Reaching out and pulling the girl into his arms, the perfect and seductive body was pressed against his body through the bath towel, and a pair of big hands slid across the white thighs and penetrated into the deep and mysterious place.

"Oh! Lord Kaido!"

2b couldn't help but let out a coquettish moan, looked at Kaido with wink like silk, and said in a coquettish voice, the uneven body twisted restlessly, causing Kaido to gasp for breath, and instantly became hard, a jade hand is pressing there.

"Wait, where's Olvia?"

At this moment, Kaido reached out to stop 2b's movement and asked curiously.

"Well, Olvia has taken Robin to the room to sleep!"

2b, who was interrupted, was a little dissatisfied, but still said obediently, staring at Kaido with a pair of big eyes resentful.

"Okay, don't worry. After I've 'eat' her, I'll 'eat' you guys!"

With a wicked smile, Kaido patted 2b's buttocks, making her stand up.

"Zero, go take a shower too, and go to Olvia's room with 2b to find me after you're done."


Zero looked helplessly at his evil adult, and knew that the other party was going to do it again.

Although she doesn't hate Kaido's evil at all.


In the spacious and luxurious room, Olvia was wearing an ordinary pajamas, sitting beside the bed, looking at Robin who was already asleep with tender eyes.

Perhaps because of the bath, the wheat-colored skin has a moisturizing feeling like water, and the whole person is much more beautiful than during the day, with a strong and gentle motherhood.

"Cough cough!"

Kaido coughed lightly, and suddenly alarmed Olvia, only to see that she turned to look at Kaido, and said in a panic.

"What are you here for?"

"Fulfill your man's duties, and don't forget what you promised me."

Kaido smiled indifferently, and his tall body walked over.

"Wait, can you wait a few more days, Robin is still here!"

Olvia stood up in panic and said in a panic.

"It's not better, anyway, Robin will be like this in the future, it's a demonstration for her in advance."

Kaido didn't care at all, he pressed his body up and pressed Olvia onto the bed.


ps: A book recommended by a friend, the title of the book - when the hero system develops the devil, more than 200 million words, is a thief good-looking comprehensive fan, the writing is much better than mine, I recommend it here. .

Chapter 0 Attack of CP[-] (Chapter [-] for subscription and reward)

PS: Chapter 50 and the latest chapter can already be read, this is the third chapter, and the last chapter is at night.

I don't know why I can't reply in the book review area, so I reply to Xiao Wu here. Regarding these plots, this must be written, and women can't just put them aside after they are collected, right?It always has to be pushed down, but next time I will take it down. If it affects the viewing, I am here to say sorry!

"Ow!~!" "Bang!!!"

A loud elephant chirping resounded, and a huge elephant foot stomped on it, stepping directly on a man in a black suit and flying him out-.


Blood spurted out, the man in the white suit had a sunken chest, and he smashed into the ground, not knowing whether he was alive or dead.

"Hahaha, a few things that don't know how to live or die!"

Jack laughed wildly, the huge elephant trunk stretched out instantly, and slammed into another man in a suit, making his face change greatly.

"Iron block!"

The man let out a low growl, his muscles instantly hardened like steel, and he wanted the next blow.


However, as he wished, the huge elephant trunk with terrifying power instantly shattered his iron block and blasted him out.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

On the other side, the two figures were fighting fiercely, their bodies flickering constantly, their fists and feet fluttering, and the fiery slashing could not burst out, slashing the sea surface, causing waves of waves.

"Canglang, how dare you betray the World Government!"

The figures of the fierce battle suddenly separated. A burly man with a cat-shaped mask was in a state of embarrassment.

Obviously, in the battle between the two, the masked man was completely at a disadvantage.

"Wild cat, needless to say, you know my strength and dare to attack us, it means that you are ready to die!"

Fan stood there with an expressionless face, and said indifferently, his tone did not fluctuate.

"Lanjiao · Broken Moon!"

The right foot suddenly kicked out, and a flaming slash appeared in an instant, piercing the air and slashing towards the masked man.


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