One Piece: Luffy's Big Brother.
Chapter 78 - 78: Let's wreck this altar.
They arrived in front of a weird looking building shaped like a mouse's head.
It was currently guarded by two Navy soldiers...
...Well "guarded" was a big word, they were playing cards while they guarded the place when they saw the groups arriving from far away before standing up to stand in front of the said door.
Seeing this, one of them asked his friend with a murmure. "Oy what the-... who are they ? I don't recognize any of them at all." Soldier A said a bit taken aback.
"Well the captain is currently enjoying his massage they will have to wait I guess..." Soldier B said to his buddy.
"Are you sure though, the guy in front seem to be quite high ranked, while we are only seamen at most..."
"Maybe but don't worry, we have the captain to back us up ! After all he has a lot of money and relation throughout East-blue..." Soldier B replied trying to encourage him.
"Is the captain Nezumi here ?" He asked indifferently to the two.
"Yes... but whoever you are you will have to wait outside..." Soldier B saw from afar that Edam was clearly younger than what he seems, and so became the bravest soldier of East Blue at that specific moment as he opened his mouth to speak.
But the only response for him was a cold and dry.
"What-... You...!" Soldier wanted to burst out in anger but...
When he lifted his head to take a clear look at who he was talking to, only a pair of frosty pale-golden eyes entered his sight.
The soldier felt his spine freeze as if he took a cold shower during a night of winter... even he who never came across snow before felt his heart going cold and nearly stop functioning.
The boy that he saw from afar was no more, in his stead what seem to be a block of solid and cold rock replaced it... rock that could crush him 3470 times over again and again with ease.
"I said, move..." Edam repeated the same sentence with the same tone not changing an iota.
"Eek...!" Without any apparent reasons he fell on his bottom without realizing it.
Even his friend at the side fell on his bottom without reasons or so with panic and fear written all over their faces.
Edam then passed the two of them unhurriedly throwing by the way a cold glance at the both of them, paralyzing them with fear as he pushed open the door entering the building.
And he entered the rat building while the others were waiting outside.
"Aiyah... Edam seemed to be quite pissed off isn't it ?" Leo asked Zaz with an uncaring voice.
"Hmm... Indeed..." Zaz smiled wrily.
Donny mumbled for all to hear. "Do you think he will...?"
"I guess..." Zaz replied to his question without him finishing it.
Mickey laughed wrily. "Edam is quite scary when angered."
Raffe "..." He didn't say anything but just watched.
Kuina "..."
Meanwhile, Shion, Nekoe, and Inue were curious about their words, wondering about this and that as they wait for a minute or two...
'What are they talking about...'
And as if to responded to it...
BOOM !!!!
One wall of the building was blasted to smithereens as the silouhette of a near nude human was seen flying in the air with a pitiful "Buhuuu!!!" crying sound coming out of his mouth among the equally flying rubble and dust to crashing a few meters away.
Rumble! Crash!
Zaz smacked his forehead, Leo nearly burst in laughters, Raffe didn't care that much, Mickey smiled wrily again while the other three were surprised.
"..." soldier A and soldier B's eyes along with Genzo's were wide opened in shock.
*A minute ago or so inside*
Edam walked inside the building filled with people who didn't care about him, to reach a room in which he found three persons.
One was lying on a massage table, while two women massaged the guy.
When Edam saw the guy he asked.
"Are you the Captain Nezumi ?"
"Huh ?" The guy woke up from his nap and shouted. "Hum ? Who the hell are you ?" but then he snap out of his revery and said.
"Ah, Chi chi chi, I know you want a job is it ?" He said rubbing his eyes having not taken a clear look at his interlocutor as he stood up.
However when he actually took a clear look at who it was he exclaimed. "Hah ? Who are you...?"
To which Edam replied. "Can we speak outside ?" He showed the door with his finger.
"Hah ? I'm busy I have a few thing to do so go and wait outside..." He of course saw that the youngster had the rank of captain just like him and wanted to delayed things for a moment to find who the boy could be, after that could be a scam but...
"So you're busy huh..." The young man looked at the massage table and then at the Nezumi guy, his gaze becoming darker...
"Yes really busy chi chi chi so-..." But before he could actually finish his sentence...
"Cough, cough, cough ! You ! Do-... Do you even know who I am ?!" Sure enough this was the infamous Captain Nezumi who coughed out hard and tried to get up but...
"Of course I know who you are, you're a guy who has the same rank as me... nothing more, nothing less."
From the crumbling building, Edam's figure slowly came out as he slowly walked up to the dude of a moment ago and said.
"Now that you're out, reply to my questions..." With that said he put one of his leg on the guy ċhėst as he looked at him from above restraining him from moving.
Thanks to the huge commotion, a lot of Nezumi soldiers came out to see what happened, and obviously when they saw their captain being step on by someone, they reacted and shouted in unisson.
"You ! Stop immediately-..."
But before they could get close to Edam, the entire crew were already blocking their paths.
Raffe was the most intimidating, with his huge hammer on his shoulders, you just didn't want to anger him.
Edam just took a glance at them before redirecting his attention on the rat.
"I will not pass through four paths, I'm busy too, so speak..."
"Gah ! St-... Stop... I-... I can't breath..." Nezumi struggled like a rat on the verge of death.
"I'm not even putting any force in it, but if you want though..." Edam said as increased the pressure on the guy's ċhėst.
"Ahhh ! Alright, alright I will speak but stop !" Nezumi shouted out.
"They-... they are called the Devil's worshipper and make sacrifice in the name of the God Slayer !"
"You're not teaching me anything new right now..." Edam said as he increased the pressure again. "Spout out everything you know, quick..."
"Ghahhh, You-... you're killing me ! You will be severly sanctioned if you kill me !"
"Yeah I guess I will be... but if it's to get rid of someone like you, why not ?" Edam smiled at him, but it was clearly but a bloodthirsty smile in Nezumi's eyes.
"You..." Now Nezumi finally began to feel fear rising. "You-... you won't dare... would you...?"
"You'd be surprise..." Edam replied drily with an indifferent face, he was clearly taking every of his words seriously.
"Eek !" Fearing for his life, Nezumi made a strange sound and blurted out everything, from how he was bribed by that sect, how he oppressed the villagers and much more.
When he finished his confession the guy fell unconscious as Edam removed his leg from his ċhėst.
"Did you record it ?" Edam asked seemingly to no one.
"Yup, it's in the box..." Zaz who was near him said as he took out from behind him a small device.
"Good... Let's move out..." Edam said and took a map out with various drawing on it showcasing some places. "The hostages are the priority right now..."
"Oh right..." Remembering something he looked at Genzo and spoke. "You don't need to follow us, I don't know what will happen but it may get a bit dangerous..." Edam said before turning to his comrades.
"Alright let's go !"
And they were gone for a small walk again to arrived to the beginning of a small forest.
Far away already, that is to say, five hundred of meters away or so, they could see a black smoke rising in the air while weird chants echoed out in sync with the sound of drums.
"Whoa... what a bunch of weirdo..." Nekoe said flabestered by their strange religion.
"Yes... that's true... but worse... what about their leader right...?" Inue said with a worried look.
"No worse... what about their "God" ?" Shion said even more worried.
Edam "..."
"I bet he drink humans blood." Nekoe said feeling like puking.
'Hey, hey hey don't put this etiquette on me, I'm not a vampire okay ?!'
"And, and he eat human flesh !" Shion frightened said with weird gestures.
'Ew, I never had and will never taste okay ?'
"Do you think he eat their bones too ?" Inue asked innocently.
Edam "..."
' and your ancestors are the only one who eat bones alright...? At worst mine eat bananas...'
"Pfff..." Zaz wanted to laugh so bad and tried to hold it in but. "Hahaha..."
Edam glared at him and mentaly grit his teeths.... 'Stop laughing, you ȧssh*ole of a friend...'
"Alright, stop your useless hypothesis and let's stop this weird sect already..." Edam couldn't take it anymore and stopped this massacre..
"Oh as expected of our captain, we should even go and arrest this God Slayer..." Shion said with justice burning in his eyes.
"Yeah right, we should throw him in jail... creating such an evil sect, despicable..." Nekoe said with hate in her heart.
"I say, we should beat him up a bit too !" Inue said passionately.
Zaz was dying in laughter nearby... 'Dumbass.'
Anyway, after jokes and things were told, Edam then looked at the far away distance.
Let's search the hostages first, [Spiritual perception !]" His eyes lit up and his vision instantly seemed to expand forward as he saw twenty aura at the altar place flickering and shining brightly with some faint outlines, while three aura were shining more fervently than the others showing their strenghts.
There were also few people who were watching out for any intruders.
(A/N: If you have played DB kakarot, it's something like that...)
The hostages not being there yet, he then searched for them, looking for a cave or something as he focused even more and his vision equally expanded as a result.
After a few minutes he finally found the aura of even more people kept hidden in a cave but...
There was something weird... The thing is...
....There was way, way too much people...! About a hundred or so, nearly stuck together like sausages or pigs waiting to be slaughtered.
'What a bother, it's not only people from this island that were kidnapped...'
Guarding the place were five persons...
Retracting his spiritual perception, Edam then established a quick plan in his head before turning to his comrades.
"Alright, there is a small change in plan, the ennemy have a hundred or so of hostages which are heavily guarded..."
"And they are guarded by five rather strong persons..." Edam said as everyone kept silence while he continued.
"So to make sure everything goes as planned, Mickey, Donny, Shion, Nekoe, you will save the hostages, Nekoe you will cover them... If something happened shoot a luminous arrow in the air..."
"Roger !" The four said and then "swish" they were gone.
Edam then turned toward the others being Zaz, Leo, Raffe and of course the sole female swordman...
"As for us..." He smiled. "Let's wreck this altar shall we ?"
Yohohoho, here for you, I was in a good mood and thought that I should write something. ????
They arrived in front of a weird looking building shaped like a mouse's head.
It was currently guarded by two Navy soldiers...
...Well "guarded" was a big word, they were playing cards while they guarded the place when they saw the groups arriving from far away before standing up to stand in front of the said door.
Seeing this, one of them asked his friend with a murmure. "Oy what the-... who are they ? I don't recognize any of them at all." Soldier A said a bit taken aback.
"Well the captain is currently enjoying his massage they will have to wait I guess..." Soldier B said to his buddy.
"Are you sure though, the guy in front seem to be quite high ranked, while we are only seamen at most..."
"Maybe but don't worry, we have the captain to back us up ! After all he has a lot of money and relation throughout East-blue..." Soldier B replied trying to encourage him.
"Is the captain Nezumi here ?" He asked indifferently to the two.
"Yes... but whoever you are you will have to wait outside..." Soldier B saw from afar that Edam was clearly younger than what he seems, and so became the bravest soldier of East Blue at that specific moment as he opened his mouth to speak.
But the only response for him was a cold and dry.
"What-... You...!" Soldier wanted to burst out in anger but...
When he lifted his head to take a clear look at who he was talking to, only a pair of frosty pale-golden eyes entered his sight.
The soldier felt his spine freeze as if he took a cold shower during a night of winter... even he who never came across snow before felt his heart going cold and nearly stop functioning.
The boy that he saw from afar was no more, in his stead what seem to be a block of solid and cold rock replaced it... rock that could crush him 3470 times over again and again with ease.
"I said, move..." Edam repeated the same sentence with the same tone not changing an iota.
"Eek...!" Without any apparent reasons he fell on his bottom without realizing it.
Even his friend at the side fell on his bottom without reasons or so with panic and fear written all over their faces.
Edam then passed the two of them unhurriedly throwing by the way a cold glance at the both of them, paralyzing them with fear as he pushed open the door entering the building.
And he entered the rat building while the others were waiting outside.
"Aiyah... Edam seemed to be quite pissed off isn't it ?" Leo asked Zaz with an uncaring voice.
"Hmm... Indeed..." Zaz smiled wrily.
Donny mumbled for all to hear. "Do you think he will...?"
"I guess..." Zaz replied to his question without him finishing it.
Mickey laughed wrily. "Edam is quite scary when angered."
Raffe "..." He didn't say anything but just watched.
Kuina "..."
Meanwhile, Shion, Nekoe, and Inue were curious about their words, wondering about this and that as they wait for a minute or two...
'What are they talking about...'
And as if to responded to it...
BOOM !!!!
One wall of the building was blasted to smithereens as the silouhette of a near nude human was seen flying in the air with a pitiful "Buhuuu!!!" crying sound coming out of his mouth among the equally flying rubble and dust to crashing a few meters away.
Rumble! Crash!
Zaz smacked his forehead, Leo nearly burst in laughters, Raffe didn't care that much, Mickey smiled wrily again while the other three were surprised.
"..." soldier A and soldier B's eyes along with Genzo's were wide opened in shock.
*A minute ago or so inside*
Edam walked inside the building filled with people who didn't care about him, to reach a room in which he found three persons.
One was lying on a massage table, while two women massaged the guy.
When Edam saw the guy he asked.
"Are you the Captain Nezumi ?"
"Huh ?" The guy woke up from his nap and shouted. "Hum ? Who the hell are you ?" but then he snap out of his revery and said.
"Ah, Chi chi chi, I know you want a job is it ?" He said rubbing his eyes having not taken a clear look at his interlocutor as he stood up.
However when he actually took a clear look at who it was he exclaimed. "Hah ? Who are you...?"
To which Edam replied. "Can we speak outside ?" He showed the door with his finger.
"Hah ? I'm busy I have a few thing to do so go and wait outside..." He of course saw that the youngster had the rank of captain just like him and wanted to delayed things for a moment to find who the boy could be, after that could be a scam but...
"So you're busy huh..." The young man looked at the massage table and then at the Nezumi guy, his gaze becoming darker...
"Yes really busy chi chi chi so-..." But before he could actually finish his sentence...
"Cough, cough, cough ! You ! Do-... Do you even know who I am ?!" Sure enough this was the infamous Captain Nezumi who coughed out hard and tried to get up but...
"Of course I know who you are, you're a guy who has the same rank as me... nothing more, nothing less."
From the crumbling building, Edam's figure slowly came out as he slowly walked up to the dude of a moment ago and said.
"Now that you're out, reply to my questions..." With that said he put one of his leg on the guy ċhėst as he looked at him from above restraining him from moving.
Thanks to the huge commotion, a lot of Nezumi soldiers came out to see what happened, and obviously when they saw their captain being step on by someone, they reacted and shouted in unisson.
"You ! Stop immediately-..."
But before they could get close to Edam, the entire crew were already blocking their paths.
Raffe was the most intimidating, with his huge hammer on his shoulders, you just didn't want to anger him.
Edam just took a glance at them before redirecting his attention on the rat.
"I will not pass through four paths, I'm busy too, so speak..."
"Gah ! St-... Stop... I-... I can't breath..." Nezumi struggled like a rat on the verge of death.
"I'm not even putting any force in it, but if you want though..." Edam said as increased the pressure on the guy's ċhėst.
"Ahhh ! Alright, alright I will speak but stop !" Nezumi shouted out.
"They-... they are called the Devil's worshipper and make sacrifice in the name of the God Slayer !"
"You're not teaching me anything new right now..." Edam said as he increased the pressure again. "Spout out everything you know, quick..."
"Ghahhh, You-... you're killing me ! You will be severly sanctioned if you kill me !"
"Yeah I guess I will be... but if it's to get rid of someone like you, why not ?" Edam smiled at him, but it was clearly but a bloodthirsty smile in Nezumi's eyes.
"You..." Now Nezumi finally began to feel fear rising. "You-... you won't dare... would you...?"
"You'd be surprise..." Edam replied drily with an indifferent face, he was clearly taking every of his words seriously.
"Eek !" Fearing for his life, Nezumi made a strange sound and blurted out everything, from how he was bribed by that sect, how he oppressed the villagers and much more.
When he finished his confession the guy fell unconscious as Edam removed his leg from his ċhėst.
"Did you record it ?" Edam asked seemingly to no one.
"Yup, it's in the box..." Zaz who was near him said as he took out from behind him a small device.
"Good... Let's move out..." Edam said and took a map out with various drawing on it showcasing some places. "The hostages are the priority right now..."
"Oh right..." Remembering something he looked at Genzo and spoke. "You don't need to follow us, I don't know what will happen but it may get a bit dangerous..." Edam said before turning to his comrades.
"Alright let's go !"
And they were gone for a small walk again to arrived to the beginning of a small forest.
Far away already, that is to say, five hundred of meters away or so, they could see a black smoke rising in the air while weird chants echoed out in sync with the sound of drums.
"Whoa... what a bunch of weirdo..." Nekoe said flabestered by their strange religion.
"Yes... that's true... but worse... what about their leader right...?" Inue said with a worried look.
"No worse... what about their "God" ?" Shion said even more worried.
Edam "..."
"I bet he drink humans blood." Nekoe said feeling like puking.
'Hey, hey hey don't put this etiquette on me, I'm not a vampire okay ?!'
"And, and he eat human flesh !" Shion frightened said with weird gestures.
'Ew, I never had and will never taste okay ?'
"Do you think he eat their bones too ?" Inue asked innocently.
Edam "..."
' and your ancestors are the only one who eat bones alright...? At worst mine eat bananas...'
"Pfff..." Zaz wanted to laugh so bad and tried to hold it in but. "Hahaha..."
Edam glared at him and mentaly grit his teeths.... 'Stop laughing, you ȧssh*ole of a friend...'
"Alright, stop your useless hypothesis and let's stop this weird sect already..." Edam couldn't take it anymore and stopped this massacre..
"Oh as expected of our captain, we should even go and arrest this God Slayer..." Shion said with justice burning in his eyes.
"Yeah right, we should throw him in jail... creating such an evil sect, despicable..." Nekoe said with hate in her heart.
"I say, we should beat him up a bit too !" Inue said passionately.
Zaz was dying in laughter nearby... 'Dumbass.'
Anyway, after jokes and things were told, Edam then looked at the far away distance.
Let's search the hostages first, [Spiritual perception !]" His eyes lit up and his vision instantly seemed to expand forward as he saw twenty aura at the altar place flickering and shining brightly with some faint outlines, while three aura were shining more fervently than the others showing their strenghts.
There were also few people who were watching out for any intruders.
(A/N: If you have played DB kakarot, it's something like that...)
The hostages not being there yet, he then searched for them, looking for a cave or something as he focused even more and his vision equally expanded as a result.
After a few minutes he finally found the aura of even more people kept hidden in a cave but...
There was something weird... The thing is...
....There was way, way too much people...! About a hundred or so, nearly stuck together like sausages or pigs waiting to be slaughtered.
'What a bother, it's not only people from this island that were kidnapped...'
Guarding the place were five persons...
Retracting his spiritual perception, Edam then established a quick plan in his head before turning to his comrades.
"Alright, there is a small change in plan, the ennemy have a hundred or so of hostages which are heavily guarded..."
"And they are guarded by five rather strong persons..." Edam said as everyone kept silence while he continued.
"So to make sure everything goes as planned, Mickey, Donny, Shion, Nekoe, you will save the hostages, Nekoe you will cover them... If something happened shoot a luminous arrow in the air..."
"Roger !" The four said and then "swish" they were gone.
Edam then turned toward the others being Zaz, Leo, Raffe and of course the sole female swordman...
"As for us..." He smiled. "Let's wreck this altar shall we ?"
Yohohoho, here for you, I was in a good mood and thought that I should write something. ????
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