Even if Kaido was arrogant, he wouldn't think so, but this cute girl who jumped out attracted Kaido's attention a little.

Although it is not as beautiful as Gabriel, and her body is barren, she is more cute, especially her petite body, exquisitely carved feet, and delicate and lovely face. She is simply the incarnation of an angel.

Although, the other party was originally an angel.

"who are you?"

Kaido asked, there was a smile on his face, and his originally beautiful face was now exuding infinite charm, which made Sally a little addicted, even Gabriel had to look sideways.

"Hmm! I... my name is Sally!" Sally stammered, her delicate and lovely face was full of blush, and her bare feet stepped in the air, crystal clear and incomparably white and tender. Beautiful gesture, enough to drive any foot control crazy.

"Saliye! Angel of the Moon!"

Hearing this, Kaido's expression did not change, and he whispered to himself, and he didn't care, no matter who the other party was, it was impossible to threaten him.


Gabriel opened his mouth and let Sally come back to his senses, his pretty face flushed, and the whole person was suddenly shy, and quickly ducked behind Gabriel, daring to look at Kaido again.

It's just that he looks more and more cute when he occasionally sticks his head out to watch secretly.

"Since Your Excellency is unwilling to leave, then you have to attack Your Excellency together!"

There was finally a hint of coldness in Gabriel's voice. Although she didn't hate Kaido, it was better to say that she liked Kaido a little, but Kaido's existence undoubtedly hindered her actions. As one of the four blazing angels , she can't be a weak angel.

Even in myths and legends, Gabriel is also an angel of destruction, with the responsibility of destroying everything in the world, coupled with being able to be dispatched by the God of the Bible, how could it be simple?

Once you get serious, you will definitely kill someone decisively.

"Come on then!"

Kaido evoked a smile, and twitched his fingers, saying indifferently.

Kaido's contemptuous appearance finally angered Gabriel, her tone became cold, and she raised the holy spear in her hand and pointed it at Kaido.


There was only one word, and then, Gabriel took the lead and charged at Kaido with the holy spear.

The terrifying holy power erupted, the rich holy light filled the entire sky, and the terrifying battle broke out in an instant.

0 asking for flowers

Boom boom boom! !

The terrifying collision couldn't stop breaking out, the bright light shining in the sky, constantly exploding in the air, the surging light crashed and smashed to the ground, exploding many potholes.

Soldier to soldier, general to general, king to king!

The eight-winged angel faced the superior demon, Sariel faced Feria, and Gabriel faced Kaido.

Terrible magic power collided continuously in the air, all kinds of magic arrays emerged, and powerful magic bursts continuously, colliding in the air, falling to the ground from time to time, blasting out deep pits.

In just a short while, the land around Gremory was bombed, and thousands of meters of land suffered and were blasted out of deep pits.


"It's an angel!"

In the castle, the great red stood in front of the floor-to-ceiling windows, with golden dragon eyes staring at the battle in the sky, whispering to himself.

The petite body is only covered with a white shirt, and you can faintly see the fair skin in it, full of red marks, which makes people think

She had already woken up. When Gabriel and others approached, she sensed a powerful force and woke up from her sleep. You don't need her at all.

What's more, until now, she is still weak, her legs are weak for a while, and she is unable to fight at all.


She stared at the holy and perfect figure in the sky, with a faint smile on the corner of her mouth, with a hint of ill will.

"Looking forward to the day you fall!"

The Great Red whispered to himself, and a subtle voice echoed in the room.

The most beautiful seraph in heaven has fallen?That was indeed a nice scene.


ps: In other words, although the artifacts created by the God of the Bible in the original book are lodged in human bodies, they should also be able to be used by subordinates, right?

I should have no problem setting it like this. After all, it is a time of war, and it is impossible for the God of the Bible not to create artifacts for his subordinates!

I hope that there are dxd chefs who don't take it too seriously. After all, I don't know much about Demon High School, and some of the settings are all messed up, please forgive me! .

Chapter [-] is not a level of battle

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