Kaido tore off the chains that bound his body, stared at the divine weapon, sneered abruptly, squeezed it, and crushed it.

For Kaido, the so-called Divine Soldier of the Spirit King Palace is nothing but a fancy toy. If you really want to do it, you can tear it off at will.

"Ichibei of the main army, if you only have this means, I will be disappointed!" Kaido said calmly, staring at the head of the army, Ichibei.


At this moment, Kaido's eyes narrowed, and he turned his head to look into the magnificent canyon. That inhuman vision gave him the ability to easily see through scenes tens of thousands of meters away.

"That guy Aizen is evolving!"

Under Kaido's gaze, I saw Aizen, who was completely shattered and almost completely dead. At this time, his whole body was exuding purple light. The originally peaceful Reiatsu also began to riot.

Boom boom boom! ! !

An incomparably dazzling beam of light soared into the sky, and endless purple rays of light illuminated the whole world.

Boom! !

The world shook, and the unparalleled terrifying spiritual pressure burst out, shaking the whole world. At this moment, no matter Jingling Court, Liuhun Street, or the shadow space of Jingling Court, you can feel the extremely terrifying spirit. pressure.

"This spiritual pressure?!!"

"Too strong!"

"Completely surpassed Captain Yamamoto!"

At this moment, under the despairing power of the Broken Face Legion, the gods of death, who kept letting go and surrendered, raised their heads and looked horrified, thinking about the bright beam of light that shot directly into the sky, feeling the radiance that was stronger than the "sun". Terrible power, and my heart is full of regret.

"It's Aizen's Reiatsu!"

"As Your Majesty expected, Aizen has evolved again!"

"After this evolution, it will be his death!"

In the sky of Jinglingting, the strong men headed by the women of Zero, Whitebeard and others, while staring at Jinglingting's resistance with cold eyes, also raised their heads and looked at the beam of light that shot directly into the sky, and they all opened their mouths and said in a tone of voice. Very calm, no worries at all.

Although in terms of strength alone, Aizen's power is far superior to them, and even if they all go together at this time, they can't stop Aizen's casual blow, but it doesn't mean that they will be afraid of Aizen.

In their opinion, although the strength of Aizen who has completed the final evolution has greatly increased and reached a higher dimension, it is nothing but accelerated death.

Because Aizen has reached the final stage, he is also qualified to be harvested by Kaido.

Spirit subspace, invisible empire!

"Such a powerful force!"

In the darkness, Youhabach's voice was whispering, with a hint of shock, such a terrifying power is still not inferior to him.


"Have you finally successfully evolved?"

Staring at the terrifying beam of light, Kaido was not surprised but delighted, and a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, with a meaningful taste.

Next, only Ichigo Kurosaki and Ichibei of the main army are left.


Just when Kaido was pleasantly surprised, Aizen's terrifying roar shook the whole world, as if venting the anger in his heart, and the terrifying roar shook people's hearts.

At the same time, the purple beam of light was so bright that it even turned into substance, and then dense cracks began to cover the entire beam of light, like a cracked mirror. Accompanied by a crisp sound, the huge beam of light collapsed directly.


The beam of light shattered, and dazzling blood poured out from the shattered beam of light, forming a rain of blood in the air, which looked extremely frightening.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·

A figure with two wings gradually appeared, and Kaido's eyesight could clearly see the other side's appearance.

"It's so ugly!"

Seeing Aizen's appearance, Kaido sneered in a low voice, with a weird smile on his face.

At this time, Aizen no longer had a clear handsomeness and aura. The originally handsome cheeks were torn from the middle and separated to the sides of the face, revealing a hideous black, which looked extremely terrifying.

Three virtual holes appeared in the upper body, and the collapsed jade was embedded in the top virtual hole, exuding a mysterious brilliance, and the original six gorgeous butterfly wings also became extremely hideous, and each wing ridge "grown" out. The ferocious skeleton head, the feet also turned black and ugly.

After being crushed by Kaido and facing the real threat of death, Aizen finally stimulated Bengyu again and truly evolved to its final form.


At this time, Aizen had lost the attitude that a god of death should have, and its figure was completely dehumanized, not like a god of death at all, but like a downright phantom, full of terrifying power.

In this state, Aizen's strength is far more than several grades higher than the original. Reiatsu, speed, strength, etc., have all been pushed to a new and terrifying height.

And unlike the previous speeding up again, the blue dye at this time is almost immortal, and even if it is cut in half, it can quickly recover.

"Thank you, Kaido, it's you who made me go further and achieve the perfect posture!"

The figure slowly stood up, and Aizen showed a new posture. The six wings with skeletons spread out, which looked extremely ferocious and terrifying.

"Twilight, dark night, please come one by one~ Let's meet and drink a bowl~ Drink this bowl and fly away~

On Huangquan Road, there are many flowers, blooming to accompany them~ Where is the delicious food, dyed dark, divided into eight pieces, dark flames, smoked and roasted to black, you can eat as much as you like.After the meal, the bones are piled up, and the tomb tree monument is erected to mourn the sorrow.Your Excellency, it will be difficult to come back to life.It is impossible to become a sacrifice. "

At this time, in the direction of the soldier's main department, Ibei, there was a low-pitched chanting incantation, like the incantation sung by the gods in sacrifice to the gods, full of terrifying magic and power, and spread throughout the battlefield.


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