Kaido raised his head and sighed, with a strong sigh, and then he lifted his foot and stepped out without the slightest hesitation, and entered the boundless door of dimension.

A new world, officially set off.


ps: The world of death is over! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter [-]: Dimensional gap, plural worlds

dimensional gap.

In the middle of the world is a space of endless darkness and silence.

There is only eternal silence and darkness in this place, the whole space is a void, full of oppressive and hopeless darkness~.

Today, an uninvited guest stepped into this dark-dark space.


The light appeared, and the incomparably rich white light appeared in this dark world. It was like the first ray of light that illuminated the world in the period of opening up the world, and the whole world was illuminated.

A magnificent door appeared, and the door was imprinted with deep and mysterious lines, as if it contained mysterious and boundless rules, which made people intoxicated at a glance.


The door opened, and a figure emitting a strong light walked out, with a terrifying aura surrounding it, and a pair of dark golden pupils shone with eternal light, like the eyes of the sky, with trembling power.

The appearance of the figure is like a sun in the dark world. The unparalleled presence fills the entire dimension gap, and the bright light shines in all directions.

"This place...a little weird!"

The figure full of light spoke slowly, and the voice was extremely calm, with a coolness like a clear spring, making people feel like a spring breeze.

"Ding, multiple fusion worlds detected!"

At this time, a completely mechanized voice sounded, and it was impossible to distinguish between men and women, like a brain.

"Plural fusion world? System, what's the situation!?" The figure full of light said with some doubts, and then he didn't see any movement, and the light on his body began to fade away, revealing a slender body.

The long silver hair went straight to the waist, the dark golden eyes were noble and dazzling, and the extremely beautiful face was more charming than that of the gods.

It was Kaido who ruled the world of Shinigami and One Piece and stepped into a new journey.

"The so-called complex fusion world is a complex world formed by the fusion of multiple worlds."

"And because of the fusion of the world, some kind of upper limit that originally existed in the world will be broken. In short, the strength of the plot characters will be stronger than the original!"

Hearing Kaido's doubts, the system took the trouble to explain.

"I see!"

Kaido wrapped his arms around him and touched his chin with his right hand, suddenly realizing it.

It has integrated multiple worlds, and its strength has broken the original upper limit and reached a higher level. In this case, it may not be a good thing for ordinary people.

After all, the stronger the plot characters are, the more difficult it is for the system host to complete the task, but for Kaido, he wished that there were plot characters who could fight him, otherwise, it would be easy every time Rolling is really not much of a challenge.

"So, system, how many anime worlds are integrated into this plural world?" Kaido asked, he didn't think that non-anime worlds would be integrated.

Because he had communicated with the system a long time ago, unless Kaido specifically requested it, he would only traverse the anime world by default.

"Devil High School DXD, Inuyasha, Grandson of the Slicker Demon, and Oriental Fantasy Township, there are four worlds in this world. Even if you look at the heavens and the world, this situation is quite rare." Just in Kaido's voice Not long after falling, the system sound rang.

"The fusion level of multiple worlds is the heaven level, and the upper limit is one level stronger than that of the host. Please be careful with the host!"

Kaido was slightly startled by the sound of the system's notification, and then he narrowed his eyes slightly and asked in surprise.

"Heaven Rank? I remember that in these four worlds, there is no such level of powerhouse? Even the strongest Demon High School, the upper limit is no more than Star Extermination, right?"

Among the four worlds of High School of Demons, Inuyasha, Grandson of the Slicker Demon, and Oriental Gensokyo, except for Gensokyo, which cannot be regarded as a real anime due to its special circumstances, even the strongest High School of Demons has the strongest specifications. The strong are only at the level of destroying the world.

In other words, it is just a "doomsday" rank, which is more than one dimension away from the heavenly rank.

The so-called Heaven Rank is an existence that is completely different from the "Doomsday" Rank.

How strong is Tianjie?According to the system, the lowest limit is to raise your hand to blow up the stars, and your own existence can destroy the world and make a planet go to the end of the world, and this is the most delicious level.

And the span of the sky is very exaggerated, from destroying the stars at the lowest and lower limit, to destroying the universe at the highest limit, affecting the infinite parallel world with its own power.It can be said that there is a vastly different distance. If the peak of the sky is placed in a single universe, it is close to the existence of omniscience and omnipotence.

The omniscient and omnipotent here is not the parallel import of Youhabach, but the omniscient and omnipotent who knows almost everything and does everything.

· · · ·

Even Kaido has only seen a Heavenly Rank powerhouse at a glance, and it was that glance that let him know the gap with Heavenly Rank.

Even the current Kaido, which has merged two collapse jades, has reached a half-step heaven-level strength, and is unable to fight against the last real heaven-level powerhouse.

"Because of the fusion of multiple worlds, it has broken the original upper limit. In the world view of Oriental Gensokyo, there are also hidden powerhouses who have never appeared. One of them exists, and his strength has reached the level of the primary level of heaven! "

"But the host doesn't need to worry too much. In addition to the existence of the heavenly rank, the power of the host is completely invincible."


As if worried that Kaido would be afraid, the system comforted, and at the end, He added a sentence.

"As long as the host doesn't provoke that existence, the other party will not take the initiative to appear."

Kaido's face was weird. Although he knew what the system meant and knew that he didn't mean to hit him, Kaido still had the urge to laugh.


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