"Let's go!"

Dr. Klopa said with a sigh, and his tone was a little sad.

"Well, since Robin is gone, I can almost leave!"

Somewhat lost, Saron stood up and walked out.


The first half of the great waterway, the capital of seven waters.

When the light disappeared, what caught the eyes of Zero and the others was the dilapidated and ruined West District.

"Where is this place?"

Olvia's eyes widened, looking at the shattered earth and houses, and asked in a bit of amazement.

In the blink of an eye, she appeared in such a place from O'Hara, making her unable to turn around for a while!

"This is the capital of seven waters!"

Kaido explained lightly, but in his heart he sighed a little at the mighty power of the system. Facing the bright light that can move space, with Kaido's current strength, he couldn't see anything strange. Kaido had to sigh at his own insignificance. .

"The capital of seven waters? I remember it seems to be a very prosperous shipbuilding capital. How could it become such a ghost?"

Olvia asked in amazement, while Robin grabbed Olvia's hand in fear.

3.1 "Because of the war!"

Kaido said softly, looking not far away, looking down at Jack's "Black Wrist" Zepha.

"Zero, you are responsible for protecting Olvia and the others!"

"Yes, Lord Kaido!"

The two women, Zero, suddenly said with serious expressions, their faces were full of seriousness.

The goshawk on the side stretched out its wings, turned its sharp eagle eyes, looked in the direction of Zefa, and murmured uncomfortably.

"Then I should go to some arrogant guy and say hello!"

With a sneer on his lips, Kaido's figure flashed, turned into an afterimage, disappeared in place, appeared behind Zefa in an instant, and a faint voice echoed.


He raised his fist and blasted it out with violent force, breaking the atmosphere and bringing up a violent wind, making people change their color. .

Chapter [-] Showdown with Generals (The fifth update, the third update, please subscribe!!)

ps: [-] words at [-] today, I gave it up, please subscribe, don’t drop it anymore, it dropped almost [-] in two days, I’m about to vomit blood_(:з」∠)_


Zefa's face changed slightly, but he didn't change into panic, his body flashed, and instantly disappeared in place, dodging the violent fist.


The violent air waves swept the front, directly blasting out a huge passage, pieces of gravel were blown away by the wind, and a large amount of smoke and dust covered the space.

"Boss Kaido!!"

Jack's eyes widened, his face full of scars and blood, and said in surprise.

"It's embarrassing! Jack!"

Looking at the seriously injured Jack, Kaido said flatly, as if he didn't care, but his eyes were extremely cold, flashing with a strong cold light.

Jack is his subordinate no matter what, he is the most loyal to him at present, and the first subordinate to surrender, and he still attaches great importance to Kaido.

Now that Jack was beaten and seriously injured, although Kaido's own calculations were included, it still made Kaido extremely unhappy. How could his subordinates let others bully him for nothing?

"Sorry! Boss Kaido, the other party is too powerful!"

With a wry smile, Jack 11 reluctantly said, this is the first time he has been completely crushed apart from facing Kaido, and he can't even hurt the opponent, which really blows Jack a bit.

"That's why you're too weak, Jack!"

"If you can be stronger and develop the mammoth fruit to awakening, even if you can't beat the opponent, you won't be so embarrassed!"

Speaking softly, Kaido looked at Zefa who appeared not far away, his eyes were cold and shone with an amazing cold light.

"Am I right? Former General Zefa!"

In the original book, Jack had the mammoth fruit and developed it to the depths, but he was able to fight with the two dukes of cats and dogs for five days and five nights, and he was able to lead the fleet to attack Sengoku and Fujitora. , this kind of terrifying vitality is no worse than monster-level powerhouses.

"Yes, if he can awaken the fruit ability, it will indeed be difficult to deal with!"

Nodding his head, Zefa did not deny it. Just the current Jack, in a desperate state, can pass the other two lieutenant-level powerhouses and stop him for half an hour. If he awakens the ancient species, his strength will be improved to close to that. The level of a general is definitely a difficult opponent.

"You are Kaido?!"

After a pause, Zefa asked again.

"Not bad!"

"So, Kuzan and Sakaski are also in your hands?!"

Kaido still nodded, he didn't deny it, and there was no need to deny it. Anyway, next, the former general Zefa would also become his "prop", a tool used to threaten the world government.

"Aren't you in O'Hara? Why did you suddenly appear here?"

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