After a long time, when everything stopped, a messy ice surface was revealed.

There are huge deep pits everywhere, huge cracks are cracking, the ice surface of thousands of meters is unraveling the cracks like a spider web, and the blood-stained corpses lie on the ice, the blood is stained red. A flawless ice surface.


"Damn Kaido!"

Walking on the moon step, Lieutenant General Sakaski and other lieutenants had red eyes, looked at all this in horror, and roared angrily.

The demon slaughtering order is over. Apart from Lieutenant General Salong, who has betrayed, there are ten large warships, tens of thousands of elite soldiers, and a large number of general-level officers. Now there are only four lieutenant generals left.

Such heavy losses have not occurred several times since the creation of the entire naval headquarters.

"Heh, is this the point!"

After stopping the attack, Kaido's face was not blushing or panting. It seemed that the attack just now was not consumed at all. With a sneer, his body turned into an afterimage and disappeared instantly in place.

"not good!!"

The lieutenant generals such as Sakaski, who have been alerting the surrounding with the color of knowledge, can't help but change greatly.

Chapter [-] Instantly kill the weasel

ps: Six more updates, please forgive me for only breaking out so much, because there is really not much time and manuscripts!

Regarding Kaido's character, I have already said that the protagonist is a transmigrator, and the character cannot be the same at all. Besides, Kaido in the original book is a lunatic who wants to commit suicide, and the issue of lust is overwhelming. Some men are like that, right?Isn't it normal to want to get what you didn't have before after you have power?

"Goodbye, Lieutenant General Weasel!!"

Kaido's slender figure appeared abruptly in front of Lieutenant General Weasel, covered with a domineering fist, and slammed it heavily with a violent breaking sound.

The terrifying momentum shook the atmosphere.

"not good!!"

His face changed greatly, and the weasel's long knife was blocked in front of his chest in an instant, trying to block the blow.


The two lieutenant generals Kuzan and Huoshaoshan had ugly faces, and they rushed over on the moon, wanting to rescue them.

Today's navy cannot afford the loss of a lieutenant general.


The thick smoke billowed out, and the amazing heat kept rising, distorting the atmosphere.

"Big fire!"

Sakaski's face was extremely indifferent, and the lava kept pouring out of his body. With a terrifying temperature, he slammed it directly with a punch, covering the weasel and Kaido's figures together. Obviously, he did not hesitate to sacrifice the weasel. To kill Kaido.

Its ruthlessness and iron blood can be seen in general, in order to kill the enemy, even colleagues are not willing to attack together.

"Sakaski, you?!!"


Both Kuzan and Huoshaoshan were furious. They were extremely angry at Sakaski's move of attacking even the weasel, but they had no choice but to attack, wanting to make Kaido throw the rat's weapon.

"The sharp spear of ice!!"

"Unparalleled Slash!!"

The blazing slash and the sharp and cold ice spear slammed into Kaido's back.

If Kaido doesn't care, he will definitely be attacked.


Without paying any attention, Kaido's expression was flat, and his fist slammed heavily on the weasel's knife. The terrifying force easily shattered his block and slammed heavily into his chest.

"Wow! 〃`!"

The weasel screamed, blood spurted wildly, and his chest sank directly. The whole person was slammed onto the ice, and a deep pit was smashed heavily, and he didn't know his life or death.

At the same time, the attack of the three lieutenants also hit Kaido.


With a cold snort, Kaido's figure quickly spun past, his right foot kicked out like a knife, a blazing radiance appeared, and a huge slash was kicked out by Kaido.

"Boom boom boom!"

A huge explosion rang out, and the visible air waves, with rolling magma and ice cubes, scattered and smashed onto the ice.

"Sinners who blaspheme justice, die!!"

Sakaski, who rushed over on the moon step, shouted angrily, and the billowing lava slammed over with a terrifying temperature that burned everything.

At the same time, Kuzan attacked with a terrifying chill in his hands, expressionless, even this lazy admiral was completely angered by what Kaido said.

On the other side, Huoshaoshan stepped on the moon and killed him with a sword.

Two top lieutenant generals, a veteran lieutenant general, attacked together, enough to make the generals pay attention to it.

"Hahaha, come on if you can!"

Kaido laughed wildly, his body burst out, his fists with a terrifying edge, went straight to meet him.

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