This made her extremely surprised. She had to know that in her impression, the man in front of her was linked to terms such as idiots and perverts.

But now it's quiet, it's still pretty cool!

The great red stared at Kaido, who was reading quietly, and a blush flashed across her delicate face. At this time, she realized that Kaido was good looking, not only in line with her aesthetics, but also her strength was exaggerated. .

"What's the matter, am I pretty?"

Just when the great red stared at Kaido, a playful voice suddenly sounded, making her agitated, and she suddenly came back to her senses, and saw that Kaido had closed the magic book and was looking at her with some playfulness.

"You... hum, it's nothing, I'm just a little strange why you read that kind of book!" In an instant, Da Zhihong's little face instantly turned red, like a boiled hairy crab, red to the top, and his tone stuttered, But soon she forced herself to calm down, and turned to be a little careless.

"With your strength, you don't need these things at all!"

The so-called magic is just a warlock created by the strong in this world in order to better use the magic power. Although it is useful to the ordinary strong, it is nothing to the strong of their level.

This is not surprising, after all, magic is just better use of magic power to issue more powerful attacks.

But this kind of warlock is of no use to them, because they can exceed the maximum limit that magic can achieve with a single blow.

"Little Hong, you don't understand this!"

Kaido closed the magic book, stared at the curious Great Red, and shook his head.

Although this title made Great Red gnashing her teeth, she still sat there obediently and listened, she was still a little curious about what Kaido wanted to say.

"The strong sharpen their minions, and the weak exercise their wisdom. The reason why the strong do not need to exercise is because they are strong enough, and the reason why the weak exercise is that they are very weak!"

"And if the weak want to become stronger, they have to practice, they need to hone their skills, sharpen their minions, and make themselves stronger!"

"The so-called weak is to move forward step by step, train step by step, make yourself stronger, and finally shred the strong!" Kaido's eyes were extremely deep, exuding an inexplicable brilliance, which made the great red feel a little heartbroken. trembling.

"My strength is not strong, so I need to continue to sharpen myself and make myself stronger!"

Kaido opened his hands, which were a pair of white and slender hands, which looked like the palms of ordinary mortals, but who would have thought that these hands could easily shred the planet?

"You're not strong enough?!!" Great Red exclaimed, with a stunned expression on her face, full of disbelief.

· · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · ·???????

If a monster of Kaido's level is not strong, then what is she, one of the strongest people in the world who is easily crushed?Can't it be garbage?

"Yes, the real world is very vast. There are countless beings stronger than me. Even in this world, there is an existence that is much stronger than me now!"

Kaido shrugged at the exclamation of Great Red, and said lightly.

"...The world is really big!"

After being silent for a long time, the great red finally said this sentence, but there was obvious disbelief on her delicate face.

Upon seeing this, Kaido was not surprised and did not refute her. After all, as one of the strongest people in this world, the Great Red did not say that he knew everything, but he was also an old monster who knew countless secrets.

It is impossible to convince the other party that there are countless beings stronger than her, even if these strong people are not in this world.

Although for today's Kaido, the mere magic is no longer useful, but there are many places to learn from.

After all, it is a collection of generations of strong people, and it was created only after thousands of years of history. Naturally, it has its own uniqueness.

At the very least, Kaido learned a lot of interesting things from a few books.


At this moment, in a place extremely far away from Gremory, a powerful magical force erupted, rising into the sky and radiating the boundless earth.


Kaido said lightly, raised his head, and looked in the direction of the distance. The magic power that ordinary powerhouses could not sense at all was clearly seen by him, like a lighthouse in the dark night.

"A battle broke out!?"

The great red also raised his head, and said with some surprise, for a strong person like her, no matter where the underworld occurs, she can easily sense it.

"This is a Demon King-level battle!"

Kaido put down the magic book and said in a positive tone.

"Looks like something happened!"


Chapter [-]: The Demon Camp with Heavy Losses

The Demon King-level battle broke out abruptly, as if it started suddenly, without any warning.

Of course, although the battle of the Demon King is powerful, it can affect hundreds of miles of land at any time, but it has not been exaggerated to affect the Gremory family.

Therefore, even if there is a demon king-level battle, the castle is still calm and no one is disturbed, even the suzerain with the most advanced demon strength is no exception.

"It doesn't seem to have affected this place yet!"

The great red jumped off the sofa, walked to the floor-to-ceiling window, looked out into the distance, and said indifferently.

"It's just, this magic power!"

She frowned her beautiful eyebrows and couldn't help but be a little puzzled, "It's filled with a vast aura of holy light!"

"It's the power of the God of the Bible!"

As soon as the Great Red's voice fell, Kaido, who was sitting beside "Six Five Zero", took her words and spoke first.

With Kaido's strength, not to mention just identifying the magical attributes in it, it is the identity of the person who shot, and it is easy to know if you want to know.

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