, the crystal light shone, and a steady stream of power poured out, repairing Aizen's collapsed right hand. The injury that originally looked extremely serious was recovered extremely quickly by the power of Bengyu at a speed visible to the naked eye. come over.

Even if it was a terrifying injury, even if it was split in half, Aizen could quickly recover with the help of Collapsing Jade, and Aizen's breath was increasing at a speed visible to the naked eye in Kaido's perception.

"The power of collapsing jade!"

Quietly staring at all of this, Kaido evoked a smile, raised his foot and stepped on the ground, and his figure rushed out in an instant, breaking the speed of sound with pure physical strength, and rushed towards Aizen.

"I still can't save you!"

In less than half a second, Kaido crossed a distance of hundreds of meters, came to Aizen, and immediately slashed with a sword.

"not good!"

Aizen's face changed suddenly, and his right hand, which had not been fully repaired, immediately greeted him.

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