Even if the other party wants to escape, it is difficult to keep the other party behind. Therefore, even if the world government is extremely powerful, they are not willing to offend Kaido completely.

What's more, Kaido still holds the lives of two future generals, Sakaski and Kuzan.

"Then do you still want to do something to O'Hara~¨?"

The five old stars with blond hair asked in a deep voice, O'Hara scholars studying the text of history and exploring the "blank one hundred years" undoubtedly touched the dark history of the world government, which is absolutely unacceptable to the world government. Why did the world government send a demon slaughter order?

From the very beginning, the World Government did not intend to let O'Hara's scholars go, and even O'Hara wanted to destroy it together.

"Let's stop for the time being. If you attack O'Hara again at this time, you will undoubtedly anger the other party, and it will only endanger the lives of Sakaski and the others."

The sword-wielding Wu Laoxing, with his arms folded over his chest, said coldly, his tone extremely cold.

"Then stop for the time being and wait until Sakaski and the others are rescued!"

"I agree, Sakaski and the others are top-level natural ability people, and they will definitely become naval generals in the future. They are indispensable combat power. There is no need to sacrifice them for little O'Hara."

"What if the other party refuses to release it for a long time?"

The Flat Hat Five Old Stars asked in a deep voice, this is what he is also careful about, if Kaido doesn't let the two of them go, will the World Government have to wait forever?

"Three months at the latest, if the other party is still unwilling to release, then let the admirals of the navy come out together. Even if the losses are heavy and the two of them fall, they must kill the other party."

The long-bearded Wu Laoxing said with a gloomy face, and his tone carried a strong murderous aura, obviously still not dissipated.

"Yes, if they still refuse to release them at that time, even if they are concerned about the lives of Sakaski and the others, the World Government cannot let the other party be so arrogant."

"When necessary, cp0 can be dispatched!"

"Yes, if necessary, even if it is to sacrifice two future generals!"

In just a few words, the lives of the two top lieutenant generals were decided, from which one could see the power and ruthlessness of the Five Old Stars.

If necessary, they can even sacrifice their generals.

"Let the guy from Steel Skeleton handle this matter!"

The five old stars with blond hair were sitting on the sofa with a flat expression, and his words did not show any respect. He was also a dispensable attitude towards the so-called naval marshal.

"Let him be sure to suppress the destruction of the Demon Slaughter Order!"

"Yes, if the Demon Slaying Order is destroyed, the two lieutenant generals will be captured. This is undoubtedly a slap in the face of the World Government, and it is absolutely not allowed to spread."


"Then call Cyborg Kong!"



"Thank you Kaido for your rescue!"

In O'Hara's Tree of Omniscience, the scholars headed by Dr. Kloba bowed to Kaido, their expressions full of gratitude.

They can't help but be grateful. If it wasn't for Kaido's rescue this time, not only would they die, but the tree of omniscience behind them, the large number of books, and even the entire O'Hara would be destroyed.

It can be seen from the shelling of the Navy before.

".'No need, I didn't save O'Hara because of you!"

Kaido folded his arms across his chest, looked at O'Hara's scholars indifferently, and said lightly, beside him are the two daughters Zero and mother and daughter Olvia.

"It's because of the deal with Olvia."

"By the way, I advise you that it is best not to seek the so-called historical truth. I can save you once, but not the second time."

"If you still don't know what's good or bad and go after the so-called blank history, I won't come to save you next time."

"Your actions have seriously violated the bottom line of the World Government. If there is a next action, it will definitely be the destruction of the entire O'Hara."

"There is not enough strength, I advise you that it is better not to seek death by yourself."

To be honest, as early as reading the original book, Kaido felt that these scholars were a little brainless. Which kingdom was not founded on various conspiracies and various black histories?

What's more, the behemoth of the World Government (promised)?The black history they have will only get bigger.

And as mere scholars with little power, they dare to spy on the secrets deliberately hidden by the world government. What is this not to die?

Even if you hold the so-called history and let future generations know, this kind of high-sounding reason is worthwhile, at least you have to weigh your own strength, right?

A mere group of ants, just want to spy on the giant's secret?Aren't you afraid of being crushed to death?

"Your Excellency Kaido, please forgive me for not agreeing with you..."

Kroba took a step forward and said in a deep voice with some dissatisfaction, but before he could finish speaking, Kaido interrupted him directly.

"No, I don't want to listen to your big truth, you just need to know what I say, it's up to you whether you listen or not!"

With a wave of his hand, Kaido turned around and left, ignoring the angry scholars.

Behind him, the two women Zero followed, and only Olvia and her daughter stood there awkwardly. .

Chapter Fifty-Four Night Love (Chapter [-], please subscribe and reward)

Marin Vando!

The Navy Headquarters, the Marshal's Office Building!

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