Frowning, Zefa was a little puzzled. According to the information from the Navy headquarters, Kaido should have destroyed the demon slaughtering order. He was in O'Hara at this time. How could he suddenly appear in the capital of seven waters, which is thousands of miles away.

"You don't need to know, besides, you hurt my subordinates!"

Looking at Zefa indifferently, Kaido stretched out his right hand and said coldly.

"Next, you have to be prepared to pay the price!"

"Oh, if you can do it, come on!"

Zefa's eyes were cold, with an extremely fierce momentum, he said calmly.

"Since you're here, there's no need for so much trouble, just get rid of you here!"

He clenched his fist, and the jet-black armed color covered his domineering, as if covered with black armor, Zefa's eyes were indifferent, and in the next second, his figure rushed out, stepping on the ground, and his jet-black fist cut through the atmosphere, as if It burns like a fire, and it blasts over with red flames.


Raising a tyrannical smile, Kaido clenched his fist with his right hand, without giving in at all, and slammed it directly.


A deafening astonishing roar sounded instantly, and a huge air wave swept out, blowing all the gravel around dozens of meters away, and a large amount of smoke and dust filled the entire venue.


The earth cracked open in an instant, and thick cracks continued to spread out, covering dozens of meters around like a spider web.

"Ugh, cough, cough..."

Jack, who was not far away, coughed wildly, and quickly stood up with some difficulty, and quickly moved away from the place to avoid being affected.

"Bang, bang, bang..."

Huge roars continued to sound, and in the dust-filled earth, two figures were fighting fiercely together. Their bodies were like electricity, and their violent fists kept banging against each other, shaking the atmosphere, causing waves of air, sweeping the earth.

"Whoa, whoa..."

The two figures suddenly separated and fell into the ground. Zefa kicked wildly with his right foot, and the flaming slashes kept kicking out, cutting through the atmosphere and slashing towards Kaido.


With a cold snort, Kaido didn't dodge or evade, and his figure stepped on the atmosphere, rushing down, and the flaming slashes slashed on him. He could only cut open the clothes, and couldn't leave any scars on his body, which made people unable to help. Horrified.


Zefa's color changed slightly, but he was not too shocked. After all, he had also read the information about Kaido provided by Polsalino, and it was terrifying that Kaido was also unscathed by the full attack of the two veteran lieutenants. Defensive power has also been highlighted.

Therefore, Zefa was surprised, but not too shocked, but clenched his fists with both hands, went up to meet him, and slammed together towards Kaido who came from the air.

533 "Bang!!!"

A ring of air visible to the naked eye swept through, and the ground kept cracking at an exaggerated speed. The ground for hundreds of meters was shaking slightly, trembling for the battle between the two monsters.

"Bang, bang... bang bang bang..."

The terrifying battle was still going on. The two figures slammed into each other like lightning. The sound of the collision that shook the atmosphere kept ringing. Large pieces of debris were rolled into the air, and then blown out far away.

The earth kept tearing apart, and there were signs of collapse, obviously it was already a bit unbearable for the two of them to fight.

"Is this your reliance, Jack?"

On the other side, Fan, who was rescued by Jack from the ruins, looked at Kaido and Zefa in the fierce battle and couldn't help sighing, he never thought that Kaido, who was far away in O'Hara, would appear here.

"I wonder if Lord Kaido can defeat that monster?"

Next to him, Horton, who was grinning and looking a little in pain, looked at the two people in the battle and asked uncertainly.

Although he also knew that Kaido's strength was very terrifying, the shadow that Zefa gave him was a bit big, and Horton, who was crushed all the way, was extremely jealous of Zefa.

"Master Kaido is bound to win, your worries are unnecessary!"

Jack said lightly, confident in Kaido's strength as always. .

Chapter [-]: Full power, Kaido like a demon

ps: The fifth update is at night, please subscribe! _(:з」∠)_

"Boom, boom, boom..."

Huge roars continued to sound, and the terrifying battle continued. Every time the two top powerhouses collided, they could lift up large pieces of gravel, shatter the ground, and the sound of the collision was deafening, making people want to cover their ears, unbearable.

On the far other side, Escuba and the others, tremblingly hid in the corner, secretly observing the two of them

"Guru, Escuela, they are too exaggerated, are they really human?"

A boatman swallowed his saliva and covered his ears tightly with his hands. He looked at the two people who were shattering in disbelief, and his tone was extremely horrified.

"There is no doubt, but they are too exaggerated!"

With a wry smile, Escuela said helplessly.

"However, if they continue to fight, not only the entire Western District, but also the Seven Waters City will not know if they can withstand the battle between these two monsters."

Having said that, Esguba looked worried and looked at the two people who were fighting fiercely. Esguba knew that his worries were not impossible. According to their situation, it was really possible to destroy the Seven Waters.


"Bang, bang, bang..."

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