Kaido can naturally see through Feliya's thoughts, but he doesn't care either.

Whether it's a demon, a fallen angel, or a side of a god, Kaido doesn't care, whether it's an enemy or hatred, what Kaido does is just crush the past.

Have a good relationship?nonexistent.

However, seeing Feria in front of him, Kaido raised the plan to place a chess piece on the devil's side. If he could take control of the Gremory family, it might not be impossible.

Thinking of this, Kaido narrowed his eyes slightly, exuding silent deterrence, and said, "Tell me what you know, the war situation of the three forces, the distribution of forces on the demon side, etc."

Having said that, Kaido paused slightly, stared at him, and continued with some playfulness.

"And the case of the Gremory family!"

Filia was stunned for a moment, wondering about Kaido's question in his heart, but he didn't think for a long time, and after sorting it out a little, he opened his mouth to explain to Kaido.

The war of the three parties has lasted for more than ten years since the beginning, and the tentative war of the three parties has been completely stuck in a stalemate.

Every day and every night, there are local wars, and every war is accompanied by the fall of hundreds of demons, fallen angels, and angels.A battle like today's is just a small microcosm of the war.

To this day, with the three-party war, there have been unclear demons and fallen angels falling, and the number of the three-party forces can be said to be crazy and sharply reduced, even the demon king-level powerhouse has fallen.

Whether it's an angel, a fallen angel, or the angel side, all the powerhouses of the Demon King series have fallen. Although the main powerhouses are still there, the three parties can be said to be red-eyed, and they will never die.

However, according to Filia, the three forces seem to be going to launch a final all-out war in the near future, in an attempt to end the war in one go.

As for the Gremory family, although they are among the upper-level pure-blooded demons, since there is no demon king-level powerhouse in the family, the only suzerain is only the highest-level demon. Although the strength is considered strong, there is no decisive powerhouse. Therefore, it is not particularly prominent in the demon camp, just the middle and upper reaches.

This is not surprising to Kaido. In the future, the Gremory family can rank among the four major demon kings and become one of the best demon families in the underworld. It is entirely because of the birth of Sazex that the Gremory family can be so powerful.

It is still in the ancient period of the three-way war, and Sazex has not been born yet, so the Gremory family is naturally not particularly strong.

But it made Kaido's surprise Feliya's identity.

"You said your brother's name is Geoticus Gremory?" Kaido said with a strange expression, looking at him with a strange look in his eyes.

Geotix Gremory, this name may be a bit unfamiliar and not well-known, but when it comes to the other party's son and daughter, it is like thunder.

Sazex Gremory, Rias Gremory.

These two are the two sons and daughters of Geoticus, one pushed the Gremory family to the top, and he inherited the name of Lucifer, one of the four major demon kings. The quality of magic power is ten times that of the previous demon king. It can be ranked among the top ten in the world, and is one of the strongest people in the entire demon race.

Of course, if it is placed in this complex fusion world, it is far from being qualified to rank in the top ten, but it is not a problem to be ranked at the top level. . .

And Rias Gremory is even more famous. The heroine of the anime High School of Demons is her, the minister of the host of the original male protagonist Chiryuutei.Of course, with Kaido's intervention, this may not be the case in the future.

"Yes, my lord!"

Filia was slightly startled, and didn't understand Kaido's meaning, but he still nodded.Although he doesn't like his younger brother, he doesn't hate him either, he just loves him as his younger brother.

"How interesting!"

Looking at Feria with a strange look on his face, Kaido showed a playful smile.

This can also explain why there is no Felia in the original book, and the feelings are dead in today's battle. If Kaido did not appear, Felia would be dead today.

"Feliya, let me ask you, do you want to succeed the Sect Master and become the Demon King?"

Staring at Filia, Kaido's tone of seduction was like the ancient snake that tempted Adam to eat the fruit, with a delusional meaning.

Hearing this, Felia's face changed suddenly, her heart jumped for a moment, and her breathing became rapid.

However, he did not immediately express his position. After all, although Kaido looks extremely mysterious, his specific strength is still a mystery. Although his subordinate, the red-haired girl is very powerful, he can destroy thousands of demons and fallen angels just by raising his hand. Completely comparable to the Demon King.

But it's impossible to make him the Demon King!

"Don't doubt 5.1, I have the ability to do it!"

Seeing Felia fell silent, Kaido, who saw through his thoughts at a glance, laughed, he snapped his fingers lightly, and the atmosphere instantly formed a substantial throne, Kaido sat on it, like a bird looking down The emperor of ancient and modern, with a strong majesty.

"Making you a Demon King is a complete struggle for me. As long as you nod your head, I will naturally help you do it!"


With a calm and confident smile on Kaido's face, he beckoned and let the Great Red sit on top of him, wrapping his arms around her petite body, quietly waiting for Filia's answer.


ps: By the way, before I knew it, I had already written a million words, what a miracle! (ω).

Chapter [-] The future devil family, Gremory!

Feliya was silent, he lowered his head and did not speak, but Kaido could feel the struggle in his heart.

Demon King, this is the pursuit of all demons, a title that only the strongest among the demons is qualified to have.

As a Demon King, Felia naturally aspires to become a Demon King and one of the supreme rulers of the underworld.

But at the same time, he also understood that if he agreed to Kaido, he would become a dog of the other party, and he would be sent by the other party without any dignity at all.

So, yes or no!

Soon, Filia made a decision—

"From now on, Felia will be the dog of the adults. No matter what the adults say, Felia will do it without hesitation!" After a while of silence, Felia knelt down and said in a very solemn tone, firm and firm. powerful.

Feliya knew that he had no right to refuse. Although Kaido gave him a choice on the surface, it did not mean that he was allowed to refuse.

Maybe the next moment he refused, he would be torn to shreds by the girl who was sitting in the other's arms like a delicate doll?

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