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Chapter four hundred and sixty-three dark celestial bodies

"this is!"

Surprised, Sally looked over quickly, and saw Gabriel in the distance bathed in the infinite holy light, and the holy spear in his hand burst out with terrifying brilliance.

"Sister Gabriel actually liberated the artifact!"

Sally was amazed, and Rao did not expect that there was a strong man in the Gremory family who could let Gabriel liberate the artifact.

The holy gun of extinction!

It is one of the top-level artifacts. If its power is fully released, it is even comparable to the God-killing Tool, that is, the power to kill the gods.

The so-called gods, that is, the devil, the existence of a level of blazing angels, is a pinnacle of the gods, with extremely terrifying strength.

And the holy spear of extinction has the power to kill gods, plus it is used by Gabriel, even the real devil can be killed.

"Who is that man who was able to make Gabriel liberate the holy spear!"

Sariel curiously looked at Kaido, who was still not changing his face under the power of the holy spear, and was full of curiosity.

Such a powerful existence is still a character full of mysteries. To be honest, it attracted Sally's attention and made her extremely curious.

But she also knew that it was impossible for Kaido to continue to live, because under the holy spear that was fully unblocked, even the Demon King would also be beheaded.

Even if Kaido is strong, it is impossible to survive.

"grown ups!"

Seeing the holy spear emitting such a powerful force, Felia couldn't help but scream, full of worry.

"Hmph, your lord is going to die!" Seeing Felia's worried look, Sally said with a smile, with a malicious expression on her face.

It has to be said that as an angel, Sally, obviously did not inherit the gentleness and kindness of an angel. Instead, he was like a demon with a lot of ghost thoughts.

"Hmph, stupid, the strength of the adults is not what you can imagine!"

Feliya snorted coldly, extremely disdainful, even though the power of the holy spear was very powerful, he knew better about Kaido's terror.


Sariel tilted his head, showing a naive and cruel smile.

"You better take care of yourself first!"

With a chuckle, Sally's figure disappeared in a flash, leaving a silver bell-like laughter in the air, and disappeared immediately.

"where is it?"

Seeing Sally's disappearance, Felia was suddenly startled, and quickly clenched the magic sword, watching intently, while turning her eyes, looking for Sally's trace.


A ray of light flashed, and Feria's shoulders suddenly splashed with blood, and a gap appeared.


The crisp and pleasant voice resounded like a silver bell, full of innocence.

Just when Filia was in trouble, the other side.


Infinite holy light filled the air, Gabriel liberated the holy spear in his hand, and the golden brilliance suddenly shone, as if holding a round of sun, the golden brilliance was released from Gabriel's hand, full of incomparably holy days.


Kaido was shocked, as if he finally saw something interesting, his appearance became a little more serious.

This is not how strong Gabriel's blow is, and this blow is just enough for Kaido to mention the level of playing with ants from the level of watching ants playing.

Although it doesn't look like much has changed, it can still be seen that Kaido is serious.

"Unknown enemy!" In the sky, bathed in holy light, with twelve wings spread behind his back, Gabriel solemnly declared like a god.

"Under the wrath of the gods, disappear!"

She slowly raised the holy spear in her hand, and a dazzling light gathered, shining with terrifying brilliance, while still chanting in her mouth.

"The Holy Spear of Extinction!"

Gabriel shouted loudly, and the holy spear suddenly penetrated a pillar of light that penetrated the sky, like a pillar of holy light that judges everything, containing the power to purify everything.


Shaking his head, facing the attack that could severely damage the Demon King, Kaido commented lightly, and then he raised his hand lightly.

"Dark celestial body!"


The sky darkened instantly, and the whole world was in the dark night, and all the brilliance disappeared in an instant, as if being sucked away.

A small black ball emerged, like a small black hole, swallowing everything, and the light was also swallowed up.

Then the black hole continued to expand, rising to ten meters in the blink of an eye, and the terrifying suction spread, swallowing up all the energy, even the dazzling beam of light was no exception and was directly swallowed up.

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