
The Marshal Steel Skeleton was empty, his face was extremely gloomy, he put down the phone bug in his hand, and the whole person sat on the desk in a daze, and then there was a loud noise.



With the fall of the big steel-like hand, the brand-new desk shattered in an instant, and the angry roar resounded through the entire office building again after more than four months.

"Marshal Kong, what's wrong?!"

Lieutenant General Crane, who was reviewing the documents on the side, raised his head and looked at the angry steel bone Kong with some doubts, not knowing why he was so angry.

"It's that Kaido again!!"

Leaning on the chair, Gang Gu Kong rubbed his head with a headache, and said angrily, with a forcibly suppressed anger in his tone.

"Did he cause something else?"

Lieutenant General Crane's face suddenly became serious, she never dared to underestimate Kaido, a young man with infinite potential.

Now that he heard the news of the other party once again, Gang Gukong was so angry that General He had already vaguely guessed in his heart.

"That kid destroyed the Demon Slaying Order, and also killed the Weasel and Lieutenant General Huoshaoshan!!"

A pair of fists harder than steel were tightly clenched, and the steel bones suppressed the anger and said in a deep voice.

"Except for Sakaski and Kuzan, the slaughtering demons wiped out everyone!"


Lieutenant General He's face changed drastically, and he couldn't help but be shocked. Even though he already had guesses in his heart, he didn't expect to underestimate the other party.

"What about Sakaski and Kuzan? Did they escape?"

Rubbing his brows, Lieutenant General Crane asked in distress.

"No, Sakaski and Kuzan were captured by the other party. He had already called the Five Old Stars and used this as a threat to ask them to give up their actions against O'Hara and not allow them to attack O'Hara for [-] years. launch any action."

Steel Bone said helplessly.

"Have the Five Old Stars agreed?" Lieutenant General Crane asked.

"It was a compromise for the time being, but the other party refused to let them go directly, so the Five Old Stars and the others gave me three months to rescue Sakaski and Kuzan. Otherwise, they would have me wait for all of them to be dispatched to suppress the other party. ." Gang Gukong said with a helpless expression and a headache.

"And about the destruction of the Demon Slaughtering Order, they asked me to absolutely suppress it and not allow it to spread!"

"Tsk, a bunch of bastards!"

"Then what to do, it's impossible for three months."

Lieutenant General Crane frowned, even she found it extremely difficult, but in three months, it was impossible to rescue two lieutenant generals from a monster that was close to, or even comparable to, the general level. Even if all the admirals of the navy were dispatched, at most they would only suppress the opponent, and it would be impossible to rescue them.

Because before that, the other party could completely kill the two Kuzans directly, and even the generals could not stop them.

Even a general is not omnipotent, especially when the opponent is also a monster.

"You can only contact the other party first!"

Cyborg Kong crossed his chest with his arms and said solemnly.

"If it doesn't work, then use force!"

"By the way, recall Garp and Sengoku!"

Steel Skeleton looked out the window, the blue sky, faintly.

"Perhaps, the Navy will have a big move!"


The night falls, the full moon hangs high in the sky, and the cold moonlight falls, filling the boundless sea.


A certain luxurious house.

"It's so comfortable!"

Kaido leaned back on the sofa lazily, enjoying the rest time after the war quietly. Behind him, Zero obediently pinched Kaido's shoulders, and his silver hair fell down, touching Kaido's face. A light girly fragrance.

This house was provided by O'Hara's scholars. Even if it was a little unpleasant before, in order to thank Kaido for saving O'Hara, he still prepared a luxurious house and carefully prepared a lot of food. .

In this regard, Kaido did not refuse hypocritically, but accepted it completely. After all, Kaido can't find food and accommodation by himself!

What's more, compared to the kindness of saving O'Hara, this thank you is nothing at all, and Kaido has no burden in his heart, but let go of his hands and feet.

As a result, all the scholars (bafj) were dispatched, and even went to the village to invite a large number of residents to come and cook for Kaido. They did it for several hours, and when there were hundreds of people, all of them became Kaido's belly Chinese food.

This situation almost didn't frighten many scholars and residents to death. It was the first time they had seen such edible food.

In this regard, Kaido said that there is no way to do it. After all, even though he has shrunk in size, his appetite has not decreased, and a meal that is enough to feed more than a hundred people is enough to fill his stomach.

"Master Kaido!"

With an ambiguous smile on his face, 2b was surrounded by a white bath towel and walked over slowly, as if he had just finished bathing, his face was flushed, his fair and creamy skin was dripping with water, and his perfectly plump body was wrapped in the bath towel. , which is eye-catching.

"Little fairy!"

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