One Piece Legendary Family

Chapter 259 Trust is mutual

Charlotte looked at the two people in front of her in surprise, which was really unexpected.

"Hey! Don't you recognize me? Charlotte."

Faced with the inquiry, Charlotte also spoke frankly, "It's a bit surprising, I didn't expect to see you again, Qiqiya, Dassok!"

"I thought you died in the Battle of Edvor?"

This is Charlotte's true thoughts. After all, he has disappeared for so long without any news. Normal thinking would indeed be like this.

"Bah, bah!!!! Charlotte, can you speak? How can you curse someone to death?"

Qiqiya stared, teeth grinding secretly, quite dissatisfied with Charlotte's words.

How can one raise death? What an unlucky thing.

"I didn't, so don't talk nonsense."

Charlotte quickly denied it. He just speculated that there was a curse there!

This woman is just as annoying as before, and her mouth is unforgiving.

Then Charlotte's tone changed and she felt a little emotional.

"But I was extremely lucky to have survived in such a dangerous battle."

Listening to Charlotte's words, Qiqiya's face fell. She was full of sadness when she talked about this matter. The memory was too sad.

"If the two of us hadn't been washed up on a desert island, how could we still be alive?"

Qiqiya's tone was full of regret, that terrible storm and natural disaster was a lifelong nightmare.

Just thinking about that scene makes people shudder.

Charlotte looked at Qiqiya and Dassok with some emotion. It was God's blessing to be able to survive.

It's really rare.

Golden Lion Shiji is dead. It's quite strange that he doesn't have the slightest hatred for this woman who once made him gnash his teeth at this moment.

"What are your plans?"

After listening to Charlotte's inquiry, Qiqiya immediately changed her melancholy, and her face changed so quickly that she was stunned.

"When we heard that you actually killed the Golden Lion, we were shocked. It's incredible."

Forehead? ? ?


"Haha! It's all luck, luck."

Qiqiya suddenly came over.

Charlotte was a little embarrassed for a moment when Qiqiya suddenly approached her. This woman had always been like this, always thinking out loud.


Qiqiya looked suspicious. Ever since they left the desert island, the discussion on the sea about the battle between the Silberfeller family and the Sky Pirates had been very intense.

It made her ears tingle.

And as one of the core members of Golden Lion Shiji, she was very aware of Golden Lion Shiji's powerful strength, which made her despair.

To think that she was able to survive and become the confidant of Golden Lion Shiji, she really went through countless hardships.

It was a really sad time.

Charlotte was a little confused. Speaking of Golden Lion Shiji as her captain, Qiqiya's attitude was a bit gloating?

Not quite right!

"Why do I feel that Shi Ji is dead and you are so happy?"

Charlotte spoke with some uncertainty and started to test.

"Of course, Shiji, it's so scary. If it weren't for my worth, how could I still survive? That's a moody guy. You don't understand. It's scary."

Qiqiya's answer was beyond Charlotte's expectation.

I have to admit that Golden Lion Shiji is very powerful personally, but he is indeed a bit of an idiot when it comes to handling relationships with his subordinates.

In addition to luck, this may be one of the reasons why Golden Lion Shiji failed to succeed!

Of course, it is more likely that the lion is unwilling to lower his proud head and listen to the weak thoughts of the weak chicken!

"Hey, Charlotte, Dassok and I are ready to join you, how about it?"

Charlotte hesitated at the sudden words. To be honest, he was just asking casually. Qiqiya was so careless, which was somewhat suspicious.

"Hey, what do you mean? Do you doubt me? Do you know that I said a lot of good things for you back then? Otherwise, do you think you can live quietly on Lati Island?"

Qiqiya crossed her arms across her chest with a look of embarrassment on her face.

Charlotte didn't pay attention to Qiqiya's expression. Instead, she was frightened by the astonishing curvature of her chest being squeezed. It was so exciting!

Qiqiya was a little surprised at the silent Charlotte, and said a little uneasily, "Hey, Charlotte, you can't be so unkind to me!"

"Ah, oh! Ahem... No problem, you are welcome to join."

Charlotte, who was interrupted, spoke with a guilty conscience. Just now he had been guessing how old Qiqiya was, and he was a little distracted for a moment.

After hearing Charlotte's reply, Qiqiya smiled sweetly and was not aware of Charlotte's unusual behavior just now.

The Silberfeller family needs to continue to grow, and the more manpower the better, and this woman is a good person in intelligence.

Coupled with the fact that he and Dassok have a good temperament, the Silberfeller family will also have a third real swordsman. There is no doubt that he has earned it.

Invisibly, the Heberfeller family continues to grow. The Heberfeller family will need to face more enemies and face greater tests in the future.

At the very least, the overall strength of the Silberfeller family should not be weaker than that of the Navy!

This is a small goal!

"By the way, Chichia, I need you to help me convince that Indygo."

This guy has been caught since the complete destruction of Golden Lion Shiji, but he seems to still have some backbone and is unwilling to surrender.

Charlotte spoke calmly, he always has the utmost patience for special talents. Indigo's medical skills are very good and the [IQ] medicine he researched is of high value and can improve the combat effectiveness of beasts.

This is still very valuable to the role of the Heberfeller Family Animal Legion, and he believes that with the support of the Heberfeller Family's strong funds and resources.

The value of Indygo will be further strengthened, just like the original "World Destroyer" Bundy Wald's crew member Naqin brought huge benefits to the Hiberfield family.

You can never have too many talents. Of course, if you really can't do it, you can only reluctantly send them away. It is not advisable to let hateful enemies go.

"Okay, I'll do my best."

Qiqiya agreed without hesitation, and the moment she shrugged her shoulders, her chest surged.

Charlotte was slightly surprised. Just agree. What do you mean by this nonsense?

I really don’t know how to be elegant, steady, and restrained...

Qiqiya was thinking frantically in her mind about what to do next?

This can be regarded as the first task she got. She likes this kind of rebellion, it is her specialty, and she has to show Charlotte what she is capable of.

She, Qiqiya, was once the core member of the Flying Pirates! She is not a woman with big breasts and no brains.

After asking Ivan to arrange the two of them, Charlotte sat quietly on the sofa and looked up at the ceiling.

In this battle, he can be regarded as inheriting almost all the inheritance of Golden Lion Shiji!

Whether it's reputation or his weapons...

The Hiberfield family really rose up on the corpse of the golden lion Shiki.

"Charlotte, do you really trust that woman?"

Lina couldn't help but speak out. After all, judging from the past, Charlotte didn't like this woman at all?

" should I put it? Her emotions can't fool me."

Charlotte spoke calmly, and the feeling of relief was very strong. It could be said that the other party had always been afraid of Golden Lion Shiji deep in his heart.

This relationship is more like a tool that can be abandoned at any time than a mutually trusting partner through life and death.

The loss of trust in people's hearts is a terrible disaster.

As for Dassok, that guy is just a swordsman, so he doesn't have that much thought.

However, Qiqiya can be observed and observed. If she works hard to work for the Silberfeller family with peace of mind, Charlotte still has a lot of devil fruits in her hands, which can definitely help her improve her strength.

Trust is mutual.

Lina listened to Charlotte's answer without any rebuttal. Charlotte had always been measured in this kind of thing.

Then he mentioned another matter.

"Charlotte, there is news from the science laboratory that Caesar Courant's research seems to have made considerable progress."

Caesar Courant?

"Yes, it is said that the experiment on artificial devil fruits has achieved important results."

Charlotte nodded. It seemed that this guy was indeed useful and behaved very well.

Not a bad start.

"Let's go! Go take a look!"

Xia Luo stood up and spoke calmly. Xia Luo had always been very concerned about improving the family's strength.

Not long after, the two left the office and headed straight to the Silberfeller Family Science Laboratory.

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