"Clang, Clang, Clang..."

The ice surface vibrated and cracked constantly. Cracks kept tearing apart. Thick smoke and steam enveloped the battlefield. The flaming sword qi drew sharp trajectories, cutting through the atmosphere and slashing~ Ice.

The four figures were still fighting fiercely, and as time passed, the battle became more and more fierce.

Thousands of kilometers of ice are collapsing rapidly, and there are potholes everywhere. It has endured the battles of several strong men one after another. Even if it has been changed to another place, it is still unable to support it for too long.

If Kuzan had not used the Ice Age to freeze the sea area more than ten kilometers in radius, they might not have a place to stand at this time.


The billowing thick smoke kept rising, and the extremely hot temperature evaporated the ice surface, which quickly dissolved the cold ice surface and turned it into boiling hot water.


Sakaski rushed up quickly, covered with hot lava, with billowing smoke, turned into a magma dog, and punched Kaido with a punch.

The extremely hot temperature caused the surrounding temperature to rise rapidly.

"Just you?"

Kaido sneered, and his jet-black fists slammed into the wind without falling, tearing apart the atmosphere, carrying a violent hurricane.


A huge explosion appeared in an instant, and the billowing lava splashed in all directions, causing the ice surface around him to be torn apart quickly.

The violent air waves swept through, blowing a large amount of broken ice into the air.

"Peng, Peng, Peng..."

The figure was slammed backwards by the huge force, and the footsteps stepped on the potholes on the ice surface. Sakaski's face was gloomy and ugly, and he was shocked.

Rao has been fighting for a long time, and Sakaski is still shocked by Kaido's power, which is more terrifying than the power of giants, like a humanoid Titan.

"Ice Cubes, Pheasant Mouth!!"

Kuzan on the side rushed up, and the extremely cold air in his right hand gathered and turned into a huge ice bird.


With a cold snort, Kaido's figure instantly turned into an afterimage and disappeared in place.


The ice bird bombarded Kaido's original place, causing the already cracked ice surface to freeze again.

"not good!!"

The face of Kuzan, who had returned without success, changed greatly, and the hairs all over his body stood upright. Behind him, Kaido's figure suddenly appeared, and a pitch-black right foot, with terrifying power, kicked violently.

The high-pitched sound of breaking the air was deafening and terrifying.


The terrifying right foot kicked directly on Kuzan, and in an instant, his body was smashed apart, turned into pieces of ice, and scattered around.


The ice surface cracked, and the violent air wave shattered a large piece of the ice surface, forming a huge crater.

"Lieutenant General Kuzan!!"

Huoshaoshan's complexion changed greatly, and his squinting eyes also opened slightly. Unlike the radical Jagged Red Dog, Huoshaoshan, who is also a dove, has a good relationship with Kuzan. When he saw this situation suddenly, he was very anxious and hurriedly strode forward. He rushed up, swung the long knife, and slashed out with fiery slashes.

"Who gave you the courage to face me alone?"

Kaido's face was indifferent, he didn't dodge in the slightest, and went straight to meet him. The fiery slash from the lieutenant general slashed directly on him, but it only tore his shirt, not even a white mark, which was shocking. endlessly.

"how is this possible!!"

Huoshaoshan's eyes widened, and he stared at Kaido who was unscathed in shock. He was full of disbelief. Even a general-level powerhouse couldn't do anything without defense, so let's take his slash!


The fist ripped apart the atmosphere and slammed into it, causing bursts of air-breaking sounds.


The violent clash of gold and iron sounded, making people deafening, and terrifying power swept in, making Huoshaoshan's complexion change greatly, and his body was blasted out.

The tiger's mouth cracked open, blood kept flowing out, and the long knife was a little unstoppable.

"Mighty Dog!!!"

For example, the voice from the nether hell came from behind, and the extremely hot lava, with a terrifying temperature, evaporated the atmosphere, and the terrible magma fist slammed into Kaido's back.


The gigantic lava fist came with a terrifying temperature that melted everything, and suddenly attacked, with a terrifying power that could easily pierce through the molten steel.

· ·For flowers 0


The dark big hand quickly greeted him, and Jianbu's hair grabbed his fist, firmly blocking the terrifying force, and the extremely hot lava slammed on him, raising bursts of smoke.

"Only this extent? Sakaski!"

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