The hot temperature caused the surrounding temperature to rise sharply, and the atmosphere was faintly distorted.

"Don't be too arrogant!"

Sakaski, whose face was ashen, was extremely angry, the magma in his right hand was rolling, and he kept blasting out the magma, hitting the ice dragon soaring into the sky.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

The huge magma fist smashed the ice dragons directly, and a large amount of magma splashed with ice cubes.

The scorching heat wave covered the entire ice surface with a lot of steam.

"As expected of Lieutenant General Sakaski!!"

"Too reliable!!"

"Smashing the ice dragon easily!!"

One by one, the Admiral and Colonel-level officers who were stranded in the air on the moon, looked at Sakaski, who was so powerful, and said in surprise.

Each one seems to have taken a reassurance pill, not panicking.

"Damn it, what did it do!"

"Destroyed the Demon Slaughtering Order all at once!!"

"This is an elite of tens of thousands!!"

Weasel, Huoshaoshan, Kuzan and other lieutenant generals walked on the moon one after another, their faces extremely gloomy, and said angrily.

"It's amazing, as expected of a general candidate!!"

At this moment, a light laughter came from above, which shocked all the admirals and looked into the air.

In midair, a slender figure stepped in the air, his feet slightly arched, and he made a strange movement, looking at them with a sneer, it was Kaido.

"Are you Kaido?!"

The Weasel Lieutenant General shrank his pupils, cold sweat broke out on his forehead, and he couldn't help losing his voice. Obviously, he was extremely shocked by Kaido's appearance!

"He's Kaido? The monster who defeated Lieutenant General Polsalino?"

"Damn, why doesn't he appear here!"

Hearing the weasel's words, the remaining generals and officers were extremely shocked and a little unbelievable.

"The number of people is a bit too much, let's solve it in one go!"

Looking at the remaining navy indifferently, Kaido took a deep breath, his muscles tightened, and terrifying power gathered from his body, and the terrifying aura couldn't stop rising, like a wild beast, extremely terrifying.

The entire atmosphere was faintly vibrating, and the terrifying pressure was almost impossible to breathe.

"Meteor Star Hundred Combo!!!"

The jet-black armament color covered his fists, Kaido's fists pierced the atmosphere, and with a terrifying momentum, frantically slammed into the lieutenant generals such as Sakaski and the rest of the navy.

The huge pitch-black fists ripped apart the atmosphere and slammed down with a terrifying momentum.

"not good!!"

"damn it!!"

"This kind of's over after being hit!!"

Lieutenant Generals such as Weasel and Huoshaoshan couldn't help but change their expressions.

As lieutenant generals, facing such a terrifying attack, they were full of fear in their hearts. They quickly slashed with their swords, slashing through the atmosphere, and slashed towards the falling giant fist.

As for the other school-level officers, brigadier generals, and major generals, they were in a cold sweat and were terrified. Compared with the lieutenant generals, they were far worse.

"Don't try to succeed!!"

Sakharsky gave a violent shout, thick smoke billowed from his body, magma continued to pour out, and he threw giant magma fists one by one.

Astonishing heat continued to dissipate, distorting the atmosphere.

"Barrier of Ice!"

The cold air continued to radiate, in stark contrast to the hot air of Sakaski on the side, like a double sky of ice and fire, a huge ice wall was condensed out, like an indestructible city wall, exuding a strong cold air.

"Hu, hu, hu..."

The jet-black fist fell frantically, slamming against the magma fist, slash and ice wall.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Huge explosions appeared in the air, a large amount of magma splashed down, with rolling heat waves, and the fiery slashes were smashed by fists, but they were barely able to contend.

"Bang bang bang... clack... clack..."

The fist fell with a terrifying momentum and slammed into the ice wall condensed by Kuzan.

In the end, he is the lieutenant general of the Navy Headquarters. With Kaido's current strength less than one-third, he is only close to the general level of strength, and it is not enough to be easily crushed!

But the other navies were not so lucky. They lacked their own strength and wanted to escape. Instead of resisting, they were directly hit by giant fists, and they were blasted into the ice one by one screaming.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fist continued to fall, directly blasting out huge deep pits, the entire ice surface was collapsing, cracks were constantly torn apart, and a large number of ice cubes collapsed.

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