"This breath is not strong, it seems that the God of the Bible did not take action!" The great red stood on tiptoe, his face was pressed against the window, and the sharp dragon pupil exuded a dignified breath.

As a Dragon God, although her perception is not as good as Kaido's, she is also extremely powerful. If the God of the Bible makes a move, it is impossible to hide from her.

"Don't worry, there will be results tomorrow!"

Kaido smiled slightly, flipped through the magic book again, and said in a mysterious tone.

"Maybe Gremory is about to riot!"

Hearing this, Great Red turned his head and looked at him strangely, as if he didn't understand why he was so confident.

It's just that when she saw Kaido's actions, her delicate and lovely face suddenly flushed, and her petite body trembled subconsciously, she couldn't help but grit her teeth and whisper, "Hmph, what a perverted lolicon! "

It's just that there is not much anger in his tone, but a hint of shyness.

Afterwards, she gently stepped forward, Bai Nen's soles stepped on the floor, making a slight noise, and when she came to Kaido's side, she slowly knelt down and stretched out her hands tremblingly.

Well, loli is really beautiful!Especially legal loli!

Kaido looked at the starry sky and couldn't help sighing. After his strength became stronger and stronger, he pursued more and more enjoyment.

The next day, at the Gremory Mansion, the entire huge castle shook, and a solemn atmosphere filled the entire castle.

Sure enough something happened!

As soon as he walked into the living room, Kaido keenly sensed the dignified atmosphere around him, and couldn't help but chuckle.

But he didn't say anything, but walked to the sofa and sat down, quietly waiting for the servant to prepare breakfast for him.

As for the great red, even if it is the true Red Dragon God Emperor, a Dragon God-level powerhouse, but it is just a clone, and it is still unable to withstand Kaido's tossing. He is resting in the room at this time, and it is estimated that he will be able to wait until noon. Get up.

I have to say that the efficiency of Gremory's servants is still very obvious, and because of the devil, whether it is action or craftsmanship, it is far from human beings.

Therefore, Kaido just waited for a while before a beautiful maid brought plates of meals to Kaido.

"Sir, please eat!"

Let me say here that even demons need to eat, and the general situation is similar to that of humans, so Kaido is not worried about eating anything strange.

Time passed slowly in Kaido's breakfast.

Not long after Kaido finished his meal, while sitting on the sofa to pass the time, a tired voice came.

"Lord Kaido, you are up!"

Kaido, who was sitting on the sofa, heard a tired voice, turned around in surprise, and saw the sect master of Gremory, the middle-aged man came to him with a tired face at this time, and sat beside him. on the sofa.

"What's the matter with you?"

Seeing this, Kaido couldn't break it either, so he pretended to be a little curious and asked.

"The headquarters of the devil, something happened!"

Hearing this, the middle-aged man's face suddenly became tangled, with a hint of bitterness.

"What exactly happened?"

Kaido looked surprised, put down the black tea in his hand, and asked seriously.

Although it is a pretentious gesture, Kaido is really curious about the development of the matter. Last night's Demon King-level battle lasted for a long time, and even thinking about the fall of the Demon King-level, Kaido is naturally quite curious...  ...

"Last night, Michael on the side of the God of the Bible led a number of powerful angels to suddenly attack the Devil's headquarters. At that time, the four Lord Demon Lords happened to be absent. In order to resist the angel side, many pure-blooded devil Patriarchs fell because of this!" The middle-aged sect master said slowly, the original elegant posture could no longer be maintained at this time.

"According to reports, even the head of the Baal family, whose strength is comparable to the four major demon kings, has fallen!"

Having said that, he couldn't help rubbing his temples with his hands, and he felt a huge headache.

Although the demon side is not the weakest side in this war, after yesterday's raid, it also suffered a great blow.

After incomplete statistics, more than [-] high-level demons have fallen, and there are [-] or [-] of the highest-level demons, including the pure-blooded demon Patriarch Barr, who is comparable to the Demon King.

Although in the demon camp, the four major demon kings are the supreme leaders, the seventy-two demon god family is also the backbone, and the strength of the few at the peak is not necessarily inferior to that of the demon king.

Among them, Baal, who ranks first, is even more powerful than the four major demon kings, and is the strongest of the pure blood demon family.

It's a pity that in last night's raid, the Patriarch of Baal was wiped out by Michael's Holy Light and completely disappeared.


Kaido rubbed his chin with an odd expression.

Baal, the head of the seventy-two demon gods, is the leader of the demons in myths and legends. He possesses incomparably powerful strength, but he did not want to die so easily.

"Your Excellency Kaido, I'm going to the Devil's headquarters next, if possible..." He said this, his face twisted a little.

"Would you please take care of Gremory!"

Even though he is a family head and has a good cultivation, he was still a little embarrassed when he said this.

"No problem, it's just a little effort!"

Kaido waved his hand and directly agreed, this was just a trifle to him.

"Then thank you, Your Excellency Kaido!"

The middle-aged Sect Master heaved a sigh of relief, and quickly thanked him, his tired face regained a hint of vigor.

"Don't worry, I will definitely take good care of them!" Kaido revealed a wicked smile.

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