Kaido is still quite curious about the weapons, artifacts and god-killing tools in this world. Of course, he is not curious about the power.

To be honest, all the artifacts in the entire Demon High School, including the Divine Destruction Tool, could not stop Kaido from slapping him. He was only interested in the technology and the artifacts themselves.

And the God of the Bible, who created the artifact and the god-killer, is also the existence that Kaido wants to meet.

"This holy spear is an artifact given to me by my lord! The holy spear called extinction has the power to exterminate all things!" The pure golden eyes stared at Kaido for a while, and Gabriel said slowly, Explain the origin of the Holy Spear to Kaido, the enemy.

This scene made Kaido a little dumbfounded. He just asked casually, but he didn't expect that this lovely angel, Your Excellency, would actually tell him the information.

I really don't know if it's stupid, natural, or confident?

"I can sense that you are not a demon!" Gabriel clenched his holy spear, staring at Kaido with beautiful eyes, a somewhat natural way.

"Can you please not interfere!"

Well, Kaido is confirmed, the blazing angel named Gabriel in front of him seems to be really natural.

At the very least, there is no weirdo who can say words on the battlefield to keep the enemy from doing it.

However, Kaido didn't directly refuse, but brought up a smile, stared at that perfectly seductive pretty face, and said, "If you want me not to interfere, as long as you become my slave, I will promise you!"

I have to say that Kaido is really very funny, and dare to say in front of many angels that making a blazing angel his slave is still the most beautiful angel in the heaven.

This kind of thing, even the pure-hearted angels who have no desires and no desires, have raised a lot of anger.

"Bold, how dare you disrespect Lord Gabriel!"

An eight-winged angel stood up, stared at Kaido, and couldn't help roaring.

The surging holy light surged, turned into a holy flame, burned the entire sky, and swept towards Kaido, wanting to burn the sinner who blasphemed the Seraph in front of him!


Kaido's face remained unchanged, but his eyes became a little indifferent. A small ant dared to do something to him?

act recklessly!


Just when Kaido was about to shoot and crush the opponent, a roar came, and then a powerful magic burst out, with a magical breath that belonged to Gremory, and released a terrible red lightning, slashing in front of Kaido. Come.


A terrifying collision erupted, and the red lightning collided with the sacred flame, forming a terrifying wave that swept out of the sky, forming a rolling air wave.

At this time, dozens of figures swept into the air and appeared around Kaido. The leader was Felia. At this time, he fully exploded the strength of the most advanced demon, and the powerful magical body formed a terrifying red glow. Exudes great power.

In Felia, there are more than a dozen demons, each of which is a superior demon, with strong strength, showing the powerful strength of the Gremory family.

"Master Kaido!"

Felia came to Kaido and said respectfully.

Because of Kaido's training of Felia in the past few days, Feilia changed Kaido's name, and the rest of the Gremory family did not find it strange.

"The eldest son of Gremory, Filia Gremory!"

The eight-winged angel glared at him, and said in surprise.

"You actually broke through to the highest level demon!"


Chapter [-] Let Gabriel fall to the sky?

"Lord, please be careful, the leader is Gabriel, one of the four blazing angels!"

Filia stood aside and respectfully said to Kaido with a solemn expression.

Even if he knew that Kaido's strength was terrifying, he was suspected of surpassing the Demon King, but this time his opponent was Gabriel, one of the Four Great Seraphim. His strength was absolutely terrifying, and he was no worse than the Demon King.


The superior demons on the side were also full of cold sweat, realizing that something was wrong, especially when they saw more than a dozen eight-winged angels standing behind the other party, their minds trembled.

Eight-winged angels are comparable to the existence of higher-level demons. In addition, the holy power of angels naturally restrains demons. As a result, every eight-winged angel has the strength to crush a higher-level demon alone.

In addition, the God of the Bible masters terrible technology, and can create all kinds of artifacts and even god-killing tools. Therefore, every powerful angel is equipped with sophisticated weapons, especially the eight-winged angel, who basically has a powerful artifact in his hands. , capable of threatening the powerhouse of the same level.

The lineup of the angels, even if Gabriel, a demon king-level existence, is excluded, only a dozen eight-winged angels have the strength to wipe out the entire Gremory family.

At this time, coupled with the existence of Gabriel, many demons really can't think of any possibility of survival for the Gremory family!

Even Kaido, the powerhouse that the Sect Master respects, may not be able to compete with Gabriel!

"Feel sorry!"

At this moment, Gabriel spoke suddenly, she shook her head, and her moving voice was intoxicating.

"I have already served my lord, and it is impossible for me to become your slave. Give it up!"

Gabriel shook his head and sighed, as if it was a pity for not being able to win the powerful existence of Kaido.

"Hmph, I didn't expect you to be so beautiful, but you have a bad mind, and you want Sister Gabriel to be your slave!"

Sally jumped out from the side, and stared at Kaido with a delicate and lovely face, full of resentment.

Gabriel's refusal did not surprise Kaido. After all, he did not think that a dignified Seraph would become his slave because of his words, which was impossible.

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