"It's time to leave!"

Bathed in the warm sunlight, Kaido's huge demon-like body stood quietly, his eyes staring at the boundless sea, and he sighed a little.

After staying on this Moscow Island for more than three years, Kaido is already tired of staying there. He did not leave this place before, just because he still has to practice on this island. Now the strongest overlord of Moscow Island has been crushed by Kaido. Kill, and Kaido's strength has reached the limit, naturally choose to leave.

"I don't know how many years it is in Haiyuan Calendar now?"

Squinting his eyes slightly, Kaido secretly guessed in his heart.

"I don't know if Gol D. Roger is dead. If not, I really want to fight him!"

Thinking like this, Kaido raised a smile full of fighting intent. If he is at full strength now, it can be said that he is not weak at all in the later stage, as Kaido of the Four Emperors period.

The Four Emperors are the pinnacle of existence in the entire One Piece world, and naturally they are not afraid of Gol D. Roger.

"Forget it, it's useless to think too much. It's better to leave this small island and find a popular island!"

Shaking his head, Kaido didn't think about these things anymore. He stayed in the deserted Moscow Island for more than three years. If it wasn't for cultivation, he would have left long ago, and now he naturally doesn't want to stay any longer.


Suddenly, Kaido shouted loudly, and a huge sound resounded through Moscow Island. Then, as if being summoned, a huge black shadow flew up from the depths of Moscow Island, like lightning, with an amazing The speed swept towards Kaido.


The black shadow quickly flew to Kaido's side, and the astonishing speed even blew a strong hurricane, blowing the surrounding forests into a roar, and the sea in the distance was also shocked by waves.


A huge black shadow appeared beside Kaido, showing his true appearance——

It was a goshawk that was more than ten meters tall. It was pitch-black all over, with incomparably sharp eagle eyes, a sharp beak full of cold light, strong and powerful claws, and if a pair of wings were stretched out, there would be twenty Yu meters.

This is a powerful air overlord.

It is also one of the overlords in the entire Moscow Island. Even the Tyrannosaurus Rex can't help this goshawk. According to Kaido's estimation, it is a veteran lieutenant general, and it is not an opponent of this goshawk.

However, this powerful goshawk, under the control of Kaido's tyrant's territory, was still subdued by Kaido and became Kaido's mount.

and named it Lightning.


With a strong eagle call, the goshawk leaned its head on Kaido's waist somewhat affectionately, as if to say hello, but although the goshawk's body is huge, it is a little insignificant in front of Kaido, only to the waist That's it.

"Yes, Not Bad!"

The huge palm touched the head of the goshawk. Kaido, who has the territory of the tyrant, can communicate with all things in nature and dominate each other. Naturally, the goshawk can understand the words of the goshawk.

"Now is the time to leave."

Saying that, Kaido's whole body suddenly made a crackling sound, and then a shocking scene appeared. Kaido's figure that was more than [-] meters long, like a demon, was slowly shrinking, and after a while, it shrank to The height of one meter nine is shocking and inexplicable.

The upper body is naked, and the lower body is wearing shrunk trousers and a rope. The man has a tall and mighty body, full of explosive but not bloated muscles, a handsome face like a god, and long black hair fluttering, like this. His handsome appearance is enough to fascinate countless girls and young women.

Today's Kaido, compared to the previous demon-like posture, is completely two people.

By the way, the reason why Kaido's trousers and betting ropes shrink is because they have been blessed with immortality and extension by the system, so they have changed from ordinary trousers to god trousers that will never decay and can be freely enlarged and reduced. .

"It's still a good look. Although the previous look was extremely powerful, I didn't like it."

Looking at his new posture, Kaido sighed, this is the ability that Kaido's bloodline has after awakening to [-]%, and can freely shrink his body, with a normal human body and Kaido's demon-like body .

Of course, as the price of shrinking, Kaido's current strength is only less than about one-third of the original level, but compared to being able to shrink to the level of normal humans, Kaido's strength has declined in a mere amount, Kaido doesn't care, after all Kaido is still a human on Earth , Naturally not used to Kaido's incomparably huge body.

You must know that Kaido is a normal man. If he maintains a huge body of more than [-] meters all day, which woman can bear it?

Even if there is, she is also a woman of the giant clan, and there are not many female giants in the original book, which naturally makes Kaido look down on it, and ordinary women, who can't even see Kaido's feet, how can they be with Kaido? together.

This is unbearable for Kaido, who has a strong desire and is eyeing many beauties in the pirate world, and naturally wants to become a normal form.

What's more, it's not a permanent loss of power. As long as Kaido's thoughts move, he can immediately restore his original demonic posture, with the power to crush everything.

And less than one-third of the power is enough to solve most situations, even if it is the head of the three disasters in the future, or Katakuri, the head of the three generals, can't help but less than one-third of the strength. Kaido.

As long as it is not against the monster level of the general, less than one-third of the strength is enough.

"time to go!"

He casually threw the package full of Tyrannosaurus Rex meat onto the back of the eagle, Kaido jumped, jumped onto the broad back of the goshawk, and then sat cross-legged on the back of the eagle.


With a sharp eagle call, the goshawk opened a pair of wings that were more than twenty meters long, and then the wings shook, and the huge body turned into a black shadow, galloping away into the distance.


The vibration of the wings caused a strong gust of wind, and even lifted a large piece of sea water, and the huge goshawk galloped away like a black lightning, leaving a fast galloping reflection on the sea.

New books for collection, flowers, everything! ! !

Chapter [-] Jack Pirates

ps: Regarding Kaido's appearance, it's not a little white face. You can make up your mind about a handsome guy like Super [-] Kakarot. Of course, the image is definitely not Kakarot.


On the endless sea, a huge goshawk was galloping fast, and a huge shadow was projected on the sea.

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