
The terrifying sound wave exploded and swept out, forming a huge explosion ring.

"Boom boom boom!!"

In the air, the four figures fought fiercely together. Every time they collided, there was a violent collision sound. The rolling lava and the icy ice couldn't stop slamming down from the air, dissolving the ice surface and bringing bursts of steam.

The whole sky was filled with violent sounds, resounding through most of the island.


"The shells stopped?!"

"Great, the navy didn't attack anymore!"

"We are saved!!"

At this time, O'Hara, who was originally under the cannonballs of the navy, was terrified. The residents who were running in a panic stopped one after another. When they saw the cannonballs that were no longer appearing, they looked at each other, some shocked, puzzled and a little surprised.

Although I don't know why the navy suddenly stopped the shelling, they were saved, but there was no accident.

"Boom, boom, boom..."

At this moment, a violent shaking sound came from the seaside, causing many residents to look at each other in disbelief.

"What is this voice?"

"Is the navy attacking?!"

"Would you like to go and see?!"

Whispering in a low voice, all the residents did not make any movement. They all looked at the coast with some fear and did not dare to approach. Obviously, the previous wave of shelling by the navy scared them.

Even if it is safe now, he still does not dare to approach the coast.

"Quick, quick, quick get the water!!"

"Put out the fire there!!"

"Pick up all the books!!"

In the Tree of Omniscience, Dr. Kroba and other scholars carried buckets, extinguished the burning flames, and picked up the scattered books one by one.

Fortunately, there were not many places for the flames to burn, and they were quickly extinguished by their manpower.

"Great, I finally rescued all the books!"

".' Finally, these precious heritages were not destroyed!"

All the scholars carried the look of the aftermath, as if the books were more important than their lives.

"Wait, why hasn't the navy attacked?"

"What's with this voice?"

"Want to take a look!"

Just when the scholars were puzzled, Dr. Kroba said lightly, with a dignified expression.

"Boom, boom, boom."

The shaking of the earth stopped, and the huge giant, Saron, stopped running, and looked at the coast with a dignified expression, with a surprised expression.

"It's Kuzan and Sakaski, who are they fighting?"

In Saron's sense of domineering and domineering, there are four powerful auras fighting fiercely on the coast, three of which he is very familiar with, and they are Kuzan and the others.

And the other most powerful one made him a little surprised.

"Would you like to go and have a look? No, let's find Robin first!"

Shaking his head, Saron ran again, and every time his big feet fell, the ground shook.

"Is this his strength (Nuo Wang Zhao)?"

Looking at Kaido and the others who had hit the ice on the other side, Nicole Olvia and the others who followed the two girls to the island were shocked, especially on the other side. Thousands of meters, the huge rift valleys that continuously swelled with sea water, and the hundreds of huge potholes made her even more shocked.

Although she knew that the other party was very powerful before, what she saw with her own eyes still shocked her fiercely, and she also believed in Kaido's promise in her heart.

Maybe the other party can really bless us!

Holding her daughter in her arms, Nicole Olvia made a decision in her heart.

"Big brother is amazing!!"

The young Robin obviously didn't understand anything. After the explanations from Olvia and others, Robin knew that O'Hara was saved entirely because of the big brother, so he was extremely grateful to Kaido.

"Master is the strongest!!"

Looking at Kaido in the fierce battle, the two women Zero said firmly. .

Chapter [-]: Intense Battle (Second Update, please subscribe)

ps: In the previous chapter, I forgot to change the owner of zero, everyone should pay attention to being an adult.

"Boom boom boom!!"

"Crack, click..."

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