Huoshaoshan shouted violently, and the long knife cut out a huge slash, flaming and dazzling.

The attacks of the three lieutenant generals slammed over together, tearing the ice surface with terrifying power.


Kaido took a deep breath, his muscles tightened tightly, and the strength of his body couldn't stop gathering, and the suffocating aura couldn't stop rising.

"Day Tiger!!!"

The air kept vibrating and compressing, and then Kaido punched out.


The huge ferocious tiger phantom roared out, with monstrous might, slammed into the attack of the three lieutenant generals.


A huge explosion appeared, and with a deafening sound, the entire ice surface was shaking frantically.


Huge air waves swept across all directions, tearing into pieces of ice, and a large number of broken ice cubes were blown out, and the sea water rolled and surged into the sky.


The huge ferocious tiger phantom, in the face of Sakaski and other lieutenant generals, smashed the attack of the three lieutenant generals, crushed and smashed the past.

"not good!!"

The hairs on the whole body stood upright, and the lieutenant generals such as Sakaski, Kuzan, and Huoshaoshan stepped on their feet and disappeared in place in an instant. It was a shave in the six styles.


Pieces of ice were lifted up, and the ice surface along the way was completely shattered, and a large amount of seawater tumbled, spewing up from under the ice surface with a thickness of ten meters, submerging the ice surface.


"Okay, it's amazing!!!"

"Gulu, too, too exaggerated!"

"Who is that man? He can actually fight against the Vice Admiral?!"

On the coast of O'Hara, a large number of residents had appeared there before they knew it, and they all stared at it with horror.

Especially when I saw the cracks like the abyss and the corpses everywhere, I was even more frightened in my heart.

"Kuzan, Huoshaoshan, Sakaski, their situation seems to be a little wrong, should I go and help them!"

On the other side of the coast, after hours of searching, Robin was finally found with the zero girls. At this time, Saron, who was standing with them, watching the battle, had a complicated face and looked at the three three who were at a disadvantage. Lieutenant General, the mood is extremely complicated.

Even if he had betrayed the navy, seeing his colleagues in danger still made him worried and wanted to help.

What's more, seeing a large number of corpses of the navy and the ten disappearing warships made him extremely angry. Although he had betrayed, he had not left his feelings for his subordinates in his heart. If he hadn't been concerned about Robin, he would have already Ran out to help.

"I advise you to be more rational!"

An indifferent voice came from the side, it was Zero, and she stared at Saron indifferently, her crimson eyes with a cold light, and said coldly.

"If you dare to take action, I don't mind getting rid of you first!"

"What's more, in 1.0, even if you shoot together, it's useless. In front of Lord Kaido, it's just an increase of dead souls!"

Indifferent voice, with confidence in his own strength and Kaido.

After three months of special training, plus Kaido spent a lot of extraordinary points, improving their six-style and domineering cultivation, and strengthening their bodies, and then through the increase of the ice dragon fruit, at this time Zero's strength is not weaker than Lieutenant General, even if it is against Saron, the outcome is still between five and five.

"Saron, don't!!"

On the side, Robin, who was held in Olvia's arms, said with a somewhat uneasy expression. Compared with the vice admiral who wanted to destroy O'Hara, it was obviously Kaido and others who saved O'Hara and her mother. Makes Robin even better.

Therefore, naturally do not want Saron to conflict with them. .

Chapter [-]: The Death of the Burning Mountain (Chapter [-], please subscribe)

ps: Chapter 44 to see if it is still available, and then ask for a subscription.

"Is that the man who stopped the navy's shelling?"

"It's terrible! This exaggerated scene!"

"It's hard to imagine that those powerful lieutenant generals have fallen behind!"

O'Hara's scholars, led by Dr. Kloba, were all standing on the coast on one side at this time, watching this scene in shock, and they couldn't believe it.

"Doctor, if these navies die here, the World Government will not let O'Hara go!"

A scholar looked a little ugly and asked in a low voice.

If the World Government is the overlord of the entire world, then the Navy Headquarters is the sharpest knife in its hands, it removes all obstacles that threaten the World Government, and it is also the most important institution to maintain the peace of the sea.

If the Navy Headquarters suffered heavy losses in O'Hara, there is no guarantee that the World Government and the Navy Headquarters would not be completely angry and send generals to destroy O'Hara!

Next time, they won't be so lucky, and they will encounter strong people to protect them again and again 10 times.

"so what!"

Dr. Kroba shook his head, staring at the ice with his old eyes, and said with a sigh.

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