When the black hole devoured everything, it seemed to have completed the task, it shrank in an instant, and finally disappeared without a trace, and even the world that had been darkened returned to light again.

"how is this possible!"

The figure retreated subconsciously, and Gabriel looked at all this in disbelief.

With the full blow of the liberating holy spear, even the Demon King can hit hard, but 173 did not expect a black hole pointed out by Kaido to be swallowed directly, which made her a little unable to react.

"Gabriel's holy spear!"

"It was swallowed at once!"

"how is this possible!"

In the distance, the eight-winged angels who were pressing down on many superior demons stopped moving at this time, looking at all this with cold sweat on their faces, full of fear.

Even Sariel stopped playing with Felia, opened his mouth in an "O" shape, and looked at all this in shock.

"Isn't it unbelievable? This is just for you to sit and watch the sky!" Kaido shook his head, and didn't say much about Gabriel's horror, just announced calmly.

"But you can also lose! Gabriel!"

Saying that, Ye Qing raised his hand and held Gabriel, as if he was holding a world, causing Gabriel to palpitate for a while.

"you lose!"

Gabriel just had time to hear this sentence, and his eyes were darkened. The scene of the whole world was passing by quickly. The last impression was the eight-winged angels who were shattered in an instant. The falling feathers were full of desolation.

"Gabriel, the capture was successful!"

In the sky, Kaido held the unconscious Gabriel and said with a hint of pride.


Chapter [-] The Four Great Demon Kings

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Chapter [-]: The Demon King's Winning

"Mr. Kaido, you are here!"

When Kaido walked into the living room, he was greeted with the warm smiles of the four demon kings. Behind the four demon kings, there were also the suzerains of many families.

Farther away are many ladies, each with a bright smile, ~ very enthusiastic.

"Come, come here, please!"

Saying that, Lucifer opened his arms and greeted with a smile on his face.

"Well, you're welcome!"

Kaido was not polite either, he naturally accepted Lucifer's enthusiasm and walked over with them.

Sitting in the banquet, with the introduction of Demon Lord Lucifer, Kaido gradually got to know many people present.

In this way, the middle-aged man with blond hair is the suzerain of the Phoenix family. For example, a certain Bichi who is staring at him with fiery eyes is Asmodeus, the lustful demon.

Of course, Kaido has no interest in that woman. Although he likes women, he is also divided into objects. Anyway, he will never be interested in Bi Chi.

However, it is worth mentioning that, as a banquet held by the four major demon kings, even if it was only casually held, it also invited the suzerains of most of the pure blood demon families in the demon camp, and the lineup was extremely luxurious.

There are no less than fifty auras of the highest-level demons that Kaido sensed. Among the powerful demon kings, in addition to the four strongest demon kings, there are also a few faintly close to each other, which can be described as Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon. .

At this banquet where most of the demon camp's fighting strength was gathered, even Michael did not dare to lead a surprise attack, because once he dared to come, he would definitely be beaten to the ground.

But Kaido didn't care, no matter whether it was the highest-level demon or the demon king, to him, it was all ants, there was no difference, and it belonged to the kind of level that could be pressed to death with a single finger.

"Mr. Kaido, where are you from?" Lucifer asked in a tentative tone after a period of innocuous bragging.

Hearing this, everyone at the wine table pricked up their ears, and their expressions were full of curiosity.

As for the origin of the mysterious existence of Kaido, I am afraid that [-]% of the demons are very curious, especially the opponent's strength is extremely powerful, and he is still above the four major demon kings, and his record is also very proud.

But there was no news at all, as if it had jumped out of a stone, which made many demons very curious.

"Me? A person from another world!"

Hearing this, Kaido's eyes narrowed slightly, his eyes were somewhat meaningful, and then he tapped the corner of his mouth slightly, held up the red wine, looked at the ruby-like liquid, and said casually.

Another world? ?

Everyone was stunned for a while, but they didn't think of the real other world, but wondered whether Kaido came from other gods or places like the human world.

As a complex fusion world, this world is naturally not only the underworld, but also the world of the human world, the demon world, the heavenly world, the hell, and the major gods and other worlds.

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