Sakaski muttered to himself in surprise, full of joy. Sakaski knew how terrible his moves were. He was confident that even if Whitebeard was directly hit by him, he would end up with a body piercing through his body. end.

No one can take the magma punch that he shot with all his strength, absolutely not.

Unless the other party is not human!

However, soon, Sakaski's eyes widened and he couldn't believe it.

"how is this possible?!"

The thick smoke dissipated, and what appeared was Kaido's unscathed back, which didn't even show a trace, which made Sakaski unbelievable and a little absent-minded.

"What kind of monster are you?!"

It was Kaido's extremely violent fist that answered him.


The violent fist slammed directly on Sakaski's unbelievable face, blood splashed out instantly, and the whole person burst out like a cannonball, smashing an ice road along the way, lasing hundreds of meters away.


Kuzan's face changed greatly, and his figure was about to rush out. He wanted to support Sakaski. At this time, even if the faction was different from Sakaski, there was some discord at ordinary times, but in this case, he It's impossible to sit back and watch Sakaski get knocked down like this.

Aside from the friendship between his colleagues, in the current situation, if Sakaski is also out of combat, then he will not be able to escape from the hands of a monster like Kaido.


Ignoring Kuzan, Kaido's eyes were cold, full of tyranny, his feet arched slightly, the next moment, the ice surface under his feet collapsed instantly, and his huge body rushed out in an instant, like a violent Titan.

Have you ever been hit head-on by a supersonic?

Today's Sakaski is setting a precedent.

"not good!!!"

When shaking his head, Sakaski, whose face was covered in blood, stood up a little with difficulty. The oncoming wave was a violent wave, and it had already collided. The whole body was covered with domineering and terrifying The mighty gigantic body.



The violent collision and the sound of almost shattering most of the bones in his body made Sakaski almost lose consciousness without even feeling the pain.

However, before his body could fly out, the violent fist broke through the speed of sound and hit him directly from top to bottom.


The ice surface collapsed in an instant, and it kept collapsing towards the back of Sakaski. down.


A large amount of seawater surged up, submerging Sakaski's body, and blood kept pouring out, dyeing the seawater red.


When Kaido finished all of this, a deafening sonic boom came from behind him, no more than a second before or after.

Lieutenant General Sakaski killed instantly.

"Gulu, how is that possible!!!"

Stopping the steps he just took, Kuzan swallowed hard, cold sweat broke out from his head, looking at Kaido's violent eyes and monster-like body, for the first time, he was afraid!




Everyone opened their mouths wide, looking at all this in disbelief, and they were speechless. They could only stand there blankly, unable to recover for a while. .

The battle at the end of the forty-ninth chapter, the dead Saron

ps: The last chapter, plus the morning one, seven chapters, is a big outbreak.

I just asked a friend of the author, it seems that it was posted too early, and a chapter was broken, and it was almost dead _(:з"∠)_, the editor!


Being stared at by Kaido's furious eyes, Kuzan's face was pale, and he felt that the hairs on his whole body were standing upright, and he couldn't help but retreat slightly, drenched in cold sweat.

In his heart, he resisted the urge to escape. In fact, even Kuzan couldn't do it. Kaido's speed did not match his huge size. He saw that he was not Polsalino. That kind of speed type powerhouse can't escape at all.

It seems that there is no escape this time, Kuzan thought bitterly.


The incomparably thick arm stretched directly into the sea, and with the sound of rushing water, Sakaski's body like a dead dog was dragged up by Kaido.


The whole body was not intact, with all kinds of terrifying injuries, Sakaski, who was dying, was thrown by Kaido to the ice surface that was still intact in the distance, and made a dull sound.

Today's Sakaski is not the Akainu 223 years later, or the [-] who endured two violent attacks by Whitebeard in a row, but still able to lively and even dare to face the red-haired monster.

It was only the strength of a top lieutenant general, and after enduring two or three violent attacks from Quansheng Kaido, Sakaski completely lost his combat effectiveness and passed out.

Of course, monsters are monsters, even if they haven't really reached that point, with their physique, even with such a terrifying injury, they can't kill them. As long as they can meditate and cultivate, they will soon be able to recover.

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