Who is he?It is the "hundred beasts" that ruled two worlds, suppressed countless enemies, has a terrifying bloodline, and can evolve infinitely.

He is not standing still, if he is given a period of time, what if he is the real heaven?

Kaido didn't refute the system's words, but turned his head and glanced at the surrounding space, and asked, "System, the plural worlds you just said are integrated with the Demon High School, right?"


Hearing the system's answer, Kaido's dark golden eyes narrowed slightly, and his face became a little weird.

"So, this is the legendary dimensional gap? The space where the Infinite Dragon God and the True Red Dragon God Emperor roam?"

As soon as the words fell, a magnificent red figure appeared in front of Kaido. His body was incomparably huge, exuding a terrifying dragon might, and a pair of dragon pupils were quietly staring at Kaido.


ps: Considering that the single world is a bit weak, the author integrated several more worlds and strengthened it a little.Don't worry, it won't be too much, please forgive me if you don't like it.

In other words, there should be few people left in this book! (T_T)/~~.

Chapter Four hundred and forty-eight Hand rubbing the big light wheel!

This is a huge, pure and incomparable western dragon, with sharp fangs, a proudly standing horn, a majestic and terrifyingly oppressive dragon body, covered with red scales, crystal clear, shining with immortal brilliance .

A pair of dragon wings that cover the sky and the sun are open, so huge that they seem to be able to stretch the sky and the earth. The red dragon tails meander behind them, containing boundless might. A pair of golden dragon pupils are watching Kaido, with curiosity, Surprise, doubt, vigilance and many other meanings.

The True Chilong God Emperor, also known as the Great Chi.

It is the red dragon recorded in the Book of Revelation in the Bible, whose real name is Great Red, and has the alias of DxD (Dragon of Dragons), and is called the "true dragon" of the great red.

It is a dragon god born in fantasy, who holds the power of "dream", and is called the double dragon god with Orpheus, the infinite dragon god who masters the power of "infinity", surpassing all the "eight and three" species of dragons. On, is a true out-of-spec powerhouse.

If you are serious, even if you destroy the world, it will be easy.

Even in the entire world of Demon High School, there are only two existences that can juxtapose with it.

"Who are you!"

A grand voice sounded, this red dragon with a body length of more than [-] meters, like a mountain, opened its mouth, the sound was like thunder, and a gust of wind was set off in the boundless dimension gap, whistling constantly.

The pair of golden dragon eyes stared at Kaido, full of inexplicable meaning, if she hadn't been able to vaguely sense that Kaido was not easy to mess with, I'm afraid she would have already shot to expel Kaido.

The dimensional gap is her territory. Even if she once wandered in the dimensional gap, the Infinite Dragon God who was the original owner was driven out, so how could anyone else come in?

"The Scarlet Dragon, the real Scarlet Dragon God Emperor?"

Kaido didn't answer the question from the great red, and with dark golden eyes, he looked at the red dragon with some curiosity, but asked instead.

"Is the Infinite Dragon God not here?"

Compared with the red dragon who doesn't know the gender of the great red, it is the mouthless cute loli dragon god, which is more in line with Kaido's appetite.

Whether it's beating or feeding, it's much better than the Great Red in front of him.

"Infinite Dragon God? You mean Orpheus, she has already been expelled by me!" Hearing this, the red dragon's golden eyes looked at Kaido strangely, and then answered without immediately pursuing it. Kaido.


Kaido was slightly startled, then sighed, his tone full of pity.

The absence of the Infinite Dragon God made his sense of surprise at the interdimensional gap also diluted a lot.

"You can leave, unknown existence!" The red dragon seemed to be displeased by Kaido's words, and suddenly spread its wings, a terrifying roar resounded, shaking the boundless space.

She wants to drive Kaido out of the interdimensional gap.


There was a playful smile on Kaido's mouth. He raised his head and stared at the red dragon with his dark golden eyes, feeling the power emanating from the other side. He couldn't help licking his lips, and his dark golden eyes shone with golden light.

"Of course, but before that." Speaking of this, Kaido paused slightly, and then a terrifying power erupted from his body, like a star bursting out with the strongest brilliance, and the overwhelming terrifying power surged from Kaido's body. out, shaking the entire space.

"Let me see first, the power of the strongest dragon god!"

The voice fell, and Kaido suddenly appeared with endless rays of light, like a meteor shower, and the dense beams blasted towards the red dragon. There are more than tens of thousands.


Light, dense beams of light penetrated the space, roaring towards the great red, the entire space trembled at this moment, this is the power that can wipe out the whole of Japan in an instant.


The earth-shattering dragon roar shook with boundless anger, and the great red was furious. She did not expect that the person in front of her would dare to shoot at her.

Before she could see any movement, all the beams disappeared silently, as if they had never appeared before, which was surprising.

"Dream Power!"

Kaido smiled and saw that his attack was easily wiped out. He wasn't surprised. If he couldn't stop an attack of this level, the Great Red wouldn't deserve to be called the strongest dragon god in Demon High School. .


The red dragon tail swept across, without any strange ability, only the most terrifying power, capable of smashing all things...

The dragon seed itself stands at the top of the food chain and can be compared to the existence of gods, especially the great red, standing on the top of all dragon seeds, known as the existence of the dragon god, and her power is exaggerated to the extreme.

Even the true gods are not their opponents.


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