"I don't want to play anymore!"

Gently moving his body, Kaido said indifferently, his shirt without any supernatural power had already been smashed in the battle, only the rope and pants that were blessed with immortality and extension by the system still existed. .

This also saves the embarrassment of the next burst of clothes!

"It's time to completely get rid of you!"

The plain tone seemed to be killing two ants at will, not two top lieutenant generals of the nature department, which made Kuzan and Sakaski laughed angrily.

"You think you've won?!"

"Come on if you can!"

The rolling magma kept pouring out, and the cold air of Senhan froze everything.

"I haven't used the original state for a long time, I miss it a little!"

He said with a sigh, in the shocking eyes of Kuzan and Sakaski, Kaido's body began to rise, the slender body of [-] meters swelled wildly, and a pair of hideous horns extended from the head, but for a moment , Kaido has completely recovered. .

Chapter [-] The real Kaido, the desperate monster

This is a man like a demon, with huge double horns on his head, thick and messy black hair, looking extremely young, more than [-] meters tall, with scale tattoos on his left hand, naked upper body, and wearing wide pants on the lower body. There is a tie around the waist.

That tall and burly body, exaggerated to the point of terrifyingly strong muscles, is full of strength and terrifying explosive power, just standing there, gives people a suffocating sense of oppression, making people feel trembling and uneasy, and fearful. , can't afford to have the courage to fight against it!

Like a demon god standing in the world, full of terrifying power.

"What kind of fruit power is this?!"

"Is it a fruit similar to the Warring States General?!"

Looking at the exaggerated figure and the astonishing sense of oppression, Kuzan and Sakaski instantly thought of the Buddha Fruit of the Warring States General.

"Gulu, what, what is that!!!"

"Strange, monster?!!"

"That body is too exaggerated!!"

Some residents who had never seen the world widened their eyes, swallowing with some difficulty, looking at Kaido's terrifying body full of oppression, their hearts were a little shocked, and their legs trembled.

"Is that his Devil Fruit?"

Olvia's eyes widened, looking at Kaido's extremely exaggerated body, and asked in a cold sweat, if he hadn't seen Kaido's normal form, suddenly seeing Kaido in such a form would really make Olvi Ya was a little frightened, um, frightened in all aspects.

"Mom, why did the big brother suddenly become so big? It's almost comparable to Uncle Saron!!"

Robin's eyes widened, and he said in amazement, his tender arms were compared to Saron, who was standing beside him, and Kaido, who was in the distance, and said in awe.

"Is that the true attitude of an adult?!"

Zero's beautiful face looked at Kaido with some obsession, that terrifying body, with a strong fascination in his tone, like a slut.

"So handsome!!!"

In fact, about everything about Kaido, today's zero will unconditionally like it.

"elder sister..."

On the side, she looks cool and beautiful, her body is hot and sexy, her 2b bulges forward and backward, she looks at her sister speechlessly, covering her face, although she also thinks that the current Kaido is very impactful, but she doesn't. So exaggerate!

"Wow!! ' 々!"

Kaido roared, and the violent sound wave turned into substance, forming a huge impact, shattering the ice along the way, and blasting towards Kuzan and Sakaski.

"Don't underestimate us!!"

Waking up from the shock, Sakaski's face was ugly, he roared heavily, his footsteps stomped on the ground, his figure flashed, and he disappeared in place in an instant.

"Huh, is it similar to the shock wave of the Warring States General?!"

Kuzan said coldly, the cold air couldn't stop emitting, and a lot of ice began to condense.

"The Thousand Spears of Ice!!"

The hands were suddenly pressed against the ice surface with intense cold air. The next moment, the ice surface vibrated wildly, and huge sharp spears stretched out crazily, forming hundreds of sharp spears, with a terrifying cold air. , met with a terrible shock wave.

"Boom boom boom!!"

The violent collision broke out, as if they were comparable, the two shocks could not resist, and a large number of ice cubes shattered and flew towards the surroundings.


The boiling magma gushed out, covered with thick smoke, Sakaski appeared behind Kaido, and the boiling magma blasted past.

"I don't believe that your body can't be broken open, the dog bites the red lotus!!"

With the terrifying power of dissolving everything, the boiling magma turned into a huge ghost dog and slammed into Kaido's back. The hot temperature distorted the atmosphere, and the scorching high temperature was unbearable.


With a terrifying impact, the magma dog slammed into Kaido's back, and the magma splashed all over the surrounding ice and instantly evaporated into mist, making people terrified.

"Mighty Dog!!!"

Immediately after that, a right fist made of magma slammed straight into Kaido's back, and the billowing smoke kept rising, which surprised Sakaski.


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