Besides, he also aspires to become a devil himself, so what if he sells his soul to the devil?Even if you become a dog, you will not hesitate.

"very good!"

Kaido smiled, then raised his hand and pointed at Felia, the terrifying power surged out, turned into surging magic power, and poured into the opponent's body.

"I'll give you a little reward first!"

The power of all phenomena poured into the opponent's body, and it was easy to increase the opponent's strength several times, and instantly soared to the level of the highest-level demon.


The powerful scarlet magic power erupted from Felia's body by the way, forming a terrifying air wave that swept all around, causing the ground to crack.

"This...this is my power!"

Felia stared blankly at her hands, her eyes filled with incredible color.

Just raising his finger, it doubled his strength several times, directly raising it to the strength of the highest-level demon, which is simply incredible.

"As I said, it's easy for me to make you a Demon King~"! "Seeing that the other party was still very surprised, Kaido gently stroked the head of the great red, and said with a flat expression.

"It's just a sweet treat for you now. As long as you are obedient and obedient, it will be easy to become a demon king in the future, of course—" Having said this, Kaido paused slightly, a cold light flashed in his eyes, and said slowly.

"If you dare to betray, you have to look forward to a good way to die!"

Speaking of which, Kaido smiled, without a trace of murderous intent at all, but Feilia felt a chill and was extremely frightened in his heart.

Today's Kaido has put too much pressure on him. Just raising his hand can raise his strength to the highest level of demons, and he has risen to a new level. He can't imagine how terrifying Kaido's strength is.

"My subordinates will never dare to have two hearts!"

Filia lowered her head deeply and said in a panicked tone.

"Well, since that's the case, then take me to Gremory's territory!" Kaido stood up and said lightly.



The territory of the underworld is extremely vast, coupled with the absence of oceans and wars, there are not many people in this vast land.

Therefore, even across a distance of dozens of miles, Kaido did not see even a single gathering place, and some were just billowing smoke and broken ground.

It is conceivable how tragic this war that has swept the entire biblical pantheon and was triggered by three forces in the underworld is.

Everything I saw along the way was completely destroyed, and there was no so-called human beings at all.

However, several people were expressionless and didn't care about these bleak scenes, which was not surprising.

One is the emperor who ruled over two worlds and killed countless creatures with his own hands.

Even Felia, after years of war, is already immune to everything in front of her.

Finally, after spanning hundreds of miles, a magnificent castle stood on a plain, looking extremely luxurious and covering an extremely vast area.

"My lord, that is my family, the main building of Gremory!"

Filia introduced: "In this museum, most of the direct blood of the Gremory family is gathered, including my parents and some clansmen living there... Only my younger brother was sent to a safe place for protection! "

Saying that, Filia paused slightly, and then said with a rather complicated expression.

"Oh, is this to protect the inheritance of the bloodline? A wise choice!" Hearing this, Kaido's eyes lit up slightly and he couldn't help nodding.

".¨It seems that your father can also be regarded as a hero!"

In this war that has swept the entire god system, no force can stay out of the way, and no force can guarantee that he will have the last laugh, even if it is the aloof demon king, the fallen angel governor, and the only supreme god - the Bible God, there is no absolute certainty.

Therefore, part of the direct line of blood of one's own family is transferred.It is indeed a wise choice. Many superior pure-blood families do not realize this, and they are still proud of their own strength.

This also led to the fact that after the war, many high-level pure-blooded demon families with seventy-two pillars cut off their bloodlines and disappeared in the underworld, becoming history.

"Hopefully!" Filia nodded, her face a little complicated, and sighed.

Compared to his lucky younger brother, Felia, who had grown up earlier and became a superior demon, could not stay out of the situation, and was not unexpectedly arranged to enter the battlefield. died.

He hadn't realized this before, but after Kaido's inadvertent "pointing out", he began to feel a little dissatisfied with his father and younger brother.

"Then go in and see this wise current Sect Master!"

Kaido said with a smile, he didn't point out the full view of Felia's expression, but said casually.


Immediately, under the leadership of Felia, Kaido set foot on the seventy-two pure blood superior demon family, the future Demon King family, the territory of Gremory.


ps: The author has released a new book. The title of the book is Xuanhuan: The Supreme Demon Emperor. I would like to trouble readers to collect it!

As for the old book, I will try to keep it twice as much as possible. There is no other way. This book is already cold enough to make money, so I can only open a new book, otherwise the author will have to drink the northwest wind.

Chapter [-]: Stay in Gremory

The main hall of Gremory is a luxurious living room. The decoration here is very luxurious. The round table is made of top-quality wood, full of art and luxury. Paintings, any one that is spread out, has a high price.

From the floor-to-ceiling windows on the side, you can also see the garden and pool outside the house, giving people a relaxed and happy feeling.

Just like the nobility in the Middle Ages, there is luxury and preciousness everywhere, and there is a deep background, not like an ordinary upstart.

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