Afterwards, a terrifying spiritual pressure that was not inferior to Aizen erupted, forming a beam of light soaring to the sky.


Chapter [-] The strongest blow!

"It's really a white pen and a word!"

As Aizen entered the final evolution stage, Ichibei, the main soldier, also released the Zanpakutō's "True Fight" and showed his strongest posture.

The so-called "true fight" is the ancient liberation posture that was possessed long before Zanpakutō's swastika, which is equivalent to the present swastika.

Once the "Real Strike" is used, it means that the soldier's main unit, Ichibei, has entered the strongest posture at this time.


The terrifying roar shook the heavens and the earth, and a soldier from the main army rose up into the sky, and the burly body appeared in the air, exuding a terrifying and uneasy aura.

It's just that the posture of the current soldier's main department, Ibei, has also become extremely frightening. The tall and burly body is covered with all kinds of ferocious eyeballs, all over the body, and it looks extremely terrifying.

But it is also the existence of these eyeballs. "Eight Seven Three" has brought the power of the main soldier, Ichibei, to another level, which is stronger than Aizen in the final evolution stage.

"Is this the power of the Spirit King? You finally used it." Kaido was not surprised when he saw the terrifying posture of the soldier's main body, but he looked indifferent as he had expected, and saw that the soldier's head was a soldier. Wei was shocked.

"However, since both of you have reached the strongest posture!"

Looking at this scene, Kaido showed a delighted smile, and his hands spread out involuntarily, and his whole body began to exude terrifying power.

"Then, let me also show the strongest posture, let you feel the real despair!"

Saying that, Kaido scattered the sword of all things in his hand, his tall body began to swell, and the rolling black power emanated from his body surface, filling his body, and a pair of sinister double horns gradually appeared from the top of his head, The terrifying power spreads all over the world, almost making people breathless.

"this is?!"

Looking at this scene, Lan Ran's pupils shrank, and there was a strong sense of unease in his heart, as if some terrifying monster was about to break out of the cage, bringing him a terrible sense of fear.

As if it might be torn apart in the next second, Aizen moved quickly due to the strong fear and jealousy.

The ultimate radiant wave! ! !

Without the slightest hesitation, Aizen made a direct move because of Kaido's fear, and the six ferocious winged skeletons stretched out at the same time, opened their mouths, and began to gather their terrifying power in front of him——

The purple spiritual pressure quickly condensed and compressed wildly. A dark purple terrifying sphere quickly condensed, like a terrifying dark star. As soon as the concentrated spiritual pressure sphere appeared, it distorted the surrounding space. The dark glow that faintly radiated was trembling.

This is an extremely terrifying blow, even if it is just a single sliver, it can turn the entire plain into a canyon.

And this one condenses all the radiation waves, and its power is more than ten times that of the original book. It is a terrifying blow that can really shatter the earth.

"Don't turn to kill Tailing!"

On the other side, Ichibei, the head of the army who saw this scene, rushed over without hesitation, and then waved the huge brush Zanpakutō in his hand, and the thick black ink swayed out, pouring it on Kaido's hideous body, Fill it with dark ink.


After doing all this, the soldier's head, the soldier, drank a little ink, and immediately began to sing, and the magical and terrifying incantation resounded.

"Twilight, dark night, please come one by one~ Let's meet and drink a bowl~ Drink this bowl and fly again~"

Chanting the incantation loudly, a huge brush was also waving in the hand of the soldier's main department, a soldier, and he continued to draw a mysterious trajectory, and an extremely terrifying force spread out.

The ultimate radiant wave! ! !

Do not turn to kill Tailing! ! !

Just as Kaido completely recovered his terrifying real body like a demon, the terrifying attack from the two also followed, hitting Kaido directly.

Boom boom boom! ! !

As if the sky was torn apart, a huge mushroom cloud rose into the sky, and the whole world was swept by the sky-high fire waves.

At this moment, no matter where it is, even if it is far away in the Soul Soul Realm, you can clearly see and feel this terrifying blow.

woohoo hoo...

The strong wind swept all directions, and the aftermath of thousands of meters wide carried sand and gravel in the sky. Like a mudslide, it crossed a distance of dozens of kilometers in an instant, and rushed directly to Jingling Court. If it hits directly, I am afraid that the entire Jingling Courts will be destroyed.

Before the sand and stones in the sky arrived, the terrifying gust of wind had already swept to the Jingling Court. I don’t know how many buildings and gods of death were blown away directly.  …

"Wow ah ah ah!!!"

"What is this!!"

"What a terrible gust of wind!"

The weak and weak gods of death, under this terrible aftermath, did not even have the strength to resist, and they were blown away in an instant, as were countless buildings.

In this scene, many gods of death turned pale, and even they were powerless to do such terrifying natural disasters.

boom! !

At the critical moment, Whitebeard raised his brows, raised his fist and blasted out. The atmosphere cracked instantly and spread out incessantly. In the stunned eyes of many death gods, a terrible shock wave oscillated out, directly sending thousands of meters away. The mudslides were defeated, avoiding the destruction of Jingling Court.

"not enough!"

Even a shot with a white beard was still far from enough to defeat, and then Zero stepped out, exuding a terrifying cold air, and the incomparably cold air made the surrounding atmosphere freeze, and the temperature suddenly dropped to an astonishing level. Degree.

"so cold!"

"What a terrible cold!"

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