The antlers, fish scales, snake body, and the dragon transformed from the earth perfectly reproduce the image of the oriental dragon, just like the dragon that is truly turning over the rain and clouds.

"Storm and thunder!"

Hands clasped together, like calling for wind and rain, the invisible wind is called to form a hurricane, and a piece of dark clouds gathers quickly. The starry sky illuminates.


Lightning flashes and thunder, and the wind howls, made the beasts on Moscow Island, who were already in panic, even more uneasy, and each made a huge roar to dispel the panic.


The dazzling lightning flashed across, reflecting Kaido's body like a demon. In the dark island, Kaido stood on the ground, the whole body was cracked, the sky was thunder and lightning, and the wind was howling, and the whole person was like a demon.

"Is this the tyrant's territory!"

Looking at the amazing scene he created, Kaido sighed a little.

"God-like power!"

Said, Kaido frowned and said a little unhappy.

"Unfortunately, it can only control the area of ​​several kilometers in a radius, and the simulated attack strength is also limited."

But after thinking about it, Kaido was relieved. With such a powerful ability, if there were no restrictions, wouldn't it be like a god?

"System, can the tyrant's territory continue to evolve?"

After thinking about it, Kaido continued to ask the system.


"How many extraordinary points do you need?"

Kaido's eyes lit up, and he asked excitedly, the territory of the Tyrant is so powerful now, if it evolves again, how powerful will it be?

In control of the world?Dominate the world?

Thinking like this, Kaido was excited, but the cold mechanical sound of the system quickly poured cold water on Kaido.

"One million points!"

"One million? My God, why don't you go to heaven?"

Hearing the system's words, Kaido almost jumped up, one million?He only has 3500 points left now, and all the powerful beasts on the entire Moscow Island add up to more than [-]. How long will it take to get them together?

"Forget it, let's practice slowly by yourself!"

Seeing that the system was ignoring him, Kaido shook his head and didn't pay any more attention to it. Tyrant's realm didn't only rely on the system, he could also cultivate by himself.

Besides, Kaido didn't want to rely too much on the system.


"Well, then we have to think about the future development!"

Putting away the territory of the Tyrant, Kaido sat cross-legged on the ground again and began to think about the future path. After all, he could not stay on Moscow Island all his life, so he naturally had to consider the future path.

"Do you want to overthrow the world government and become the supreme emperor?"

Thinking about an idea that was enough to shake the entire ocean, Kaido muttered excitedly to himself, if it were an ordinary person, I would not even dare to think about it, and only Kaido would dare to think like this.

Wake up and take control of the world, drunk and lying on the knees of beautiful women!

This is the dream of countless men, including Kaido, but most people do not have the power to realize it.

"Very good, then it's decided, this world, I want it!"

The whole person stood up, reaching a height of more than [-] meters. Kaido, who was like a demon, said in an extremely domineering manner.

"Ding, release the main quest!"

At this moment, a cold mechanical voice sounded in Kaido's mind, which surprised Kaido.

main mission?

"Overthrow the world government, establish a new dynasty, and become the supreme emperor!"

"Time, unlimited!"

"Reward, turn on the world shuttle function!"

"It seems that the system also supports my ideas!"

With a stern smile on the corner of his mouth, Kaido said coldly.

ps: New books for collection, flowers, everything! ! !

Chapter [-] Leaving Moscow's Beast Island

In the early morning, the warm sun shines on the whole boundless sea.


The blue waves were rippling, and the calm sea surfaced with waves of tiny waves. From time to time, a swimming fish jumped up from the sea. In the air, seagulls flew leisurely, casting shadows.

"Dong dong dong..."

In the early morning, in the depths of Moscow Island, a tall and mighty figure slowly walked out of the forest, a body more than [-] meters high, as terrifying as a demon, carrying a huge package behind him, and every step on the ground made a loud noise. The whole person exudes a frightening breath.

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