Kaido asked indifferently, the smoke cleared, revealing the upper body that had no scars and was full of smooth and explosive muscles, as if the terrifying lava was useless to him.

"how is this possible?!"

Like the Burning Mountain, Sakharsky looked at Kaido in amazement, unable to imagine that even his lava could not hurt his body.

His domineering body, which is not attached to the armed color, actually blocked his lava and was unscathed. How incredible is this? !



Ignoring Sakaski's shock, Kaido kicked his right foot violently in an instant, kicking heavily on his chest, blasting him directly into the air.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

The figure flew out, knocking out potholes along the way, and the body flew out dozens of meters away.


Not far away, a large amount of crushed ice quickly condensed once, revealing the figure of Kuzan, with a trace of blood on the corner of his mouth, Kuzan looked at Kaido coldly.

Even if he was kicked by Kaido in the front, it was nothing to a powerhouse like this, and even if he suffered a terrifying serious injury, as long as he was not killed directly, a powerhouse of this level could continue to fight until the end. Physical exhaustion or death.

This is the horror of the top powerhouses, even if they are not general-level monsters, they still have terrifying strength and physique, supporting them to fight all the time.


Sen Han's freezing air couldn't help emitting, and Kuzan rushed up again.

"Oh, it's just right!"

With a chuckle, Kaido clenched his fists and went up to meet him.

"Don't underestimate the Vice Admiral!"

Roaring, Huo Shaoyun rushed up with the knife in hand.


Akainu's face was cold, without a trace of expression, with terrifying lava, he slammed over.

"Boom boom boom..."

The fierce battle is still going on, and several figures are fighting frantically, which makes people a little dizzy and hard to see. .

Chapter [-]: Saron's Worries

ps: It is indeed a repetition, I am very sorry

"Boom boom boom!!"


The boiling magma rolled and dissolved the ice surface, and the cold air was released in all directions, freezing everything, and the flaming sword energy slashed in all directions.

It lasted for three full hours, and there was still no meaning to stop, and the frantic battle became more and more intense.


The huge slash kicked out violently, tearing apart the ice surface, revealing deep cracks.


The waves boiled, and a large amount of sea water swept up from the deep cracks, setting off sky-high waves.


The thick cracks cracked open, like spider webs, all over the ice surface, the tumbling sea water, shaking violently, kept rising into the sky.

"Zero Four Zero"


Laughing wildly, his jet-black fists blasted wildly, easily smashing the incoming lava and ice, Kaido's whole body's blood was boiling, this is not a metaphor, in the fierce battle, Kaido The blood vessels in the body are faintly boiling, and there are signs of further awakening.

Facing the siege of two top lieutenant generals and an old lieutenant general alone, even if he possesses the arrogance and arrogance of Dacheng, Kaido can only be able to do it without falling behind, if he does not use the territory of the bully , even after playing for three more hours, there is no way to tell the winner.

Of course, this is exactly what Kaido wants. Except for the battle with Polsalino in the Chambord Islands, Kaido has not encountered a battle that really excites him.

With his current strength, there are not many opponents who can make him pay attention to the whole sea, and there are only a few who let him explode with all his strength, which can be said to be extremely lonely.

Therefore, after meeting Sakaski and others, Kaido did not directly liberate all his combat power. On the one hand, it was to hone his domineering use and combat experience, and on the other hand, to enjoy a fun and dripping battle.

What's more, Kaido's body is extremely terrifying. Almost no one can break through the defense.

"Big fire!"

The huge magma fist slammed, the lava rolled, and the terrifying heat wave couldn't stop surging. The temperature in the atmosphere rose rapidly, making the air faintly distorted.

Sakaski's face was gloomy, his heart was extremely angry, the lava was rolling all over his body, and the temperature around his body was extremely hot, making people feel like a volcano.

The two top lieutenant generals and a veteran lieutenant general couldn't win against each other after playing for three hours, and they couldn't even gain the upper hand, which made him angry.

Affected by Sakaski's mood, the surrounding temperature kept rising, and the atmosphere seemed to be boiling.

"Ice Spear of Thorns!!"

Kuzan rushed forward, his whole body was covered with freezing air, his hands were waving, several sharp ice spears, covered with domineering, with the freezing cold air that froze everything, pierced the air, and shot towards him. .


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